SAMR : A model for the integration of technology
SAMR : A model for the integration of technology
Substitution => Augmentation => Modification => Redefinition
While there has been a bit of question as to the effectiveness of SAMR, a shift to move beyond SAMR, and a few proposed changes to the structure of the model floating around online, I have to say that hearing Dr. Ruben Puentedura (you may know him as the father of SAMR) speak at iPad Summit still felt like a rare app-ortunity and a truly inspiring treat.
As I am still collecting my thoughts and ideas from the event, I wanted to share some really great resources from the Dr. SAMR.

Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

ICT Guidelines and Policies : UNESCO
ICT Guidelines and Policies : UNESCO
What are the best ways in going about integrating ICT into education to make sure the maximum benefits of ICT? This section provides links to ICT policies and guidelines for beneficial integration.

Arizona Technology Integration Matrix (TIM)
Arizona Technology Integration Matrix (TIM)
The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students.
The TIM incorporates five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments: active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal directed.
Within each cell of the Matrix one will find two lessons plans with a short video of the lesson. Each lesson is designed to show the integration of technology in instruction and classrooms as well as the Arizona Educational Technology Standards.

School Technology Road Map
School Technology Road Map
This road map for building your technology platform was derived from ideas from commercial technical writing, (covered in, “Manual Writing,” at Vancouver Island University) in which all components in a computer system are documented. Some of the bubbles below can be mere links to other resources, but the entire map should be understood as you run your school technology center.

ICT Policies and Plans worldwide
ICT Policies and Plans worldwide
This document is a compilation of available worldwide ICT4E policies and plans, at both a
national and Ministry of Education level (where available).

ICT Strategic Plan 2008 –2010
ICT Strategic Plan 2008 –2010
To create an online learning environment that facilitates collaboration and enhances opportunities for inquiry and learning.

ICT Leadership in School Education
ICT Leadership in School Education

ICT strategic planning guide for Australian schools
ICT strategic planning guide for Australian schools
Information and communications technology (ICT) provides schools with major opportunities for improving learning, teaching and administration. To benefit from these opportunities, a school must apply ICT resources in a way that supports its educational goals. ICT strategic planning, also known as e‐learning planning, is a useful process for helping a school to make well‐informed decisions about ICT

What Makes a Good Learning Technologies School
What Makes a Good Learning Technologies School

Educational Technology Plan Vision Statements
Sample Educational Technology Plan Vision Statements
The following vision statements come from actual school and district technology plans created by Sun Associates clients. These statements are intended to show the range of topics and approaches that can be taken with this key section of any educational technology plan.

CAS Computing at School
CAS Computing at School
CAS is a grass roots organisation, whose energy, creativity, and leadership comes from its members. Our membership is very broad, including teachers, parents, governors, exam boards, industry, professional societies, and universities. We speak for the discipline of computing at school level, inc. FE, and not for any particular interest group.

National Education Technology Plan 2010 (USA)
National Education Technology Plan 2010 (USA)
Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology
The National Education Technology Plan, Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology, calls for applying the advanced technologies used in our daily personal and professional lives to our entire education system to improve student learning, accelerate and scale up the adoption of effective practices, and use data and information for continuous improvement.
It presents five goals with recommendations for states, districts, the federal government, and other stakeholders. Each goal addresses one of the five essential components of learning powered by technology: Learning, Assessment, Teaching, Infrastructure, and Productivity.

UN ICT Hub publishes ICTD Briefing Note Series
UN ICT Hub publishes ICTD Briefing Note Series
The United Nations Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (UN-APCICT/ESCAP), a regional institute of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, published the first eight editions of its new ICTD Briefing Notes Series.
The publications, based on the curriculum of APCICT’s “Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders Programme” (Academy), are designed to provide senior government officials with concise yet detailed analysis of ICT for development related issues and topics.

Guide to Measuring ICTs in Education
Guide to Measuring Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education
In a move to put in place internationally standardized methodologies and indicators to monitor the growing integration of information and communication technologies into education across countries, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) has released the Guide to Measuring Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education.
In addition to the UIS core set of indicators, this guide presents an expanded list to address a wide range of policy concerns in relation to the new paradigm of ICT-enhanced education service delivery. It will help to ensure consistent use and interpretation of ICT in education statistics among policymakers, statisticians, researchers, experts and statistical institutions across the world.

What is ICT? Poster
What is ICT? Poster
A simple poster explaining what the acronym I.C.T. stands for.

