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Friday 14 March 2025
  Quizes & Questions

Multiplayer trivia quiz game website.7 categories.Geography, History, Literature, Sport, Movies, Music and AllinOne.You can play quiz games with your friends or family members.12 questions are asked per game,all are multiple-choice.Membership is free.You can win some gift cards if you win challenges!
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Quizizz allows you to create and play awesome multiplayer quiz games, both in class and at home.
The Quizizz editor makes it super-easy to create great quizzes in no time.
While your students are having a blast, you are provided with detailed class and student-level data.
Find amazing quizzes made by other teachers, or create your own quizzes and share them with the world!
Start a "Live" game in class, or assign Quizizz as a fun "Homework" task. You control the competition by toggling the leaderboard, timer and other settings.
Students play together, but each at their own pace. Gamfication elements like avatars, leaderboard and funny memes add to the fun! Review your work in the end.
It is completely free to use.

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Super Quiz
Super Quiz
Super Quiz adds brilliant functionality to a quiz made with Google Forms. By completing the quiz once with an answer key, all future submissions are automatically graded correct or incorrect. What’s more - you can get a break down of class understanding and a list of incorrect students for each question - perfect for intervention.
By filling out a few cells of information, you can also generate personalised differentiated written feedback emailed to students as soon as they submit a response. No need to monitor and ‘re-grade’ - just set-up and go!
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Create and play quizzes, discussions or even surveys (which we call Kahoots) using any device with a web browser… including a laptop, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Android, Chromebook, Windows Phone or PC and more
Through a simple 'drag & drop' creator tool (using any device), build quizzes with embedded imagery and video, based on educational content. Or, find public content to play.
Engage the room and focus attention by projecting the quiz onto the screen at the front. Without needing an account, everyone in the room quickly joins through their personal device, seeing their name appear at the front.
Answering questions in real time through an easy-to-use interface, they play against each other aiming to top the on-screen leaderboard, whilst you facilitate and discuss the content.
Formatively assess individual knowledge and adapt learning to suit!

