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Friday 14 March 2025
  Teachers Talking Tech

iOS in Education - iOS Today 412
iOS in Education - iOS Today 412
BYOD, Picking the Best iPad Apps
Megan Morrone talks with Apple education expert Bradley Chambers. Bradley writes a weekly column on 9 to 5 Mac called Making the Grade, with app pics, advice, and guidance.
They discuss Bradley's articles and his favorite apps for education, including Kinderlime, Endless Reader, Endless Numbers, Endless Spanich, SpellingCity, Leaf Snap, TapTyping, and more.
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Zoe Midler [teacher-librarian]
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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@wkrakower @plnaugle @ncarroll24 @powell4thgrade
TeacherCast Podcast 58 “Skype and Google Hangouts in the Classroom”

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Michael Carby | Diane Lefabvre [Virtual Classrooms]
Virtual Classrooms and Collaboration Space
21st Century Learning has expanded to various areas within Edmonton Catholic Schools as we extend our journey into our District's Transform initiative.
Throughout our district, online environments and collaboration spaces have been created that connect our students, staff and parent community to bring learning beyond the classroom.
Through our presentation, you will see a multitude of virtual classrooms ranging from K-12 and how different schools and subject areas have developed online learning environments using Microsoft SharePoint 2010
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Innovative Chromebook Teachers
Innovative Chromebook Teachers: Using Chromebooks in Social Studies and Foreign Language
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Paul Andersen [Classroom Game Design]

Visit the Games Resources on the Shambles website
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Matthew Peterson [Using Gaming Apps not words]
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Heidi Williams [Coding and Programming]

Visit the Coding and Programming Resources on the Shambles website
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Kathy Beck [Globalizing Gen Z through Social Media]
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Toni Plourde [Special Needs and iPads]

Visit the Special Needs ICT Resources on the Shambles website
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Michael Furdyk [Imagining Future Friendly Schools]

Visit the 21st Century Education Resources on the Shambles website
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Sheila Fredericks [Digital Citizenship]

Visit the Digital Citizenship Resources on the Shambles website
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Lisa Dabbs : New Teacher Community and #ntchat

Visit the new teacher Resources on the Shambles website
Visit the tagging and hashtags Resources on the Shambles website
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Videos of Teachers Teaching
Videos of Teachers Teaching
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Focus on Teachers ...
Focus on Teachers ...
What is a Good Teacher? | History of Teachers in America | 8 Teachers Who Changed History | The Top 10 Qualities Of A Good Teacher | The National Teachers Hall of Fame | Top 10 Bad Teachers | Teacher Appreciation Poems | Tech Savvy Teaching : Online Quiz for Teachers | What makes a great teacher? | 9 Inspirational Movie Teachers | 26 evil educators in TV and film | Songs for Teachers | My Teacher My Hero |
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Chris Winter [Augmented Reality]

Visit the Augmented Reality Resources on the Shambles website
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Kyle Pace [Tech & Music Educaton]

Visit the Music and ICT Resources on the Shambles website
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Tricia Fuglestad [Grade 5 Art & Technology]

Visit the Art and ICT Resources on the Shambles website
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Heidi Befort [Grade 4/5 | inc. Blogs and Blogging]

Visit the Blogging Resources on the Shambles website
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The Education Project Asia
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