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Wednesday 26 March 2025
  Sec Life Tools/Tutorials

Shamblesguru 'SL Tutorials' Video Picks on YouTube
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Learn the Essential Basics of Second Life
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Second Life Viewer Cheatsheet
This Second Life Viewer Cheatsheet by Kippie Friedkin is a neatly-organized, printable layout of practical shortcut keys to speed up your Second Life:
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Different ways to do the same thing
Different ways to do the same thing
There are often "different ways to do the same thing" in Second Life, or in other words, various paths to one goal.
For example, a newcomer may prefer using the mouse to clicking menu options, but when you know there are keyboard shortcuts — which "power users" generally prefer — you can graduate to those.
Here are some examples ...
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SofTutor for Second Life
Teachers and Students learn Second Life in Minutes with free SofTutor for Second Life (academic)
SofTutor for Second Life (academic) gets teachers and students up to speed in Second Life's free virtual 3D world in minutes, freeing teachers to focus on teaching their student and explore the learning capabilities of the virtual world.
"SofTutor takes people immediately into the actual operation of the application and coaches them as they use it. This is nearly ideal as a learning situation according to cognitive science."
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List of Virtual Worlds Viewers (Shambles List)
List of Virtual Worlds Viewers ... this link goes to an area on Shambles that lists virtual worlds viewers.
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Second Life Limits
SL Limits
This page is an easy reference to common queries about Second Life limits. Some of these will almost definitely change over time, so if you spot something incorrect/outdated, please take a moment to update it.
So if you are asking questions .. how many ... how much ... how long ... how big etc. ... then this page should help you.
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SL Wiki Tree
SL Wiki Tree
The Wikitecture Interface is made up of 2 major components, the 'trunk' and archiving 'canopy' above.
The lower 'trunk' is reserved for most of the functionality.
The spherical 'archive leaves' above however, are for storing the individual design iterations throughout the duration of the project. Although not always the case, the general rule will typically apply: one spherical 'archive leaf' = one design iteration = one contributor.
If you click or 'touch' one of these leaf spheres, the design contained within, will rez itself out onto the parcel.
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Using EtherPad (collaborative text editing) in SL
Using EtherPad in Second Life
This video demonstrates the streaming of EtherPad into Second Life®. EtherPad (beta) provides an easy interface for a complex job: collaborative text editing, in real time.
See the website (and screencast) at etherpad.com for more.
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Web Resources for Second Life Educators
Web Resources for Second Life Educators
A sampling of web-based resources for educators using Second Life as an instructional platform.
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Kristens Viewer for Second Life (Windows only)
Kristen's Viewer for Second Life .. lighter version than Linden Labs.
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Finding a SL Avatars Key
Finding a SL Avatars Key .. simple on this page ... or use the code on your own webpage.
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A Second Life Keyboard
A Second Life Keyboard ... check it out .. carefully
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Second Life viewer for Linux
This site is meant to publish patches and pre-compiled versions of the Second Life viewer for Linux.
Fact is that Linden Lab (hereafter referred as by "LL") just cannot happen to take into account in a timely manner all the patches and bug fixes which the open source community provides. You can publish a patch and see it actually taken into account only months later...
Plus, LL often implements changes in their viewer without any or with very little regard to what their customers, the "residents" do like or not (one of the worst of all these changes in regard to the UI was probably the Voice viewers chatterbox). Such changes are considered by many users as true regressions, either in usability or functionality, and usually both.
Using this viewer or not is entirely up to you, of course. But it got quite a few bugs and regressions fixed, as well as really Cool new features (see the list of patches)...
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Second Life Instant Messenger SLim
Second Life Instant Messenger
The thin client SLim is a voice and text instant messaging client that will enable Second Life Residents to conduct voice or text conversations with members of their Second Life Friends list in and out of the virtual world.
While the Second Life viewer will still serve as the primary communication engine, SLim is capable of running on any computer and offers users a voice-enabled instant messaging client that extends the value of the Second Life platform beyond the virtual world.
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Second Life Avatar Search
Second Life Avatar Search : find details of S.L. Avatars .. including their 'key'
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SL Video Transcripts
SL Video Transcripts
Links to tutorial videos with captions or transcripts for accessibility.
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The Single Avatar MultiSit script
The Single Avatar MultiSit script
A full-featured MULTIpose prim in seconds!
The Single Avatar MultiSit script allows pose (if many) selection and, just pasting /s on notecards, couple/group animation on those linked prims (automatic animations+startup synchronization).
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List of Clothing Freebies in S.L.
List of Clothing Freebies in S.L. collated by FabFree
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Pandorabots is the place where you can create and unleash virtual personalities.
Pandorabots is an experimental software robot hosting service based on the work of Dr. Richard Wallace and the A.L.I.C.E./AIML free software community.
From any browser, you may create, design and publish your own software robots – and make them available to anyone via the Internet. Sign-up for an Account to begin creating your own virtual robots. If you already have an account, please sign-in to the left with your email address and password.
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Download Full Clothing Templates
Download Full Clothing Templates
Download all the templates at once and unzip them. Templates provided here are 512 pixels x 512 pixels in size.
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Second Inventory
Second Inventory allows you to save all your creations directly to your hard drive. This includes, Skins, Textures, Scripts and even complex multi-prim objects! Your precious time and investments in Second Life® content can now be securely protected off world for only 13,99 €.
