eFreeGuestbooks :
A guestbook is a perfect tool to get instant feedback on your site. eFreeGuestbooks Guestbooks are fully customizable so that they can blend right in with the rest of your web site.

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The Easiest Free GuestBook for Any Website!

Free Guestbook Services
Free Guestbook Services
If you have a Web page, you should really consider getting a guestbook. Guestbooks let your site's visitors leave comments and remarks. You can see from where and when people are looking at your page and also get valuable feedback. Guestbooks are one of the easiest ways to add interactivity to your site.
Below are free services that will host your guestbook for you. In many cases, it's very easy to set up a guestbook with one of these services----you basically just fill out a form and you're up and running.

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Add the following items to your webpage or website .....
| Hit Counters | Guestbook | Message Forum | Email Forms | Mini Poll | Java Chat | Guestmap | Password Gate | Mailing List | Free-For-All Links | Tell-A-Friend |
