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Friday 14 March 2025
  Sharing Data [Apps]

Send Anywhere
Send Anywhere pairs two devices with a temporarily generated key confirmation and transfers files instantly via the optimal network path between the devices.
We use SSL encryption on our website https://send-anywhere.com and mobile apps; however, keeping the temporarily generated 6-digit key away from others is important.
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younity - Stream, Download or Share Any File;
younity - Stream, Download or Share Any File
Your personal cloud
Our core technology is designed to be a ubiquitous data platform that enables data to exist in multiple places, either physically or virtually, simultaneously, hence our company name is derived from the concept of quantum entanglement.

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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Everything 'Dropbox' in Teaching and Learning
Everything Dropbox
Sign up for free account HERE
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Flowboard - present from iPad
Flowboard - present from iPad
Create each screen using simple touch gestures. Add buttons, videos, and galleries for interactivity. You'll have fun while you create.
hare your Flowboard by URL to iPad and the web. Post anywhere. No ugly, bloated files clogging up email.
Present your Flowboard and let others explore. On your iPad, online or offline, we have your back.
Create with your Content in the Cloud Add photos and videos from Dropbox, bring in shots from Facebook or Instagram, and use Google Image Search for anything that's missing.
Download for iPad
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Google Drive App on the iPad
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Displaynote :
Send and share content to users across multiple devices and platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, iOS for iPad and Android.
With DisplayNote there’s no need to re-format content for tablet devices and smart phones. DisplayNote lets you open any resource on your computer and stream it to multiple devices without having to republish it or re-purpose it.
With DisplayNote multiple users can work together live on the same content from their own device... and save that content on their device.
As teacher or presenter, you can view and display the screen of any user to the rest of the room. Display users images, annotations, and screen shots back to the entire room.
Use your device to access and display any content from your computer, and annotate live over that content. You can even use it as a portable document camera capturing images and displaying them to the room.
Perfect for 1-to-1 and BYOD initiatives
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File Storage and Data Transfer Apps on Shamblesguru's iPad
Apps on Shamblesguru's iPad | just some of over 1,400 | check out the iBook/eBook in the iTunes Book store
Apps on Shamblesguru's iPad | just some of over 1,400 | check out the iBook/eBook in the iTunes Book store

All 1,400 Apps on Shamblesguru's iPad can be seen in the iBook ... available in the Apple iTunes Store.

This ebook contains over 140 screenshots of the screens and folders on my own iPad, highlighting some of my favourite Apps.
Each of the eleven Chapters, one per main screen, also includes a recorded audio commentary about why I've chosen some of these Apps and why I've organised them in the way I have.

Shamblesguru's iPad | 1400 Apps | Author Shamblesguru (chris smith)
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Shamblesguru's Workshop 'Sharing Digital Data' Visuals
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International Schools Island in Second Life

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ShamblesPAD (built on Etherpad) .. Collaborate on documents in really real-time

Follow me on Twitter : Shamblesguru

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The Education Project Asia
Support Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) if you feel suitable ...  many thanks if you do  .... Chris

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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

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