Harnessing Technology for Next Generation Learning (UK BECTA)
Harnessing Technology for Next Generation Learning: Children, schools and families implementation plan 2009-12
This implementation plan outlines the strategic ambitions for technology in the Children, schools and families sector.
The plan forms an important part of Becta's work to update 'Harnessing Technology' and supports national priorities including improving achievement and narrowing attainment gaps, engaging disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young people and developing the capacity, quality and efficiency of provision.

YIS : IT Department Policy Docs (jp)
Yokohama International School ... IT Department Policy Operations Documents

Computer and Internet Acceptable Conduct
Computer and Internet Acceptable Conduct and Use Agreement
Please Note: When a student signs the agreement individually or in a handbook, it is also referring to this Academy policy. The Federal Law Appendix at the bottom of this document. Starting with the 2007-08 school year, this agreement is included in the student handbooks for the Upper School.
Woodward Academy provides a wide array of technology resources for student use. This agreement, along with the student handbook for each school, outlines appropriate use and prohibited activities when using technology resources. Every student is expected to follow all guidelines stated below, as well as those given orally by the staff, and to demonstrate good citizenship and ethical behavior at all times.
In accepting this agreement, students acknowledge the following rules and conditions:

National Center for Technology Planning (NCTP)
The National (USA) Center for Technology Planning (NCTP)

Level of Technology Implementation Framework (USA)
LoTi is a term referring to Dr. Moersch's Level of Technology Implementation Framework designed to accurately measure authentic classroom technology use.
The LoTi Framework focuses on the use of technology as a tool within the context of student based instruction with a constant emphasis on higher order thinking.
While technology is an important tool in engaging today's students and preparing them for the future, the LoTi Project recognizes that technology is not the best tool for every lesson.
Since 1998, LoTi has grown to become an internationally recognized symbol and catalyst for systemic reform in classroom uses of technology and complex thinking skills.

ICT Policies at the ESF in Hong Kong
ICT Policies at the English Schools Foundation ESF in Hong Kong
ICT Funding Guidelines | ICT Curriculum Strategy for Key Stages 1 and 2 | ICT Curriculum Strategy for Key Stages 1 and 2 ?Assessment Framework | ICT Development Plan | ICT Learning Scheme ?Technology Partnership & FAQs |

ICT Administration Documents and Advice
ICT Administration Documents and Advice : from ICTeacher (UK)
All the resources on this page are free for you to access and use.
Administration, Policies, Schemes of Work and Planning | Development Plans and NGFL Bids | Assessment and Monitoring | Safe Surfing and Emailing | Make your own Webpages | Control & Monitoring |

Internet Safety : Acceptable Use Policies
Internet Safety : Acceptable Use Policies

K-12 Technology Standards and Benchmarks
K-12 Technology Standards and Benchmarks
Compiled by: Ruamrudee International School (Bangkok Thailand) Technology Integration Committee December 2003
Developing Technology Plans in the Classroom | Technology Standards for Faculty | K-12 Technology Standards for Students | RIS Technology Skill Descriptors | RIS K-12 Software Continuum | RIS Technology Benchmark Categories | Benchmarks: Skills Continuum | Chart Making Technology Benchmarks | Computer and Peripheral Use Technology Benchmarks | Databases Technology Benchmarks | Email and Internet Communication Technology Benchmarks | + lots more.
A very comprehensive ICT document from Ruamrudee International Schools
With acknowledgement to Bradley Arnold
Word Document(600 KB)

ICT in General - OFSTED Report 2002-2003
Annual Report of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools: Standards and Quality in Education 2002/03
ICT in General

Hampshire Education Service ICT strategy
UK Hampshire Education Service ICT strategy

USA National Educational Technology Standards Project
USA National Educational Technology Standards Project
In a unique partnership with teachers and teacher educators, curriculum and education associations, government, businesses, and private foundations, ISTE has responded to calls for educational technology standards, guidelines, and tools with its National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) Project. During the past several years, ISTE has released a number of publications supporting the National Educational Technology Standards.

ICT Strategy in West Sussex (UK)
ICT Strategy in West Sussex (UK)
This strategy is intended to provide a coherent framework for development in Information Communication Technology in the West Sussex Education Service. It will be revised on a regular basis following consultation with key stakeholders in the Education Service.
| Overview | Curriculum | Management | Resources | Technology | Professional Development | Checklist |
