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Tuesday 25 March 2025
  Only the iPad

Innovate with the iPad : #webinar #liveclass20 (recording)
In this webinar, participants learnt how to use iPad to transform teaching and learning. Karen Lirenman and Kristen Wideen, authors of Innovate with iPad, will share five key content creation iPad apps and how they can be used for numeracy, literacy, socials, science, and student self-assessment.
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The Padagogy Wheel
During my research I saw lots of great work done by others using Bloom’s Taxonomy including the Revised Taxonomy which has now become the Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy.
However when I discovered the excellent pioneer work done by Kathy Schrock with “Bloomin’ Apps” I got the idea for the Padagogy Wheel.
Dare I say it but it is the next version for mobile learning of the ongoing importance of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Bloom’s is still fundamental to good teaching and learning.
I have added 62 iPad apps to the wheel and put them where they could serve the pedagogy. These are not necessarily the best app for the job and many of the apps can be used in different realms but it is a good start. I hope it helps you rethink the iPad’s use in Learning and Teaching… it is not about the tool nor the app … it’s all about the students. Also if you have discovered a better app to serve a creative pedagogical use, then please share it in a comment to this blog post… there is always a better way!
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4 key questions about iPad classroom management
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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The Dos and Don'ts for Integrating iPads
The Dos and Don'ts for Integrating iPads
I recognized that there were a number of mistakes that I made as an administrator. I assumed that because the teachers are computer literate, that the teachers would take the initiative and find the apps and make the learning connections with the technology. They were given the summer before and a couple of months at the beginning of the school year to get ready, why weren't they? Some were ready and eager, most were not.
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Pinterest Boards focused only on iPads in Education
Pinterest Boards focused only on iPads in Education
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Putting the P into iPad #4T2013 150min presentation
Teachers Teaching Teachers about Technology 18 May 2013
online Conference
Notes containing urls
Excellent presentation for teachers and parents new to the iPad .. and intermediate ... congrats to Tia and Dawn

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iPad as the Teacher' [Infographics]
iPad as the Teacher' [Infographics]
Spend some time with this infographic to discover how your iPad can be your handy assistant. It's filled with apps and services that you'll wonder how you ever lived without.
While infographics aren't really meant to be printed, here is a 6 page version for printing. Here is a very large 24 page version. You can cut off the margins and tape the pages together to make a poster.
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Traditional classrooms are one size fits all, but students don’t learn in the same ways or at the same pace.
eSpark starts with standardized test scores to diagnose a student’s individual learning needs.
Next, students set their own academic goals.
We recommend a list of curated educational apps and videos for the iPad.
Students complete challenges and assessments, including reflection and re-teaching activities.
Teachers can monitor progress, review work and identify opportunities for intervention or celebration.
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Tranformative Use of iPads in the Education
Tranformative Use of iPads in the Education: Pedagogy, Examples, Activities
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Shamblesguru's iPad [1400 edu Apps] iBook in iTunes
Shamblesguru's iPad with 1400 Edu Apps

This ebook contains over 140 screenshots of the screens and folders on my own iPad, highlighting some of my favourite (edu) Apps.
Each of the eleven Chapters, one per main screen, also includes a recorded audio commentary about why I've chosen some of these Apps and why I've organised them in the way I have.

It is only available from the iTunes store and can only be read on Apple iOS devices ... the book was written using Apples iBooks Author in order to take advantage of the ability to embed multimedia.

