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Friday 14 March 2025
  Non-Apple iDevices

Windows 8 and Tablets
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Toshiba AS100 tablet
Toshiba AS100 tablet
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Dell Streak: The versatile 5-inch Android tablet
Dell Streak: The versatile 5-inch Android tablet
The Dell Streak is a hybrid device that lives in the space between a smartphone and other larger tablets or netbooks that you might be using right now.
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HP Slate Officially Launches for $799
HP Slate Officially Launches for US$799 (October 2010)
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Mobile devices for the classroom
Mobile devices for the classroom
I have put together a table comparing the different mobile options for the classroom and comparing features. Please feel free to have a look and add any further information and criteria here
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WellcoM : WePad
WellcoM : WePad
Android Tablet in Thailand Baht 15,900 18x11cm
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Archos : Connected Android tablet
Archos : Connected Android tablet
The ARCHOS 101 internet tablet is a tablet who’s choice you’ll be proud of. You’ll have in your hands the best of the highly desirable Android™ technology with a large, high-resolution 10.1’’ screen, a weight of 480 g, and a thinness of just 12 mm. Beyond containing your window into the Internet and your HD multimedia, your device is completely customizable with a world of apps to make it your personal tablet.
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Lots of Competition for iPad Coming
Lots of Competition for iPad Coming
Traditional PC giants such as HP, Dell, Acer, Lenovo and Toshiba will introduce tablet computers, as will smartphone makers such as Research in Motion (RIM), Samsung and Motorola. Verizon, Google and Microsoft are also jumping into what is getting to be a very large market (Apple sold 3 million iPads in 80 days after it was introduced on April 30, 2010).
Some industry watchers say that as many as 32 models are in the pipeline.
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Shamblesguru 'Non-Apple iDevices Video Picks on YouTube
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