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Wednesday 26 March 2025

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Screencasting info on the Shambles Website
Screencasting info on the Shambles Website ... recommended
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Machinima Resources for Educators : Curated on ScoopIT
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It was truly mindblowing what took place at MachinEVO, the 5-week Second Life workshop for language educators, which was part of the regular and annual pre-conference activities of the TESOL convention called EVO Sessions.
During MachinEVO we set out to learn how to produce videos of language learning conversations in Second Life. These videos are recorded with a screen-capturing software like Fraps or Camtasia and due to the lean production costs provide a great opportunity for language educators to create blended learning material to supply to their learners additional learning material.
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Koinup : avatar social network
Koinup : avatar social network
Koinup is the first social network to share your virtual life by publishing your machinima, screenshots and virtual stories.
It allows users to upload, share and review contents they create within virtual worlds, metaverse, mmorpg and games as Second Life, IMVU, World of Warcraft, The Sims 2 and many others.
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Making Machinima (PowerPoint)
Making Machinima (PowerPoint)
This slide show outlines the process of creating videos using 3D environments and video capture tools.
The seven steps:
1) Watch two documentaries;
2) Learn some history;
3) Gather your tools;
4) Choose a 3D platform;
5) Find Actors and Shoot;
6) Edit the Video and add Sound;
7) Distribute it on the ‘Net.
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Machinima : YouTube Channel
Machinima : YouTube Channel
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Machinima.com is an online entertainment network showing original videos from your favorite video games.
Watch thousands of trailers, gameplay, montages, music videos and original machinima series and movies created in World of Warcraft, Halo, Sims 2, GTA, Battlefield, Counterstrike and many more games.
Access all of these videos in our entertainment game channels as well as learn how to make your own machinima videos by collaborating with others via our forums and accessing great articles and tutorials in our Machinima 101 channel.
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The Machinima Archive
The Machinima Archive
The Machinima Archive is dedicated to the academic investigation and historical preservation of the emerging art form known as machinima. Machinima is filmmaking within real-time, 3D virtual environments, often appropriated from existing video game engines. High-quality new machinima of all kinds are regularly added to the archive for your enjoyment.
The Machinima Archive is a collaborative effort of the Internet Archive, the How They Got Game research project at Stanford University, the Academy of Machinima Arts and Sciences, and Machinima.com.
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Machinimatographers in Second Life
Machinimatographers in Second Life
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Machinima Friendly Sims in Second Life
Machinima Friendly Sims in Second Life
List your sims here if you allow anyone to film Machinima on your sim.
Note that this does not include permission to build there or to alter lighting. Just filming.
This list is partly out of concern for intellectual property rights and partly about giving credit where it is due.
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Machinima : Second Life Wiki
Machinima : Second Life Wiki
This wiki portal is not an advertising space but rather a community resource and vehicle for aggregating information about Machinima.
Tutorials, Tricks and Tips ... Resources
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How Machinima Works
How Machinima Works
Machinima takes its name from the combination of the words machine and cinema -- technically, the word is misspelled, but that's how it was first written and it has stuck.
Machinima filmmakers are called machinimists or machinimators (the two terms are used interchangeably). Machinima films use virtual environments and actors to tell stories. Most of the time, a video game is used to provide the setting, props, costumes and even actors. Machinima can be as simple as an in-game recorded video of a player racing through a level or as complex as a feature film with plot twists and extensive character development.
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