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Friday 14 March 2025
  MS SharePoint

SharePoint Competitor Central Desktop
SharePoint Competitor Central Desktop
Central Desktop, a SharePoint-like SaaS collaboration platform for the enterprise, is launching a new tool that allows for cloud-enabled document collaboration for Microsoft Office users. Central Desktop’s tool allows users to simultaneously co-author Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents in real time, as well as open and save files directly into the cloud.
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Classroom 2.0 Webinar : Sharepoint (Parents)
Engaging Parents Using Sharepoint - Special Guest: Mike Herrity
Recording of a one hour online webinar presentation in April 2010 ... excellent session
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Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog
Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog
The official blog of the Microsoft SharePoint Product Group
"This blog is about Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies, which improve team and organization effectiveness by providing scalable collaborative work spaces, easily deployable and manageable infrastructure, and extensible application platform as well as a unified suite of enterprise-scale applications that satisfies diverse business-critical needs, such as managing content and business forms, simplifying how people work together across boundaries, and enabling better informed decision-making."
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Webinar : FAST for SharePoint 2010... What You Need to Know
Webinar : FAST for SharePoint 2010... What You Need to Know
This FREE one-hour On Demand webcast offers a deep dive into the exciting new features and architecture of FAST for SharePoint 2010, with many live demos throughout the presentation.
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Shamblesguru 'SharePoint' Video Picks on YouTube
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SharePoint at Wikipedia
SharePoint at Wikipedia
"Microsoft SharePoint, also known as Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies, is a content management system with integrated search functionality developed by Microsoft that allows users to work in a web-based collaborative environment.
Microsoft provides certain built-in functionality, and third party developers can also develop custom modifications to extend functionality.
SharePoint is a collection of products and software elements that includes, among a growing selection of components, web browser based collaboration functions, process management modules, search modules and a document-management platform.
SharePoint can be used to host web sites that access shared workspaces, information stores and documents, as well as host defined applications such as wikis and blogs.
All users can manipulate proprietary controls called "web parts" or interact with pieces of content such as lists and document libraries."
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Sharepoint Joel (Blog)
Sharepoint Joel (Blog)
If you are considering using Sharepoint or already running it in your school then this looks like "a-not-to-be-missed" Blog
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SharePoint in Education (Blog)
SharePoint in Education ... Mike Herrity's Blog about SharePoint in Education
This site is devoted to telling the story of our development of a Learning Platform in education. The author is Mike Herrity, Assistant Headteacher at Twynham School in Christchurch, Dorset. Twynham has been working with SharePoint as a Learning Platform to support learning since 2000 under the stewardship of Dave Coleman, Network Manager.
We have won the 2010 (UK) BECTA ICT Excellence Award for Learning Beyond the Classroom.
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SharePoint Learning Kit
SharePoint Learning Kit
The Microsoft SharePoint Learning Kit (SLK) is a standards-compliant elearning tool that integrates with the Microsoft Learning Gateway solution, enabling schools and colleges to build and deploy a security-enhanced web-based learning environment with collaborative tools that provide line of business applications in one fully-managed environment.
The SLK and the Microsoft Learning Gateway make it easy for educators to deliver both interactive and basic documents.
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SharePoint in Education - All about Sites
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Higher Education SharePoint Web Sites
Higher Education SharePoint Web Sites
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SharePointLMS for MOSS2007 and WSS3.0
On behalf of all the eLearning developers at ElearningForce Inc., we are pleased to introduce the learning management system - SharePointLMS. Totally integrated with MOSS2007 and WSS3.0 - also custom web parts are available for MySite pre-configurations.
SharePointLMS has a familiar web-based interface that allows to .....
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