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Friday 28 March 2025
  Multimedia Hosting

Safeshare TV
Safeshare TV
SafeShare.tv is the Safest Way to Watch and Share YouTube and Vimeo videos.
CASESTUDY use by a Teacher ... using SafeShareTV and QR Codes
SafeShareTV and QR Code Stations
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Image Storage and Management In The Cloud
Upload images (and more) to Cloudinary from your servers, your client's browsers & mobile apps or via remote URLs. Your files are stored safely, with secure backups and revision history.
Manipulate your images to fit your graphic design with on-the-fly and on-demand cloud-based image cropping, transformations, effects, face detection and more.
Not only highly functional for web & mobile designers and managers but also for the regular photographers who want a place to store images ... that can be edited online ... and which looks good (and loads fast) viewed on all devices
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Wistia : Video Hosting
Up to 5 videos, free forever.
We'll send you an activation link for a free account with room for up to 3 videos.
Wistia : for hosting videos
When you upload a video to Wistia, we automatically encode Flash and HTML5 versions at multiple resolutions.
These versions are stored on a network of servers all over the world, which instantly measure each viewer’s connection and deliver the best quality video with the least buffering possible.
This means crystal clear video anytime, anywhere, on any device.
Whether your video is large or small, inline or popover, autoplaying or gated, we make it easy to customize every detail so your video fits into place wherever you embed it.
Easily add social sharing buttons to your video, so your viewers can share your video with everyone else.
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After beta testing for almost two months, TeacherTube officially launched on March 6, 2007. Our goal is to provide an online community for sharing instructional videos. We seek to fill a need for a more educationally focused, safe venue for teachers, schools, and home learners. It is a site to provide anytime, anywhere professional development with teachers teaching teachers. As well, it is a site where teachers can post videos designed for students to view in order to learn a concept or skill.
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You tell us where your source video is (FTP/Amazon S3, Rackspace CloudFiles, or Upload from your HD)
We transcode and store your video into over a dozen video formats and sizes
We return to you send you a short url for your video (e.g vid.ly/a1b2c3)
When a user visits a vid.ly url we automatically detect the device or browser type and deliver the correctly formatted video from a high quality CDN network.
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Vidly ... share videos on Twitter
Vidly ... share videos on Twitter
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Flickr ... hosts video as well as still images
Flickr ... hosts video as well as still images
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Vuze is a platform that enables media companies and creators of rich media content (film directors, videographers, musicians) to publish and distribute their work to millions of viewers, in high quality format (Standard-Definition and High-Definition video).
You can use our platform to expose, promote, and syndicate your content. You can also make your content available for rental, purchase, or ad-supported distribution.
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Video all over the place now ... where to look?
Blurring of Web TV, Video on Demand, Video Hosting and Video Online ... it's happening by the hour
All these area seems to be converging in real life ... but they are still separate areas on the Shambles website and so you will find some overlap.
So probably best to use the Shambles site search facility to ensure you get the most productive results. (if not done so already)
Video Online | Video Online & Web TV | Multimedia Hosting |
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Web Video Cheat Sheet
Web Video Cheat Sheet
Alternative list of places to host videos online.
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Dot Sub ... host your videos then add sub-titles (captions)
Dot Sub ... host your videos then add sub-titles ... captions
If you want to add sub-titles to your videos easily in different languages then first upload them to this site and use their VERY EASY utility
What makes this video hosting site stand out is the fact that sub-titles can be added to the videos easily online... if your language is not there then you can register (free) and add it.
Potentially a useful tool for teaching modern foreign languages as well as a brilliant application for those who are hearing impaired. (SEN)
Online browser-based application to allow you to add sub-titles to online videos ... those that are already posted or upload your own.
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Metacafe is one of the world's largest online video broadcasters with a global audience of 16 million unique visitors (comScore Media Metrix) watching over 400 million videos each month.
Using our VideoRank technology, Metacafe is the only site that mines the collective wisdom of its audience to filter and surface the most entertaining videos, making it the best place to both watch and distribute high quality video content.
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Ning Videos
Ning Videos
Got videos? Create your own custom YouTube -style videos site in seconds!
Upload a video from your computer or add clips from YouTube and Google Video.
Add Videos From Your Phone!
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Google Video
Google Video
You've found the world's first open online video marketplace, where you can search for, watch and even buy an ever-growing collection of TV shows, movies, music videos, documentaries, personal productions and more.
Clicking on a thumbnail image will take you to a playback page, where you can watch the preview or, for free content, the video itself.
In addition to viewing free content, you can also purchase or rent premium content at the Google Video store using your Google Account.
You can download much of this content and view it using the downloadable Google video player.
Got videos you want the world to see?
Instantly share your video with the world. Upload your video to Google Video for free
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Wikimedia Commons
Wikimedia Commons : a database of media files, to which anyone can contribute.
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Video Bomb
Video Bomb
Video Bomb is a community site where people filter up the best videos on the internet.
It's creates a democratically chosen flow of internet TV.
Video Bomb was created to help people discover and share interesting videos.
When someone submits a video, it appears on the Incoming! page and if people like it, they can 'bomb' the video, which adds it to their favorites list. If enough people bomb a video, it will appear on the front page of the site.
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Upload video ...that you shoot with your digital camera, mobile phone, or camcorder.
Share video ...by linking to Vimeo, or by publishing video in your blog.
Your friends ...can sign up, and you can keep track of each other's videos.
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Dailymotion is about finding new ways to see and show the world.
What's a movie good for, if it's stuck on your video camera, hard drive or mobile phone...
So open up and share your videos with the world!
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CC Publisher is a tool that does two things: it will help you tag your audio and video files with information about your license and it allows you to upload Creative Commons-licensed audio and video works to the Internet Archive for free hosting.
You also have the option of publishing the licensed and tagged audio works on your own site.
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Broadcast yourself. Watch and share your videos worldwide!
ounded in February 2005, YouTube is a consumer media company for people to watch and share original videos worldwide through a Web experience. Founded by early commerce pioneers of PayPal, YouTube allows people to easily upload, tag, and share personal video clips through www.YouTube.com and across the Internet on other sites, blogs and through e-mail, as well as to create their own personal video network. With investment support from Sequoia Capital, YouTube is set to become the Internet's premier video service.
Sign up now and open a free account.
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FluxTime Studio
FluxTime Studio : create your own animation online
Collaborate with other animators worldwide to create characters and stories. Share clipart and animation and reuse them as components. Show your creations in the gallery, where they can be seen by a global audience.
Animation clips can be exchanged with other animators and they can be published in the online gallery or mailed as eCards.
The standard service is free, advanced features require registration.
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OurMedia ... provides free storage and free bandwidth for your videos, audio files, photos, text or software. Forever. No catches.
Get recognized for your creativity. Make your voice heard. Register now and join the personal media revolution.
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Hosting Audio and Video at The Internet Archives
Hosting Audio and Video at The Internet Archives
You are able to add (upload) your own files to their archives ... you'll need to dig around a little to find the details ... but worth it.
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The Education Project Asia
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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

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