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Using Evernote in the Classroom #webinar #liveclass20
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3 Groundbreaking Evernote Apps
3 Groundbreaking Apps: Evernote's 2013 Devcup Winners
- Postach.io is a blogging tool that lets you post content to your own personal blog directly from Evernote simply by tagging a finished post “published.”
- Context Booster adds context to your Evernote notes by searching the web for content related to them.
- Biscuit is a translation app that helps you learn a foreign language.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Evernote for Student Collaboration : #webinar #liveclass20
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Evernote for Mobile Devices [Apple iPhone iPad iPodtouch Android+]
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Guide on the Use of Evernote in Education
Guide on the Use of Evernote in Education
1- What is Evernote
2- Why Evernote in Education
3- Top Reasons for Using Evernote
4- Some Ways Teachers can Use Evernote
5- Some Ways Students can Use Evernote
6- Video Tutorials on The Different Uses of Evernote
7- Webliography (links for further resources)
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Evernote for Schools
Evernote for Schools
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How to Create a Portfolio with Evernote
How to Create a Portfolio with Evernote
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Evernote For Schools Site [Blog Post]
Evernote For Schools Site: Resource for Using Evernote in Education
As more teachers and students adopt new technologies, including Evernote, they’re looking for useful resources to help them along the way. We’re excited to introduce them to Evernote for Schools, our new microsite devoted to helping those in the education community use Evernote more effectively.
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A LiveBinder all About Evernote from Classroom 2.0 Webinar
A LiveBinder all About Evernote from Classroom 2.0 Webinar
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Evernote for Educators
Evernote for Educators
Their tagline: “Remember Everything.” It is a digital notebook that allows you to take text notes, clip web pages, upload images and files, and much more.
Easy, comprehensive intro to Evernote from Physics Teacher, Paramedic, EMS-Instructor and Ace Blogger, David Andrade.
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Teaching with Evernote
Teaching with Evernote: A 6th and 8th Grade Science Teacher Shares His Top Tips
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Evernote for Students: The Ultimate Research Tool
Evernote for Students: The Ultimate Research Tool
Whether you’re writing a paper or studying for a test, odds are you spend more time gathering the pieces than actually working.
In my experience, getting all of my notes together, hunting for quotes, and tracking down bibliographical information takes at least as long, if not longer, as writing the paper itself.
In a group situation, sharing research and collaborating on the production of one document is even more difficult without the proper tools.
Enter Evernote. For students, it’s an invaluable way to organize research and streamline the collaboration process. Here are some examples of how Evernote simplifies the student research process.
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Evernote Montclair Kimberley Academys 1:1 Program
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Getting Organized – A Task’s Life
Getting Organized – A Task’s Life
The system I am using has a few stages. The stages all happen quickly as they are easy to manage. Let’s go through the lifecycle of a task in the hybrid system I’ve created for myself in my Evernote account.
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Post to Evernote via Twitter
Post to Evernote via Twitter
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Evernote on Facebook
Evernote on Facebook
Evernote helps you remember everything.
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Evernote on Twitter
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Shamblesguru 'Evernote' Video Picks on Youtube
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Evernote Blog
Evernote Blog
Get the latest on all things Evernote. Check out our tips, news, and cool ways people are making their world more notable.
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Use Evernote to save your ideas, things you see, and things you like. Then find them all on any computer, phone or device you use. For free.
Our goal at Evernote is to give everyone the ability to easily capture any moment, idea, inspiration, or experience whenever they want using whichever device or platform they find most convenient, and then to make all of that information easy to find.
And we’ve done just that. From creating text and ink notes, to snapshots of whiteboards and wine labels, to clips of webpages, Evernote users can capture anything from their real and digital lives and find it all anytime.
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