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Friday 14 March 2025

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4 Things You Didn’t Know About BitTorrent
4 Things You Didn’t Know About BitTorrent
What do you think of when you hear the word “BitTorrent”? It probably depends on who you are. If you’re an average Internet user, you think of free stuff. If you’re the president of a large multimedia corporation you think of pirates, grabbing your goodies without paying
What you might not realize is that BitTorrent is perfectly, 100 per cent legal – world wide.
Bittorrent Doesn’t Spread Illegal Files… … people do.
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Torrenting using just an iPad
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Visuals from Shamblesguru's Torrenting workshop
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TorrentFreak [Blog]
TorrentFreak [Blog] ... The place where breaking news, BitTorrent and copyright collide.
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BitTorrent Explained by Common Craft
BitTorrent Explained by Common Craft
BitTorrent is one of the most-used, but least understood technologies on the web. This video explains how it enables the fastest file downloads from the Internet.
This video teaches the basics of how BitTorrent's technology works to make downloads faster when more people are involved. It includes points on:
How files are shared on the web and what makes BitTorrent different
The BitTorrent application and how it's used How trackers, peers and hosts work together to deliver "pieces" of files
How anyone can use BitTorrent to share or download files
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The Vuze Wiki (User Guide)
The Vuze Wiki
Welcome to the Azureus (Vuze) User Guide! It provides documentation and explanations about Azureus' functionality to help users find their way through the jungle.
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50+ New Tools for Torrenting
50+ New Tools for Torrenting
Torrent sites are most often associated with illegal downloads of software, music, and movies. But there are plenty of legitimate uses for torrent and P2P networks, including distribution of media files by their creators.
We did a post back in 2007 covering more than 50 torrenting tools with legitimate uses. Here’s an updated list with another 50+ resources.
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BitTorrent client
BitTorrent client
Using your BitTorrent client, access the internet's richest media. Search the web for stuff to download and access helpful resources.
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µTorrent ... BitTorrent client
µTorrent ... BitTorrent client
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Shamblesguru 'Bit Torrent' Video Picks on Youtube
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Torrent Finder : Meta Search Engine
Torrent Finder : Meta Search Engine
Torrent Finder is a Bit Torrent Multi Search Engine which searches 164 torrent sites and trackers from one page.
Write your torrent Keywords then Check on your favorite torrent sites and trackers to start your search.
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Bit Torrent Forum
A forum for developers to exchange ideas about the direction of the BitTorrent protocol.
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Comparison of BitTorrent sites
Comparison of BitTorrent sites, sites which index torrent files
There are many different BitTorrent websites, each providing information about files distributed via the BitTorrent protocol. They typically contain multiple torrent files and an index of those files. In a typical scenario, a user would enter such a site and browse or search for the content they desire, based on the torrent descriptions posted at the site by other users. If a torrent with the sought content is found, the user could download that torrent.
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Comparison of BitTorrent clients
Comparison of BitTorrent clients ... programs that download files using the BitTorrent protocol.
A BitTorrent client is a computer program that manages downloads and uploads using the BitTorrent protocol.
The first client, known as BitTorrent, was created by Bram Cohen, in October 2002.
Many subsequent clients have been at least partially based on it.
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BitTorrent : on Wikipedia
BitTorrent : on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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