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Learnclick : creating online tests quick and easy
Learnclick makes creating online tests quick and easy
Create Online Quizzes and Gap-Filling Exercises
Learnclick is an ideal tool for language teachers!
"Learnclick is a very good alternative that can help with creating interactive activities online quicker and easier."
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Quizbook - play free online trivia quizzes about geography, history, sports, science and more.
Have fun with us and test your knowledge with amazing and interesting facts…
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Flubaroo: Automated Google Docs Self-Grading Quizzes
Flubaroo: Automated Google Docs Self-Grading Quizzes
A truly remarkable teaching tool is one that can collect information to evaluate student performance and provide students and teachers with immediate feedback for modification, reteaching and challenge.
Until now, the best tool I've shared has been Using Google Docs Self-Grading Quiz as an Exit Ticket. This post has claimed the position of runner up in popularity of posts on this blog because many teachers recognize the need for quick and efficient ways to collect and use data to maximize and fine-tune instruction.
Flubaroo is a free and user friendly script that automates the steps of manually creating the self-grading quiz and adds additional functionality to the process.
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Interactive Quiz Example [Using Google Docs]
Interactive Quiz Example
This Google Presentation is designed to demonstrate a use for interactive presentations, that is, slideshows that allow the user to click links to determine which slide they move to next, rather than going through the slides in sequential order. In this example, this feature is being used to give an interactive quiz.
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Over 10 million quizzes taken since 2008. Visit JetPunk for the world's best quizzes, with new quizzes released every day.
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Welcome to Flubaroo - Grading Made Easy
Welcome to Flubaroo - Grading Made Easy
Flubaroo is a free tool that helps you quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments. I designed it for my own classroom, and want to share it with other teachers... for free!
Flubaroo works with Google docs.
More than just a grading tool, Flubaroo also:
- Computes average assignment score.
- Computes average score per question, and flags low-scoring questions.
- Shows you a grade distribution graph.
- Gives you the option to email each student their grade, and an answer key.
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PowerQuizPoint is an innovative product from the DigitalOfficePro stable. PowerQuizPoint software allows you to create easy and user friendly quizzes directly from within PowerPoint (versions 2010, 2007, 2003, and 2002) that can be published in the Flash file format.
Quizzes created with PowerQuizPoint have the added features of both PowerPoint and Flash.
The most important feature of the program is its interface that allows you to create rich media quizzes without any programming skills. When creating quizzes, you have the option to include a header, categories, questions, and choices for multiple answers and also a description for the answers.
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Testmoz - Free Test Generator
Testmoz allows you to create automatically graded tests with true/false, multiple choice, multiple response and fill in the blank questions.
Detailed reports display the results, and you can export the data to Excel.
Neither you nor your students have to register, and it's totally free.
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Question Writer
Question Writer - Personal Edition is FREE software that lets you make your own multiple-choice quizzes.
It's free for personal use, easy to use and even a beginner can create high quality quizzes.
The results service sends you e-mail each time someone completes your quiz. That shows you the user and the scores for each quiz attempt. There's nothing special to setup - the quiz taker needs an internet connection.and you just need an e-mail address.
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Quizlet (web 2.0)
Quizlet (web 2.0)
This web 2.0 website has potential across several languages and different curriculum areas ... not just English!
My mission for Quizlet is to make learning vocabulary not a chore. I know a lot of teachers assign vocabulary to students, but few students actually "absorb" words into their vocabularies after they take their test. Which kind of defeats the purpose, right? So Quizlet is my response - it aims to make learning fun, thus make learning effective. At the very least, it can help students do better on quizzes and tests even if they don't fully "absorb" their words. Quizlet is free and will remain free to all users.
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Quiz Area in the Shambles Games Section
Quiz Area in the Shambles Games Section
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Welcome to Quiz-Tree.com, the place where you will find free quizzes on many subjects, including Elementary Math, Fractions, Spanish, Geography, SAT Verbal and Spelling. All quizzes feature animated interface, feedback sounds and other enhancements that make learning more enjoyable.
You can use our quizzes not only to test your knowledge, but also to help you prepare for your next exam, or simply to learn something new. You can take each quiz as many times as you want, there's no need to sign-up. We suggest that you bookmark this page as we are adding new quizzes periodically.
Many of our quizzes include sounds, so be sure to turn on your speakers. To start a quiz, simply click on the topic that you would like to explore.
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Welcome to FunTrivia.com, the world's largest and oldest trivia website, running as an online community since 1994!
Membership to FunTrivia is free, and as a member you may play and create as many games as you wish in any of our categories. Whether you want to challenge yourself, learn about new topics, or let your creativity loose by creating quizzes for anyone in the world to play, you will find something to entertain you.
Each trivia quiz on our site has been created by a Funtrivia member, checked by at least one of our 25+ volunteer editors, and placed online for all to play. Each quiz consists of between 5 and 25 questions. Some of these will be multiple-choice format, some true/false, and others will be fill in the blank. The majority contain interesting information used to explain and expand on answers.
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Hot Potatoes
The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web. Hot Potatoes is not freeware, but it is free of charge for those working for publicly-funded non-profit-making educational institutions, who make their pages available on the web. Other users must pay for a licence.
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Quiz Hub
Online interactive learning quizzes for grades K-12
Free Trial for Teachers
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Quia - 30 day free trial
Quia - 30 day free trial
Quia is pronounced key-ah and is short for Quintessential Instructional Archive. Quia provides a variety of educational services, including:
- A directory of thousands of online activities and quizzes in more than 50 subject areas
- Templates for creating 16 different types of online activities, including flashcards, matching, concentration (memory), word search, battleship, challenge board, columns, cloze exercises, hangman, jumbled words, ordered list, patterns, picture perfect, pop-ups, rags to riches (a quiz-show style trivia game), and scavenger hunt.
- Tools for creating online quizzes with up to eight question types
- Quiz administration and reporting tools Class Web pages
- Calendars and schedules
- Online surveys
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