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Wednesday 26 March 2025
  VW and SEN

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Virtual Worlds for the Blind
Virtual Worlds for the Blind
IBM has recently (Jan09) announced an interface for Second Life for the blind.
The system runs in Firefox (supposedly - I couldn't make it work) and presents standardised buttons for core functions (also accessible by hot keys) and a textual interface that is designed to work smoothly with screen readers.
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Accessibility in the Metaverse?
Accessibility in the Metaverse?
Efforts in Section 508 Compliance in Second Life
Let's discuss the various efforts underway to make the metaverse, in this case - Second Life, accessible to most.
I'm not talking accessible to "furries" or mythical creatures, but "RL" (real life) humans with dissabilities. If you are a U.S. government agency or contractor exploring these new platforms, you'll want to follow the progress of these efforts. Do you use assistive technology and want to explore Second Life and similar platforms? If so, these efforts need your input and involvement in the spirit of "nothing about us without us."
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2nDisability ... FEZ Rutherford about creating and living a real virtual (~online) disability
This is an EXCELLENT Blog about disabilities and Second Life.
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HealthInfo Island in Second Life
HealthInfo Island in Second Life
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Virtual Reality in Special Needs in Early Educ.
Virtual Reality in Special Needs Early Education
The International Journal of Virtual Reality, 2006, 5(4):55-68
Abstract—During recent decades there has been an observable development in the social state of so-termed disabled people. With the WHO’s definition on the concepts of handicap, impairment and disability and the light cast on society’s responsibility towards their impaired members a radical change started.
The overwhelming technological development of the late 20th century has inserted a new dimension into the debate [1]. In the 21st century when almost everybody uses computers it would be better to refer to disabled people as special needs users, since they have the same rights as healthy people to learn, work, and have fun using computer generated virtual environments.
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Virtual Worlds and SEN (paper 1998)
Virtual Environments Special Needs and Evaluative Methods
This paper presents an overview of the development of the Learning in Virtual Environments programme (LIVE), carried out in special education over the last four years. It is more precisely a project chronology, so that the reader can sense the historical development of the programme rather than giving emphasis to any one particular feature or breakthrough, which are covered in other papers and available through the authors. The project conception in a special school in Nottingham is followed by a description of the development of experiential and communicational virtual learning environments.
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