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Friday 14 March 2025
  Polls/Voting Booths

Quizizz allows you to create and play awesome multiplayer quiz games, both in class and at home.
The Quizizz editor makes it super-easy to create great quizzes in no time.
While your students are having a blast, you are provided with detailed class and student-level data.
Find amazing quizzes made by other teachers, or create your own quizzes and share them with the world!
Start a "Live" game in class, or assign Quizizz as a fun "Homework" task. You control the competition by toggling the leaderboard, timer and other settings.
Students play together, but each at their own pace. Gamfication elements like avatars, leaderboard and funny memes add to the fun! Review your work in the end.
It is completely free to use.

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GoSoapBox is a web-based clicker tool used by educators around the world to keep students engaged and gain real-time insight into student comprehension.
"GoSoapBox is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive student response system for educators to use in their classrooms. Leveraging web-enabled devices, teachers digitally engage students to conduct formative assessment and gain insight into student comprehension that was never before possible."
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AnswerGarden : a minimalistic feedback tool
AnswerGarden is a minimalistic feedback tool. Use it in the classroom as an educational tool or at work as a creative brainstorming tool. Post it in a tweet or you can embed it on your website or blog to use it as a poll or guestbook.
You create an AnswerGarden by entering a topic on the Create New AnswerGarden-page.
As your AnswerGarden draws attention people will start posting their answers to your question, either by entering their own answers or by clicking on and submitting existing answers. These are then represented in your AnswerGarden in the form of a growing word cloud.

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Create and play quizzes, discussions or even surveys (which we call Kahoots) using any device with a web browser… including a laptop, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Android, Chromebook, Windows Phone or PC and more
Through a simple 'drag & drop' creator tool (using any device), build quizzes with embedded imagery and video, based on educational content. Or, find public content to play.
Engage the room and focus attention by projecting the quiz onto the screen at the front. Without needing an account, everyone in the room quickly joins through their personal device, seeing their name appear at the front.
Answering questions in real time through an easy-to-use interface, they play against each other aiming to top the on-screen leaderboard, whilst you facilitate and discuss the content.
Formatively assess individual knowledge and adapt learning to suit!
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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ClipChoose : Create Video based Polls
ClipChoose : Create Video based Polls
It's a quick and easy way for you to compose video polls.
Now you can share and compare video clips all in one place.
Check out this example www.clipchoose.com/clipchoose/?qid=25W
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StrawPoll ... create a simple Poll ... VERY simply
In a browser on any operating system including mobile device
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Create simple polls you can easily share with your friends. No sign up required.
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Mentimeter :
Mentimeter enhances the result of any workshop or presentation and is a great tool for crucial decisions.
Do you want to take teaching to the next level? We have great examples on how to improve the classroom experience, no matter if you are teaching 9-year-olds or University students.
Vote in a web browser or use a mobile phone [SMS]
Brilliantly Simple

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Use Doodle to Make an Online Poll
Use Doodle to Make an Online Poll When Planning Group Events
Doodle is a webtool through which you can make an online poll to schedule an event or make a choice. Registration is optional and creating the polls couldn’t be any more simple
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A simple poll service.
Polls is a minimalist web service which allows you to create your own private polls in seconds. It's free, it's simple and requires no registration.
Whether you are trying to agree on a movie with your friends, a time to meet, or which coffee beans to buy for the office, Polls helps you decide. Simply set up a poll and let your friends or colleagues vote.
Wondering what everybody else is thinking about your new project, or whether your opinion on an important matter is shared by your peers? Find out with Polls.
Not Flash and so looks like it works on iDevices nicely.
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Smart Student Response System
Socrative is a smart student response system that empowers teachers by engaging their classrooms with a series of educational exercises and games. Our apps are super simple and take seconds to login. Socrative runs on tablets, smartphones, and laptops.
Teachers login through their device and select an activity which controls the flow of questions and games. Students simply login with their device and interact real time with the content.
Student responses are visually represented for multiple choice, true/false and Short Answer questions. For pre-planned activities a teacher can view reports online as a google spreadsheet or as an emailed Excel file.
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Decing is a simple and 100% free online service for arranging a Secret and Private vote.
The system is designed for small teams which should make a decision without disclosing individual participants' selections.
Our service does not require registration.
When creating a new vote you have to specify a subject the text that describes the purpose of voting, option names and the names of participants. Additionally you can set the weights for the participants, provide that options will be the participants - in this case participants cannot vote for themselves, in addition there is a possibility not just to choose one option but participants can distribute a fixed amount of Gems between options.
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"iVoted is a very simple to use poll creation site that allows teachers to collect real-time data from their students or colleagues in a variety of ways.
Answers can be texted, Tweeted, Emailed, and even entered on a web interface.
The answers can be seen collected in real-time in full-screen or windowed.
For a similar site with a more fully developed feature set, see PollEverywhere."

