21st Century Literacies : Tools for Reading the World
21st Century Literacies : Tools for Reading the World
In Intelligence Reframed Howard Gardner contends that Literacies, skills, and disciplines ought to be pursued as tools that allow us to enhance our understanding of important questions, topics, and themes.?
Today's readers become literate by learning to read the words and symbols in today's world and its antecedents. They analyze, compare, evaluate and interpret multiple representations from a variety of disciplines and subjects, including texts, photographs, artwork, and data. They learn to choose and modify their own communication based on the rhetorical situation. Point of view is created by the reader, the audience and the medium.

Dare to Dream Conference
Dare to Dream Conference
Presentation given were recorded and the video+audio are available online ... with topics
The Six Secrets of Change : Keynote speaker Michael Fullan, Author, Former Dean of OISE/University of Toronto
Technology and Literacy, the New Frontier : Keynote Speaker Rob Policicchio. See how technology can be integrated into the classroom and how it can enhance presentation and projects.
Leadership and Learning : Keynote speaker Dr. Brian McNulty, Vice President, Leadership Services, Leadership and Learning Centre, Denver Colorado
If You Can't Believe It, You'll Never Achieve It : Keynote speaker Carl Boyd, Advice Teacher, Arizona, USA
Preparing Students for a Changing World : Keynote speaker Dr. Willard R. Daggett, President, International Centre for Leadership in Education
What Really Matters for Struggling Readers : Keynote speaker Richard Allington, Past President, International Reading Association, Professor of Education, University of Tennessee
Getting Immersed in a Bookworld : Keynote speaker Richard Allington, Past President, International Reading Association, Professor of Education, University of Tennessee Affiliation
Dreaming the First Free South African University Out of Nothing : Keynote speaker Dr. Teddy Belcher, CEO of CIDA City Campus, South Africa
Leading Edge Learning Panel Discussion : With moderator Dr. Willard R. Daggett, President, International Centre for Leadership in Education Education Minister Kathleen Wynne

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