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Torley Linden's Tutorial Videos
Torley Linden's Tutorial Videos
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SpeakEasy will save you time during events, training seminars or on other occasions where you need to speak a lot of text to a group of people and don't really have the time to type it all out (or your typing is rotten, like mine).
SpeakEasy reads text from a notecard and speaks it in public chat, as if it were coming from you.
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Fraps : Real Time Video Capture Software
Fraps : Real Time Video Capture Software ... a favourite for many Second Life machinima makers.
Realtime Video Capture Software - Have you ever wanted to record video while playing your favourite game? Come join the Machinima revolution! Throw away the VCR, forget about using a DV cam, game recording has never been this easy! Fraps can capture audio and video up to 2560x1600 with custom frame rates from 10 to 100 frames per second!
25 frames per second is usually good enough.
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Streaming Magnatune's Music into Second Life
Streaming Magnatune's Music into Second Life
We'd like you add our music to your land, so that people visiting your space can listen to our fabulous music. We've made 40 different streams--from Alternative Rock to World--just for Second Life use, so you can pick the genre that best fits your tastes.
Best of all, we consider all Second Life playing of these streams to be a promotional use of our music, and grant you a license to use our music for free. We also grant you a collecting society waiver, so that if ASCAP or BMI ever asks you to pay them for the music you're using on Second Life (something they can do if you play anyone else's music in SL), you can point them to this page.
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Audio Streaming from ... Shoutcast
Audio Streaming from ... Shoutcast .. lots of free streams to feed into your land.
To get the actual feed URL .... do a right click on the shoutcast playlist . . . download the file to the desktop as a .txt or .rtf file (not in it's playlist form) ... the url is in the file.
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How to Make Sculpted Prims with Blender
How to Make Sculpted Prims with Blender
This tutorial describes one way to make sculpt textures from a mesh for use as "sculpties" in Second Life using Blender 2.43. If you have never used Blender before, consider looking at the many starting tutorials on the Web to familiarise yourself before diving into this.
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Sculpted Prims
Sculpted Prims
A Sculpted Prim, or sculptie, is a prim whose shape is determined by an array of coordinates stored as RGB values in an image file (a Sculpt Texture or Sculpt Map). Sculpted prims can be used to create more complex, organic shapes that were not previously possible with Second Life's prim system.
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ROKURO / TOKOROTEN for Secondlife
ROKURO / TOKOROTEN for Secondlife
This Program makes Sculpted Prim texture .tga file. To make Sculpted Prim, this program has 4 mode and can preview it.
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Make a t-shirt .... free template and instructions
Make a t-shirt .... free template and instructions
Download a zip file with the layered Photoshop file (RSW T-Shirt.psd) and a Read Me of instructions.
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Machinima ... a wiki about everything to do with Machinima .... videos taken in virtual worlds
e.g. there is even a link to ... Movix - Movie and Music production.
Their entire sim is being designed as a complete machinima studio. This is based on the real world model with various street and interior sets.
They have shops for Costumes, Props, Vehicles, a sandbox plus everything else you need to make your movie.
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Sculpted Prims: Frequently Asked Questions
Sculpted Prims: Frequently Asked Questions
A Sculpted Prim is a prim whose shape is determined by a texture. These textures are called Sculpt Textures. You can use sculpted prims to create more complex, organic shapes that are not currently possible with Second Life's prim system.
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Streaming Video (S.L.Wiki)
Streaming Video information (S.L.Wiki)
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Script generator for non-scripters
Script generator for non-scripters
It attempts to translate the way non-programmers think about interactivity into a functioning script.
This has a long way to go, but I hope it might be a useful tool for some of you and your students. I would love your feedback - what should I add?
Does the vocabulary make sense? Do all of the scripts work, and work the way that you expect them to?
This site will help you create scripts for your Second Life objects. These scripts allow you to add interactive elements to your builds without knowing how to code. All of the script are released under a creative commons license, which means that you can use them freely!
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Second Life Script Library
Second Life Script Library
There are many scripts that have become buried in the Scripting Library forum, were lost with the death of the scripting forums, or sit idle in inventories that could be useful and should be more accessible.
Other scripters may be in the same situation. This wiki is a well-suited medium for a script library. Feel free to add your scripts to the script library by creating new pages for them and linking to those pages here.
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Set up a radio that allows the user to switch channels
Is it possible to set up a radio that allows the user to switch channels (and thus audio channels)?
Yes. You would use llSetParcelMusicURL() http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetParcelMusicURL). As long as the object owner is the same as the land owner, that function will change the audio stream url. For a quick solution, you could have a series of prims each with a different url that was triggered by a touch_start llSetParcelMusicURL
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Second Life and Education (Area on Shambles)
Second Life and Education (Area on Shambles)
This area on Shambles lists research advice and papers related to the use of Second Life for teaching and learning.
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Twitterbox - a Twitter Client for Second Life
Twitterbox - a Twitter Client for Second Life
Twitterbox is an object which enables one to post to and receive updates from Twitter, when inside Second Life.
The Twitterbox is free to use, examine and distribute, though I would warn you to delete your email address and password from the script before giving a copy to someone else.
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Second Life Webmap API
The Second Life Webmap API allows the ability to embed Second Life Maps onto your web pages.
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Movie on how to activate voice in Second Life
Online Movie (screencast) on how to activate voice in Second Life
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