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Wednesday 26 March 2025
  Second Life Blogs

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Nalates' Things and Stuff (SL News Blog)
Covering developments in Second Life; tech, viewers, server upgrades, market place, content creation, scripting, and adult content. This is a must read for those developing regions in and products for SL.
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The SLA Review
No Holds Barred Reviewing Of EVERYTHING Second Life With A Drink In Hand. Honest reviews, news, commentary, drinking, & blunders while living life on the grid.
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SWRP Galactic News
In character news in the Star Wars Roleplay universe of Second Life
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Hypergrid Business (Blog)
Hypergrid Business (Blog)
If you are an entrepreneur looking for new opportunities, a business manager interested in new collaboration tools or new market opportunities, or an educator interested in new platforms to deliver content and experiences to students, immersive virtual environments offer — literally — new worlds of possibilities.
Hypergrid Business is published by Trombly International, a Massachusetts-based communications firm with key staff in Boston, Belgium, Shanghai and Mumbai. Subsidiaries include the China Speakers Bureau, the largest speakers bureau for greater China, providing China experts to speak at conferences and events around the world.
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Active Second Life Blogs, 2009
Active Second Life Blogs, 2009 ... over 1,000 ... what a list !
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Story of my life in Kingdom of Legend, which is a Roleplay&combat SIM.
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Second Life Shrink
A blog examining the psychological aspects of life in a virtual world.
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Myst-Uru in Second Life
D'ni Refugee in Second Life. Learning to build and market in virtual worlds. This blog is about SL and the Myst-Uru community in SL.
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Teaching in Second Life
Teaching in Second Life
Reflections of a teacher
Language teachers are welcome to use the lessons and provide feedback on how they worked out.
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University Of Queensland - Religion Bazaar
Blog of religious places and people in Second Life. Run by the UQ religion Bazaar sim team.
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SL and Virtual World education in New Zealand
Second Life Education New Zealand has been funded by the New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission to determine the benefits of and the best methods of using MUVEs, particularly Second Life, in education/distance education.
This blog, besides giving news of the SLENZ project, also monitors other MUVEs and developments relating to education and virtual worlds.
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Ambling in Second Life
Ambling in Second Life
Ramblings about my amblings among the non-residential places in the virtual world of Second Life.
I am an avatar, a virtual, electronic traveller on behalf of my real, atomic self.
I spend much of my time looking at what is happening with businesses, education and community in virtual worlds. I use this blog as a record of my travels.
Enjoy. And if you do... tell your pals.
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Teacher Networking Center
Teacher Networking Center
This blog is about different informal professional development opportunities that are available for teachers in Second Life.
It is being posted by the Teacher Networking Center.
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Not Possible in Real Life
Not Possible in Real Life ... Blog, Second Life
A central goal for us is to collect and distill what's really happening out there and pare down your options to the essence of what's cool, trendsetting and even groundbreaking, always within the context of Not Possible IRL.
This is not intended as a calendar of events and our selections are, by necessity, subjective and opinionated. - Bettina Tizzy
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The Islands of jokaydia
The Islands of jokaydia
The Islands of jokaydia in Second Life is owned and operated by Jo Kay aka jokay Wollongong. It was launched in September 2007 and aims to provide a space to explore the uses of virtual worlds in education, the arts and social change. The Islands of jokaydia are self-funded and support a range of events, activities and services. We also host a vibrant community of educators and artists as part of our rental community on the Island.
The Island of jokaydia is designed to provide a flexible and dynamic space for educators in Second Life which includes informal and formal meeting spaces, plus a range of interesting objects and tools to explore. Our space is designed to assist new residents to gain competency and confidence in using the Second Life interface - whilst they are having fun!
We also support mixed reality events, professional development activities and a number of other projects.
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Terra Nova is a weblog about virtual worlds. Virtual Worlds are also known as synthetics worlds, MMOs, MMORPGs, Social Worlds, MUDs, MOOs, and MUSHes.
Terra Nova authors include scholars and practitioners from a variety of disciplines. Additional information about individual authors, contributors, and guests can be found via the hyperlinks on the right hand column of the main page.
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Gwyneths Second Life
Gwyneth's Second Life
The Blog has been going since July 2004 and is jam packed full of interesting S.L.stuff .... what a goldmine!
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The International Schools Island ... Blog
The International Schools Island Blog
This Blog lives to keep you informed of "The International Schools Island" in Second Life, a 3D virtual environment.
The Island was delivered by Linden Labs on the 9th September 2007 (or the 10th depending on your time zone)
The mission, concept, purpose, functionality and the layout of the Island had been planned over the previous two months by the two owners .... Shamblesguru Voom (a.k.a. Chris) and Takeme Homewood (a.k.a. Jenny).
The Island is initially designed to support international schools in the 17 countries in S.E.Asia but we suspect that it will also be of specific help to public schools and those worldwide .... in fact all educators are most welcome to take advantage of what will be offered here.
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Graham Bluecoat ... S.L. Blog
Graham Bluecoat ... S.L. Blog
Note: Progress Report - British Council Isles, Teen Grid Second Life
"We are going to be experimenting with game-based learning for language learners - as well as a number of quests (based on mythology - Robin Hood, King Arthur, Finn McCool, etc), we are also preparing a variation on the ARG (Alternate Reality Game) which asks visitors to the island to solve a mystery."
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The Official Linden Second Life Blog
The Official Linden Second Life Blog
Useful if you are having some connection problems with S.L and want to see if it is because of e.g.maintenance.
They also make public announcements here about new developments .... and also links to new tutorial videos.
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Education in S.L.
Education in S.L. : Scott Merricks Blog on S.L.
I'm an educator and a learner -- everything I do springs from those two habits of mind
Stay tuned as I continue to seek out developing trends in Second Life education, whatever that may mean!
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Suffern Middle School in Second Life
Suffern Middle School in Second Life
A running account of the process of the proposal, acquisition, development and integration of a virtual presence for education at Suffern Middle School, Suffern, NY.
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New World Notes (Blog)
New World Notes (Blog)
Reporting first hand from Second Life
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International Schools Island in Second Life

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The Education Project Asia
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