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Friday 14 March 2025
  Mobile Learning Blogs

Tablets for Schools
Tablets for Schools is a (UK) registered charity passionate about the transformative effect of tablets in the classroom and beyond.
We bring together teachers, industry leaders and academics using robust and independent research on how tablets can impact learning and attainment.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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What Came First? The Project or the iPad?
What Came First? The Project or the iPad?
Suzy Brooks Blog ... third grade teachers
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Craig Kemp's Professional Reflection Blog
Craig Kemp's Professional Reflection Blog
At my school we have decided to get into a 1:1 device programme. Starting from scratch.
On this Blog I will be reflecting on my teaching and learning. I will be commenting and asking questions to help me reflect on and improve my teaching. I would love your help by responding to and challenging my posts.
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Mobile Learning Reflections [Blog Posts]
An aggregate of blog posts written about integrating mobile learning into the classroom
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TPACK iPad Project In Schools (TIPS)
TPACK iPad Project In Schools (TIPS)
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mlearnopedia - Blog
mlearnopedia - Blog
Mobile blog concentrating on mobile technologies for learning
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m-learning is good - Blog
m-learning is good - Blog
Mobile learning (m-Learning), mobility, mobile devices
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The Mobile Learner - Blog
The Mobile Learner - Blog
Learning and Teaching with Mobile Devices
Rob De Lorenzo, B.A., M.Ed. ... Vice-Principal with the Toronto Catholic District School Board
This blog is the result of several desires:
(1) To investigate the effectiveness of mobile devices on student learning;
(2) To discuss issues of importance with regards to the use of mobile technologies in classrooms;
(3) To engage in conversation about how to reach students on their level.
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From Toy to Tool: Cell Phones in Learning : Blog
From Toy to Tool: Cell Phones in Learning : Blog
A conversation about integrating student cell phones into classroom curricula.
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TeachPaperless began in February 2009 as a blog detailing the experiences of one teacher in a paperless classroom.
It has grown to be something much more than that. In January 2011, TeachPaperless became a collaboratively written blog dedicated to conversation and commentary about the intertwined worlds of digital technology, new media, and education.
The Blog is now closed/ archived
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mLearning Trends
mLearning Trends
Business blog of Robert Gadd, co-founder of OnPoint Digital in Savannah, Georgia USA. OnPoint is a 10 year old, privately-held ISV developing mobile and online training solutions for enterprise accounts.
Visit our web site at www.mlearning.com
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mLearning: beyond the digital divide ... Blog
mLearning: beyond the digital divide
This site is a sub-blog of uLearning.edublogs.org, which covers educational technology issues across mobile, wireless, and networked topics to interpret them in a world rapidly moving towards ubiquitous computing.
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Innovative Scholar
Innovative Scholar
Head of Secondary at Nexus International School, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ADE.
Presenter and writer on using digital learning and 1:1 schemes.
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Mrs Soltau-Heller's Class Blog
MRS SOLTAU-HELLER'S CLASS .... Our class, our school, what we do….
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My virtual notepad on digital learning, iPads, technology & educational enrichment.
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The Mobile Native
The Mobile Native
Learning & Teaching with Mobile Learning Devices
Scott Newcomb ... @SNewco
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20 Blogs about Mobile Learning You Should Know
20 Blogs about Mobile Learning You Should Know
Not even one decade ago, educators considered cell phones and laptops a most egregious classroom distraction.
These days, though, many tech-savvy teachers actively try to incorporate them into engaging lessons rather than snatching them away. While tablets, smartphones, and other mobile computing devices have yet to enjoy universal implementation, many in the business adore exploring emerging technologies to unlock their full potential as learning tools.
Such as these folks, listed in no particular order!
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Weekly iPad Resources
Weekly iPad Resources
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Edapps.ca is a website focused on Educational apps or applications of mobile technology such as the iPad. iPads and apps for learning are the focus.
We are here to share our experience, insights and best practices we see with the use of iPads, apps, and mobile technology in a learning setting.
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iPads at Burley
iPads at Burley
Follow along as a public elementary school in Chicago integrates the iPad into its first through fifth grade classrooms.
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Our Alaska Stories
Our Alaska Stories
We're Mr. Mitchell's 5th grade class at Badger Road Elementary in North Pole, Alaska, for the 2011 - 2012 school year. We're using iPads for teaching and learning again this year.
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User Generated Education
User Generated Education
This is part of a continued series of blogs in which I reporting about and describing how I am adapting more tradition team building, communications, and problem-solving to include learners’ own mobile devices.
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The iPad Project
The iPad Project
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The 'Learning in Hand' Blog
The "Learning in Hand" Blog
Learning in Hand is an educator's resources for mobile learning. It was started in 2002 as part of Tony Vincent's classroom website. At first focusing on Palm handhelds, Learning in Hand now covers podcasting, iPods, iPod touch, iPhone, iPad, and netbooks.
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Mobile Learning
Mobile Learning
A reflective journal on learning all the time, everywhere.
Mobile Learning is authored by Leonard Low, an E-Learning Designer at the University of Canberra’s Teaching and Learning Centre.
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Google's Blog about Mobile
Google's Blog about Mobile
News and notes from the Google Mobile team
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The Mobile Native [Blog]
The Mobile Native
Learning & Teaching with Mobile Learning Devices
"Scott Newcomb has taught for 10 years and works with 4th graders at St. Marys Intermediate School, Ohio, USA.
This is a public school using mobile learning devices with their students since 2007.
Scott helped organize and participated in the first Mobile Learning Technology Conference in Ohio in May of 2009. Scott has helped with professional development training for staff members using smartphone computers. "
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The Education Project Asia
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The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

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