  Apple Badge to iTunes Store
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Shamblesguru's iPad [1400 edu Apps] iBook in iTunes
Shamblesguru's iPad [1400 edu Apps] iBook in iTunes
This ebook contains over 140 screenshots of the screens and folders on my own iPad, highlighting some of my favourite Apps.
Each of the eleven Chapters, one per main screen, also includes a recorded audio commentary about why I've chosen some of these Apps and why I've organised them in the way I have.
It is only available from the iTunes store and can only be read on Apple iOS devices ... the book was written using Apples iBooks Author in order to take advantage of the ability to embed multimedia.
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iPad for Dummies [online]
Powered by Issuu
Publish for Free
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15 iPad Skills Teacher & Student should Have
15 iPad Skills Every Teacher and Student should Have
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Using iPads to Enhance Teaching and Learning [webinar archive]
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Teens and iPads
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iPad App Eval Guiding Questions
iPad App Eval Guiding Questions
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Great iPad Tips for Teachers
Great iPad Tips for Teachers [Posters]
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12 Crucial Questions to Ask ....
12 Crucial Questions to Ask before using iPad with your Students
"iPad is making huge inroads into education and it is believed to have revolutionized the whole concept of mobile learning.
More and more schools are, if not already adopting 1:1 environments or BYOD projects , then they are at least debating a future inclusion of this mobile device in the classroom. But as a teacher and practitioner who is going to be using iPad with his/her students, you need to think about the instructional use of this tool.
There are several questions you need to foment in your mind and hopefully find answers to before using iPad in your teaching. You basically need to ask yourself the following questions .... "
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Creating Centers of Learning with iPads [webinar]
Creating Centers of Learning with iPads [archived webinar Oct 2012]
We had a great conversation with Beth Holland and Suzy Brooks regarding ways to create effective learning centers with iPads.
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iPads in Education - Examples from the Classroom
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iPad Case Studies listed on Shambles.NET
iPad Case Studies listed on Shambles.NET
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8 free Apps / Websites on Use of iPad in Education
8 free Apps / Websites on Use of iPad in Education
Apple's Education Resources for iPad
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iBuild iPad Lessons: #TCEA2012
The three-hour Bring Your Own Device workshop included:
1. Where to find the best educational apps
2. Cautionary Apps & Info on Settings/Restrictions
3. Sample Student Products
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iPads for Learning
iPads for Learning Getting Started
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Shamblesguru's iPad Blogs itself
Shamblesguru's iPad Blogs itself to the world ... telling all ... about the 1,000 Apps and the 150 folders.
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iSource.com is here to provide news, reviews, and hopefully some good insight on all things Apple related – iPhone, iPad, iPod, iMacs – hopefully you can guess why we’re called iSource.
With coverage of devices, apps, rumors, tips, tricks, tutorials, humor, industry news and everything in betweeen, we’re excited to serve the folks who equally love their iWhatever.
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iPad Lessons [Pinterest Curated Collection]
iPad Lessons [Pinterest Curated Collection]
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An introductory guide to iPads for Teachers
An introductory guide to iPads for Teachers
Concentrating mainly on teachers using the iPads for their own professional use, rather than being used as a classroom resource, but a lot of the apps listed will be suitable for use by students too..
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An Educator's iPad : eBook
Available on Amazon and
An Educator's iPad - Chris Smith
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The IPad As.....
The IPad As.....
In this section, we take a similar approach as with our Great Tech Tools. In order to help educators integrate iPads effectively, we have compiled a list of apps focused on learning goals consistent with the CRCD framework.
While many of these apps have also appeared in our iPads in the Classroom section, this list is driven by specific learning goals that promote critical-thinking, creativity, collaboration, and the creation of student-centric learning environments.
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Why the iPad Won’t Transform Education — Yet
Why the iPad Won’t Transform Education — Yet
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iPad User Guide
Cybrary Man's Educational Web Sites
iPad User Guide ... and lots more
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iPad for Teachers : curated at ScoopIT
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iPad EdResources
iPad EdResources
I thought it might be nice to share out some of my favorite resources for using iPads, iPods, and iPhones in the classroom.
Although there are many, many fantastic resources available online, the list below are the ones I have come to rely on… I hope you find them as useful as I have ....
| The IEAR community | Appitic | The iPad Academy | iPad in Education wiki | Learning in Hand | iTunesU | Mobile Learning for Special Needs wiki | Canby School District | App Advice |
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iPadian : iPad Simulator for Windows
iPad Simulator for Windows
iPadian : Experience the iPad inside the Windows using iPadian
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Will iOS Macs Dominate Like iPad Does?
Will iOS Macs Dominate Like iPad Does?
Here’s the most interesting fact about the iPad’s incredible success that most people overlook: The qualities that make iPad desirable are replicable on bigger platforms — and may even be magnified by them. Which is why it’s perfectly reasonable to predict dominant market share for the iOS-like Mac desktops of the future.
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iPad in Education : Curated at Scoop It
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Multiple iPads under a single iTunes account
Multiple iPads under a single iTunes account ... Linkedin Discussion
What's the rules behind a school if they purchase (ie;) 15 iPads and sync them all to a single computer using a single iTunes account?
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iPads in Education- Part 1
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iPads in Education- Part 2
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28 iPad 2 Tips and Tricks
28 iPad 2 Tips and Tricks
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iPad Apps ... Collection ... Add Your Suggestions
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Kindergarteners get iPads for school
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iPad Training [video tutorials]
iPad Training [video tutorials]
Click any of the highlighted titles to view free sample tutorial movies. Atomic Learning subscribers to this collection have access to all of the following movies, plus thousands of tutorials on other applications.
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iPad & iPad 2 Guides, Tips, and Information
iPad & iPad 2 Guides, Tips, and Information
This is your one-stop-shop to learn about everything related to the iPad, including Apps, maintenance, and accessories.
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Back to the future with a joystick for the iPad
Back to the future with a joystick for the iPad
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K-5 iPad Apps ... Bloom's Revised Taxonomy
K-5 iPad Apps for Remembering: Part One of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy
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Blooms Taxonomy and iPad Apps
Bloom’s Taxonomy and iPad Apps
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Transforming Classroom Practice with iPad Content
Transforming Classroom Practice with iPad Content Integration
Session at the Reform Symposium webinar, online in July 2011 http://bit.ly/rscon3prezi
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