Education Beyond Borders : Global Projects
Education Beyond Borders : Global Projects
Education Beyond Borders is a non-profit, non-denominational NGO devoted to closing the global education divide through teacher professional development and community education. Our organization focuses on the building of teacher leaders as the key to quality education for all. We work primarily, but not exclusively, in developing countries, in order to build self-reliance, health, and capacity.
In short, the purpose of Education Beyond Borders is to invite, gather, distil, synthesize, and disseminate the best collective wisdom from teacher leaders from every culture to make all teachers even more effective in contributing to the creation of a world that works for all.

The Global Classroom Project
The Global Classroom Project
The Global Classroom Project was co-founded in March 2011 by two teachers on opposite sides of the world – Deb Frazier (Ohio, USA), and Michael Graffin (Perth, Western Australia). We have still yet to meet face-to-face.
Since expanding the project in June 2011, we’ve built vibrant online collaborative spaces and a global network, helping teachers and students around the world to explore new ways to connect, share, learn and collaborate globally.
We’ve grown to include over 300 K-12 from 35 countries around the world; and have hosted over a dozen global projects - organised and run by our participants. You can find out more about our history, and projects by visiting our wiki

Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

Hello Little World Skypers (HLW) Group.
Hello Little World Skypers (HLW) Group.
This group was started in Skype in Education by Katherine Zablatnik from the alps of Austria. Her passion for videoconferencing with others around the world has been joined with many like minded educators.
This group has members from many countries – some highly skilled in technology and some not. All have a strong desire to bring the world into their classroom.

The Play Project
The Play Project
A globaled collaborative project among Early Childhood Educators
An invitation to Play with networked classrooms

Find Other Classes For Joint Online Projects
The Best Ways To Find Other Classes For Joint Online Projects
Larry Ferlazzo Blog Post .. well worth reading

Skype Other Classrooms
Skype Other Classrooms
This page has been set up to help you make connections with classes in other countries who are interesting in having Skype conversations with other classes. You can contact each person by clicking on their name or using the information they’ve shared.

iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) is the world's largest non-profit global network that enables teachers and youth to use the Internet and other technologies to collaborate on projects that enhance learning and make a difference in the world.
iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) is a non-profit organization made up of over 20,000 schools and youth organizations in more than 115 countries.
iEARN empowers teachers and young people to work together online using the Internet and other new communications technologies.
Over 1,000,000 students each day are engaged in collaborative project work worldwide.