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You won't believe how easy we've made it. Add a free poll to your website, blog, or nearly anywhere online in just minutes!
There is no charge to create a poll. You can create free polls without signing up, or you can sign up for free access to poll management features.
To get started, simply type in a poll question and up to 30 possible answers. You can then customize your poll with your own colors, font, and settings. When you're finished we'll provide you an HTML code to paste into your website, or you can "quick post" your poll to MySpace, Facebook, WordPress and many more.
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Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere
The fastest way to create stylish real-time experiences for events using mobile devices Poll Everywhere replaces expensive proprietary audience response hardware with standard web technology.
It's the easiest way to gather live responses in any venue: conferences, presentations, classrooms, radio, tv, print — anywhere. It can help you to raise money by letting people pledge via text messaging. And because it works internationally with texting, web, or Twitter, its simplicity and flexibility are earning rave reviews.
Used at #FOTE10
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10 Google Forms for the Classroom
10 Google Forms for the Classroom
10 ideas for using Forms in the classroom
Google have brought them up front a bit as you can now create a new form from the NEW menu on your Docs home page. I have always liked the way that the data entry point (the form) and the collection location (the spreadsheet) are linked together – its a great tool and I hope to use it more throughout this year.
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YawnBuster ... classroom tools
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Use Twitter in PowerPoint ... as a voting tool (poll)
Use Twitter in PowerPoint ... as a voting tool
Try it now: How would you use Twitter as a presenter?
If people tweet and include "@poll", we'll pick it up as fast as Twitter allows.
With Poll Everywhere, you can invite people to tweet a short comment directly to your slide in real-time, while still blocking inappropriate or off-topic tweets. You can also ask multiple choice questions and watch a graph evolve as people vote.
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iPetitions ... Online petitions
iPetitions ... Online petition
iPetitions takes the power of the internet to transform society and places it in the hands of ordinary people.
With iPetitions, you don't have to be a technical whiz or corporate behemoth to get your voice heard. We give you the tools and community to create your own sophisticated online campaign.
All you have to do is write a petition in support of your cause. We help you gather support from around the world.
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With your free account from PollDaddy you can now create surveys and polls for your website, blog and social network profiles.
Find out what your visitors are thinking today. Create your surveys and polls using our custom templates or create your own. Use our in-depth reporting engine to aggregate, print and export your results.
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Go2poll is an online Free Remotely Hosted Poll Service. You can create your own multiple polls and easily plug them into your web site. Web Polls is an alternative way to increase hit rate to your site. Some features of Go2Poll are unlimited variants of answers for defined question,Unlimited polls per account, etc. You can get your own polling, voting or survey system or voting booth services by Sign Free Poll.
Add to Free Vote, Poll or Survey to your web site a Great webmaster tool is interactive polls.
Full online poll or survey creator or quizzes admin control panel to update your polls, surveys, voting booth or quizzes Get Free poll by Sign-up
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Surveys and forms area on Shambles
Also see the surveys and forms area on Shambles
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Poll Builder
The Poll Builder provides a free, simple, one-step process to create polls that you can embed in your Web pages. You can select the background color for the poll and have up to 5 possible responses.
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