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Friday 14 March 2025
  Early Learners [Apps]

Using an iPad in a Grade One Classroom
Using an iPad in a Grade One Classroom
I've had the privledge of teaching with an iPad in my grade one class. Along the way I have discovered a lot of great ways to use it to help my students have their individual learning needs met. Having just one iPad did bring about its own set of challenges but we were very lucky to have access to some additional iPads in the final term of school.
Before I start the next school year I think it's important for me to review some of the apps we had this year and how we used them.
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Top 10 apps for Primary Schools
Top 10 apps for Primary Schools
I often get asked for my Top 10 Apps for Primary School teachers and students. As a resource for many of these Apps I have created Video tutorials (http://goo.gl/zxLSO so you can have a look before you buy!!
So here it is in no particular order.
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iPad Adventures at Lower School
iPad Adventures at Lower School
A chronicle of our process as we learn about teaching with iPads at Sidwell Friends School.
Here is the 2011-12 kindergarten list - some of the basic apps on my student iPads and couple of words on why (a great place to get started.
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Video from Mrs. Judd’s Games
iPads in Early Childhood Education: Video from Mrs. Judd’s Games
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Ms Lockyer's Class Blog
Ms Lockyer's Class Blog
iPads and iPods in the early years classroom.
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Early Childhood Education and the iPad
Early Childhood Education and the iPad
"I was fortunate enough to receive an invitation to the Sydney Catholic Schools Early Years Conference. I was interested because the conference was centred around creating a clear and coherent vision around Early Years pedagogy. I was also intrigued to see how the iPad fitted in with this vision.
One of the sessions I attended was Technology in the Early Years - Apps and iPads by Kate Highfield a Lecturer in Early Childhood from Macquarie University Sydney. Kate was certainly an engaging and passionate speaker but what really impressed participants was a scaffold by which we could evaluate the apps that are used within the confines of our own classrooms. Kate and her research partner Kristy Goodwin have developed this scaffold from their research into educational apps.
Kate suggested that we could plot apps on a educational continuum depending on where the different apps contribute to cognitive development. Three main categories along this continuum were identified; Instructive, Manipulable, Constructive."
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