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Friday 14 March 2025
  GPS [Location]

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GPS Pal mobile app
GPS Pal mobile app
A GPS enabled journaling app that gives you the ability to preserve memorable outdoor experiences on the go. Enjoy and explore the outdoors freely with GPS PAL.
"Whenever I get into a cab now, I launch GPS Pal.
It tracks and logs the route the cabbie is taking me in real time, using satellite tracking.
I can watch it as we go (so that if it’s clear we’re taking a weird route, I can ask them what’s going on) plus it will log the route the driver takes so that I’ve got proof to complain to the cab company if I’ve been ripped off.
You can get it for iPhone or Android."
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Waze (iOS and Andoid App)
Meet Waze - a fun, community-based GPS traffic and navigation app.
Join forces with drivers in your area, easily report what's happening on the road and get turn-by-turn navigation that automatically re-routes you when road conditions change.
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GPS and Geocaching Guide for Educators
Dr. Alice Christie's GPS and Geocaching Guide for Educators
Technology is an integral and growing part of daily living in the twenty-first century. The challenge, then, for teachers, is to use technology effectively in classrooms to help students take ownership for learning and develop the practical and critical thinking skills necessary to better understand the world around them.
To meet this challenge, teachers can use an emerging technology tool, GPS receivers, and an emerging GPS-based activity, geocaching, to transform their classrooms from teacher-centered environments to exciting, empowering, exploratory environments that focus on student engagement in the learning process.
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Shamblesguru 'GPS in Learning' Youtube Play List
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EduScapes : geocaching with Kids
EduScapes : geocaching with Kids
Although some parents and teachers are setting up special geocaches for scout groups and classes, you don't need a special geocache for children. The key is to plan ahead and think about activities that will interest and motivate children and young adults. For example, you might do a geocache in the spring or summer and bring along a wildflower guide.
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GPS Resources
These links will hopefully give participants a resource to obtain information about GPS, sources to companies related to GPS, projects that are using GPS, and educational sites that have a wealth of information.
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Groundspeak : the company that runs geocaching.com
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Using GPS devices in the Classroom (pdf)
Using GPS devices in the Classroom (pdf)
Here are some things you should remember about GPS devices and classroom experiences ...
Ideas for using GPS devices in the classroom ...
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What is a Travel Bug?
What is a Travel Bug?
Simply put, a (Groundspeak) Travel Bug is a trackable tag that you attach to an item.
This allows you to track your item on Geocaching.com. The item becomes a hitchhiker that is carried from cache to cache (or person to person) in the real world and you can follow its progress online.
Each Travel Bug has its own unique tracking number stamped on it. This tracking number is used as proof by the user that they found the item. It also doubles as a way for the user to locate the personal web page for the Travel Bug.
Travel Bug Trackables are tracked with the help of users who go online and 'grab' them from caches, or receive them from users.
The idea is by picking up and dropping off Travel Bug Trackables on the web site you are mirroring the Bug's real world adventures.
Each Travel Bug has its own 'diary' that follows its movements.
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The GIS 2 GPS Portal
The GIS 2 GPS Portal
This site was developed by educators for educators and students. We want to make educators and students aware of these two new emerging technologies, Geographical Information System (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS), and Remote Sensing (RS).
We also want to provide a site where educators can find useful links, lesson plans and find classroom resources and ideas they can use with their projects.
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GPS & GIS Lesson Plans & Links
GPS & GIS Lesson Plans & Links
We started using GPS and GIS with our 5th-8th grade students during the 2005-2006 school year.
I will post new lessons and activities as they are developed.
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Shamblesguru's GPS Workshop Visuals [prezi]
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Geocaching Terminology
Geocaching Terminology
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Educators Explore How to Use GPS for Teaching
Educators Explore How to Use GPS for Teaching
Educators are exploring how students can use GPS technologies to tackle real-world problems in science and other areas
"It's a natural bridge to use GPS and geocaching to develop kids' awareness to their location, their community, and their environment," says Smith. "They start to understand where they are."
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GPS on Wikipedia [Global Positioning System]
GPS on Wikipedia [Global Positioning System]
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.
It is maintained by the United States government and is freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver.
The GPS project was developed in 1973 to overcome the limitations of previous navigation systems.
In addition to GPS, other systems are in use or under development. The Russian GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS) was in use by only the Russian military, until it was made fully available to civilians in 2007. There are also the planned European Union Galileo positioning system, Chinese Compass navigation system, and Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System.
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