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Friday 14 March 2025
  ICT for Students

Live, Online Coding Classes for Kids 8-18
Fun and effective live, online coding classes for kids. Enroll in coding classes for kids to learn coding languages like Python, Java, HTML/CSS & more!
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Computer Clubhouse
Computer Clubhouse [MIT]
At Computer Clubhouse after-school centers, young people (ages 10-18) from low-income commmunities learn to express themselves creatively with new technologies. Clubhouse members work on projects based on their own interests, with support from adult mentors. By creating their own animations, interactive stories, music videos, and robotic constructions, Clubhouse members become more capable, confident, and creative learners.
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ICT revision
ICT revision
A selection of crosswords, quizzes and worksheets on various topics, to be completed online.
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Teach-ict is a resource website that host worksheets, crossworks, subject lists and office application videos for UK curriculum ICT, including KS3, 4 and 5, including specific information covering numerious A-levels from different examination boards
This site is dedicated to teaching ICT at all levels. Students will find revision notes to learn your ICT subject along with plenty of quizzes, competitions, polls to keep things interesting. Teachers will find starters and plenaries along with Schemes of Work ( SoW) , lesson ideas and tons of free material. Revision resources for every level are available.
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Computer Science Unplugged
Computer Science without a computer
Each Unplugged activity is available to download in PDF format, with full instructions and worksheets. Background sections explain the significance of each activity to computer science, and answers are provided for all problems. All you need for most of these activities are curiosity and enthusiasm. There are photos and videos showing some of the activities in action, and we’ve collected links to other useful resources.
The activities are primarily aimed at the five to twelve year-old age group, but they are by no means restricted to this age range: we’ve used them to teach older children and adults too, with little modification.
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AS / A2 level Computing ICT
ICT AS / A2 level Computing
Coursework, Revision guides, ...
We offer many resources for students revising for their AS and A2 level exams including: revision notes and practice questions, revision guides at our bookshop, help and advice and the take a break section for when you have had enough of revision. We hope you find our site a useful revision aid and a bit of fun too!
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The Education Project Asia
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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

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