Yourhomework : makes it easy for any teacher to post homework assignments and build web pages for students and parents, enhancing communication between school and home!

Classroom Resources
Classroom Resources is an organisation set up to allow teachers to market their own resources and ideas to schools nationally and internationally. Many teachers have worked hard to produce high quality resources for their own use and Classroom Resources gives them the opportunity to bring them to the notice of a wider market.

NoteStar is the newest utility to assist Project Based Learning on the World Wide Web. It allows teachers to create projects for their students. Students may then take advantage of NoteStar's many features to collect and organize their notes.
What teachers can do with NoteStar:
- Create and assign projects to students.
- Track each group's progress with completing a task.
- Easily manage projects for multiple classes.
What students can do with NoteStar:
- Create topics and sub-toics for each research topic.
- Assign topics and sub-topics to specific group members.
- Take notes from the web.
- Easily track information regarding their sources.
- Organize their notes and sources to create printable notes and bibliography.
