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Friday 14 March 2025
  iPad Case Studies

8 Studies about iPads in Classrooms
8 Studies show iPads in the classroom improve education.
Since their release in April of 2010, Apple’s iPads have taken the US by storm. iPads have swept through almost every industry, especially education.
Apple is pushing for iPad use in education, and several schools across the US have taken up the charge. The proliferation of iPads in the classroom will only keep accelerating. With these powerful mobile devices come a lot of possible benefits for educators and students alike. We all know iPads are exciting and there is a plethora of engaging apps for them out there, but do they actually improve education?
There have been many interesting studies done about iPads in the classroom and the effects on both students and teachers. I’ve pulled together a list of various study results regarding iPads in the classroom below. Check out just how much of an influence studies show iPads in the classroom are having on education.
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Ten Reflections on the First Year of an iPad Pilot
Ten Reflections on the First Year of an iPad Pilot
Passing out iPads to students on the first day of school was like celebrating Christmas (or in this case Hanukkah) with thirty antsy kids sitting around the ceremonial ipad cart attempting to hide their excitement.
After an exciting year chalked full of pedagogical lessons and changes in our learning landscape here are my takeaways:
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Are iPads Really Helping Kids in the Classroom
How Much Are iPads Really Helping Kids in the Classroom
The drive to increase technology use in classrooms has many asking whether the investment is more fizzle than bang, and whether it’s too early to tell how wisely the money is being spent.
Education author Peg Tyre has investigated the use of iPads, one of the most popular classroom additions.
She concludes that [...]
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Successful iPad Pilot Spurs School District ...
Successful iPad Pilot Spurs School District Move to 1:1 iPad Initiative
The Williamsville Central School District‘s iPad pilot plan launched last in 2012.
The pilot was so successful that WCSD, a large, suburban district located outside of Buffalo, NY expanded the project to include grades 4 and 6.
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District goes digital with 1:1 iPad plan
District goes digital with 1:1 iPad plan
After conducting an iPad pilot project at Westlake High School, its eighth grades and various elementary grade levels, the Eanes school district will spread its 1:1 tablet plan to all grades at all campuses.
At a Dec. 19 meeting, the Eanes school board authorized the purchase of 2,730 iPad 2s for $1.17 million to put one tablet in the hands of every student.
The district has named the initiative Learning and Engaging Through Access and Personalization, or LEAP.
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mLearning video case studies
English and Mobile ... Video case studies
Listen to teachers from around the world share their experiences of introducing mobile devices and mobile learning into their institutions. Find out how they ran pilots and trained teachers, about the challenges they faced and how these were overcome. Each case study teacher shares advice about how to implement mobile learning. We will be adding to these case studies regularly, so watch this space!
Listen to teachers from around the world share their experiences of introducing mobile devices and mobile learning into their institutions. Find out how they ran pilots and trained teachers, about the challenges they faced and how these were overcome. Each case study teacher shares advice about how to implement mobile learning. We will be adding to these case studies regularly, so watch this space!
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Featured Teacher-Karen Lirenman : webinar #liveclass20
Featured Teacher-Karen Lirenman : webinar #liveclass20
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Nambour Christian College : iPad Deployment
Nambour Christian College will be deploying over 1000 iPads in 2013. It will be an exciting year and enable innovative teaching practice and dynamic learning opportunities. To ensure adequate preparation has been performed strategic steps have been taken.
Our various implementations have future proofed the digital learning strategy and provided necessary footings to strengthen the foundations of our project.
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iPads in Primary: Does 1-to-1 Make a Difference?
iPads in Primary: Does 1-to-1 Make a Difference?
Recently, I was given the opportunity to go one-to-one in my first grade classroom with iPads. To say that my students and I were excited to do this would be a bit of an understatement. It has long been a dream of mine to go one-to-one and for the students it is, as they say, like kids in a candy shop.
Truthfully, management of these devices has proven to be more of a hassle than I had anticipated, but it is clear to me that these devices ARE making a difference. When I see the students’ engagement, their learning, their sharing and their pursuit of their passions, I can’t help but be convinced that these devices have the potential to transform my classroom.
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The iPad in an Alaskan Classroom [One Transformed Classroom]
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iPad (Schools) Adoption [Curated links at ScoopIT]
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St Agnes iPad implementation
St Agnes iPad implementation
St Agnes Catholic High School are moving ahead with their 1 to 1 program for their Year 8 students.
St Agnes was involved in the trial of iPads during 2010 and since then have researched and consulted extensively with a strategic process across staff, students and parents towards ensuring an effective implementation program.
This has included learning opportunites for staff and students as well as ongoing communication across the school community. The focus has been on the learning and how this device could assist in providing real mobile learning opportunities.
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5 Things Not To Do During an iPad Rollout
5 Things Not To Do During an iPad Rollout
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Main Mobile Learning Area on Shambles
Main Mobile Learning Area on Shambles ... including other iPad areas related to Apps and management.
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Getting ready for iPad deployment
Getting ready for iPad deployment: ten things I’d wish I’d known about last year
When making the move towards using mobile devices in the classroom, there are a number of practical considerations to bear in mind. This article will draw on the experience we have had this year, in implementing an iPad 1 to 1 scheme with our 6th form. We’ve made many mistakes, and I hope have learnt from them.
In the spirit of collaboration, I will share some of them below, in the hope that other schools learn from both what has worked, and what hasn’t.
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iPad in Ed: Here to Stay or a Passing Fad?
iPad in Ed: Here to Stay or a Passing Fad?
What might tablets enable for education in the future? Companies like WizIQ see the iPad (in the near term) as a chance to rev up the educational experience for students with electronic assessment tools, real-time collaboration, and 24/7 access to resources.
Stanford’s school of medicine is using the iPad’s dynamic screen to enhance tables and images in medical texts.
Zeeland Public Schools in Michigan is using the iPad to communicate with students in grades 3 through 12, and to assign classwork and tests.
St. Catherine’s high school in Wisconsin is using the iPad for tests, research, presentations, and reports for 6th graders, and plans to extend this policy up through their 12th grade students.
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Lessons from an iPad Rollout
Lessons from an iPad Rollout
Florida's "first iPad high school" has deployed 1,000 iPads to its high school teachers and students.
Thanks to preparations on the infrastructure, training, and security fronts, the fall rollout has proved relatively snag-free.
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The iPad Project ... in a Scottish School
The iPad Project ... in a Scottish School ... Ceders School.
Detailed diary/blog of implementing a programme from before day 1 ... one of the pioneers.
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Interesting Ways to use the iPad in the Classroom
Over 100 Interesting Ways to use the iPad in the Classroom ... presentation slides in Google Docs
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How schools are putting the iPad to work
How schools are putting the iPad to work
“There’s lots of speculation about the impact [of technology] on learning,” Reed's Ringle said. “That speculation isn’t necessarily grounded in empirical study. So we want students and faculty to have the devices in a live setting and see what they discover.”
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iPads in my classroom… now what?
iPads in my classroom… now what?
I’m very fortunate that I’ll have access to a classroom set of ipads this fall. It’ll be the first investment in ipads for the school. The challenge will be to make the best use of them possible. These are my thoughts so far (in no particular order), but I’d love to hear what others are planning or any suggestions people might have for best use.
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How Schools Are Putting the IPad to Work
How Schools Are Putting the IPad to Work
Here are some examples of how educators are putting the iPad to work this year ...
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