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Friday 14 March 2025
  Joomla (LMS)

Joomla 1.6
Joomla 1.6 Offers New Features for Designers & Admins
Along with WordPress and Drupal, Joomla helps make up the group of “big three” open source CMS applications. According to statistics from W3Techs, Joomla powers 2% of the web and holds 11% of the CMS market.
Joomla is used for front facing and internal sites for companies like eBay, Citibank, General Electric, IHOP and more. With Joomla 1.6, the goal was to make the package more user-friendly and powerful.
Joomla still hasn’t caught up with WordPress in the ease-of-use department, but as a CMS, it can be considerably more powerful. The new ACL feature is great for large scale sites with lots of users. For designers, we think the addition of template styles and layout overrides will make customizing and changing smaller aspects of a page or site faster.
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Joomla Templates
Joomla Templates
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Joomla on Wikipedia
Joomla on Wikipedia ... at the time of posting this link Joomla LMS was not mentioned on this page ... only the original free,open source content management system.
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Joomla LMS - professional LMS
Joomla LMS - professional LMS
JoomlaLMS is a high-end eLearning software designed for teachers and by teachers.
Most of its applications were collected across our vast expertise of distance learning software development. Easy to install, tune and drive, our LMS makes both distance learning and online training processes easy as ABC.
JoomlaLMS features the following e-learning tools:
| Multilanguage support | Tutorials and resources | Repository (all file types) | SCORM player + packages 1.2 | Roles (User, Teacher, CEO, etc.) | QuizDeluxe and SubscriptionDeluxe | Course groups (incl. repository, forum, chat) | Collaboration whiteboard (via Flash Media Server) | Completion certificates | Quiz pool (for each course) | Parent / CEO access control | Learning Paths / Homework tracking | Course creation-copy-import-export | Register of Attendance / user tracking | CSV import-export users' (un-)enrolment | LDAP (on demand) | GradeBook | TotalBackup | Add-ons: E-Portfolio, RoomBooker, SurveyForce and ContentSystem |
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