VWBPE 2014 Keynotes: Ebbe Altberg
VWBPE 2014 Keynotes: Ebbe Altberg ... April 2014 ... the new CEO of Linden Labs since Feb 2014.

Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

Metaworld Broadcasting : TV Station in-world
Metaworld Broadcasting : TV Station in-world ... also broadcast on the web and archived.
24 hours a day .. best in TV about the metaverse

Second Life Community Platform
Second Life Community Platform

Academic Organizations in Second Life
Academic Organizations in Second Life
This is a page set up by Linden Labs in March 2010

Second Life Lives Behind a Firewall (Nebraska)
Second Life Lives Behind a Firewall (Nebraska)
... a stand-alone (Second Life) solution based on the technology that runs the popular Second Life virtual world. “Nebraska” is the much-anticipated behind-the-firewall solution which will allow enterprise to host their own virtual world environments within their organizations.

Linden Labs Staff Office Hours
Linden Labs Staff Office Hours
This page keeps track of inworld office hours, at which we (Lindens) encourage Residents to come to our Linden Village and openly discuss issues of interest.
Please note office hours aren't for support help

A Second Life Real Life Manual
A Second Life Real Life Manual

Openspace Pricing and Policy Changes
Openspace Pricing and Policy Changes
In March of 2008, we announced improvements to our light use land product that we call Openspaces.
Not long after this, the new Land Store opened allowing estate owners to buy Openspaces and have them delivered almost immediately, an enormous improvement over the old method of ordering them via support tickets.

IBM and LL Interoperability Announcement
IBM and Linden Lab Interoperability Announcement
This is a historic day for Second Life, and for virtual worlds in general. IBM and Linden Lab have announced that research teams from the two companies successfully teleported avatars from the Second Life Preview Grid into a virtual world running on an OpenSim server, marking the first time an avatar has moved from one virtual world to another.

What every Second Life newbie should know
What every Second Life newbie should know - 10 secret tips that will boost your experience from the get-go
"Let's face it, the first few days and even weeks in Second Life are friggin' hard. Whether you are a geek or computer-clueless, take my word for it... you are going to be challenged. Looking back, I can't believe I stuck around. I almost didn't make it.
Is it worth it? Oh yes. Whether you are looking merely to socialize, explore business opportunities, or exercise your mind... whatever your reasons may be, once you "get it," you will realize that it is the ultimate creative tool, and superlative fun."

SL Trip Tips
SL Trip Tips
So you found Second Life, and you've started to explore things a bit.
Now, you need the scoop: the cool places to visit, fun things to do, tips and techniques for building, buying, and playing in this amazing world!
That's what this site is all about. Welcome!

History of Avatars
History of Avatars
Over the years the visual quality of avatars has increased significantly. In the early days of text based MUD’s (multi-user dungeons) you were represented by your tag, or nickname. This grouping of characters expressed your virtual identity in the online world.

Guidelines for Using Linden Lab's Trademarks
Guidelines for Using Linden Lab's Trademarks
Our trademarks include our word marks or brand names like Second Life® (both in text and in our distinctive font), Second Life Grid™, SL™, Linden™, LindeX™, and Linden Lab®. They also include our distinctive logos like the Second Life Eye-in-Hand logo, the Second Life Grid logo, the inSL Cube logo, and the Linden Lab Hexagon logo. You can see a list of our trademarks here.

Second Life PowerPoints on Slideshare
Second Life PowerPoints on Slideshare

List of top 25 companies in S.L.
List of top 25 companies in S.L. ... updated each week

Media Companies in Second Life
Media Companies in Second Life .. with SLURL

Brands with a Second Life Presence
Brands with a Second Life Presence .. including SLURL

Second LIfe Economics Statistics
Second LIfe Economics Statistics
e.g. for Jan 2008
- 921,554 unique people logged-in to Second Life
- who spent over 28 million hours
- 45% of that use was women, 55% men
- the world now consists of 16,816 regions, for a total size of 426 square miles (San Francisco is 49 square miles)
- there were nearly 18 million L$transactions among Residents, with average daily volume on the LindeX currency exchange of US$265,528
- The top five countries (by use) with populations in Second Life are the United States, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom and France

Welcome to sLiterary.com, the www venue of the premiere literary SL stories magazine.
We are a biannual magazine that publishes tasteful and highly selective fictional stories relating to the metaverse of Second Life.

Second Life Tools and Tutorials (area on Shambles)
There is an area on Shambles which lists Second Life tools, tutorials and applications .... fly over to that area if interested in how to build things and link to Blogs, Google, Twitter, the web etc. from within SL.
Also tools to help with building and scripting .... this area may not be for the faint hearted .... but what the heck ... it's fun.

Picture of SL residents and their avatars
Picture of SL residents and their avatars
How closely can an avatar resemble its creator ... if at all.

What Is Second Life?
What Is Second Life?

Second Life Landmarks as URLs
Second Life Landmarks as URLs
A list of Landmarks chosen that may be of specific interest to educators .... teaching and learning.
SLurl provides direct teleport links to locations in Second Life. If you have Second Life installed, clicking on the map link will automatically teleport you to that location in-world.
Why use SLurl? ... In addition to allowing customized control over mapping locations in Second Life, SLurl also provides a better experience for web users who don't have Second Life. Instead of getting an error when clicking on web links that begin with "secondlife://", visiting a SLurl link gives potential new users a chance to sign up.

Virtual Worlds: Videos and PowerPoints
Virtual Worlds: Videos and PowerPoints
The link above goes to one of the Shambles "Forest of Theme Blogs" pages that provides videos and other multimedia resources to support the topic here.
If you would like to see all of the Theme Blogs then go to the full list at http://www.shambles.net/blogforest or click where you see this button

Scott Merrick in Second Life (Blog)
Scott Merrick in Second Life (Blog)
A rambling investigation of educational projects and trends in Second Life..."it is the song that never ends..."

Second Life Entry at Wikipedia
Second Life Entry at Wikipedia
This article explains the virtual world software.

Teen Second Life
The main Grid of Second Life is for adults only (18+). But there is also a Teen Second Life Grid and that world is strictly for teens (13-17).
Join Teens from all over the globe in Teen Second Life - a 3D virtual world created by you and for you. Create, learn new skills, start a business, meet new people -- it's your world, your imagination.

What is Second Life?
What is Second Life?
Second Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents.
Since opening to the public in 2003, it has grown explosively and today is inhabited by over 6,000,000 people from around the globe.
From the moment you enter the World you'll discover a vast digital continent, teeming with people, entertainment, experiences and opportunity. Once you've explored a bit, perhaps you'll find a perfect parcel of land to build your house or business.
You'll also be surrounded by the Creations of your fellow residents. Because residents retain the rights to their digital creations, they can buy, sell and trade with other residents.
