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Friday 14 March 2025

6 Diigo Groups for Teachers to Join
6 Diigo Groups for Teachers to Join
Here is a list of some Diigo groups where you can meet other teachers and educators from all around the world and develop your personal learning networks.
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Student Learning with Diigo
Student Learning with Diigo
Welcome to the world of Diigo, one of the leading Top 10 research tools. Diigo is a cloud based information management system that helps you organize relevant facts you find online.
With Diigo you can keep track of those favorite websites and revisit them from any computer at any time.
Diigo is a great way to improve your online productivity and is widely used by educators.
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Annotate, Archive, Organize
Annotate, Archive, Organize
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Digging Deeper With Diigo - Education
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What are Diigo Educator Accounts?
What are Diigo Educator Accounts?
These are special premium accounts provided specifically to K-12 & higher-ed educators. Once your Diigo Educator application is approved, your account will be upgraded to have these additional features ...
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Diigo Official Blog
Diigo Official Blog
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Diigo on Twitter
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Diigo : Archive of a Webinar at Classroom 2.0
Diigo : Archive of a Webinar at Classroom 2.0 ... one hour July 2010
Plus lots of links
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Shamblesguru 'Diigo' Video Picks on Youtube
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Diigo : Social Bookmarking
If you browse or read a lot on the web, we believe you will find Diigo indispensable.
Diigo is two services in one -- it is a research and collaborative research tool on the one hand, and a knowledge-sharing community and social content site on the other.
Diigo provides a browser add-on that can really improve your research productivity.
As you read on the web, instead of just bookmarking, you can highlight portions of web pages that are of particular interest to you. You can also attach sticky notes to specific parts of web pages.
Unlike most other web "highlighters" that merely clip, Diigo highlights and sticky notes are persistent in the sense that whenever you return to the original web page, you will see your highlights and sticky notes superimposed on the original page, just what you would expect if you highlighted or wrote on a book!
A project team, a class, or a club can create a group on Diigo to pool relevant resources, findings and thoughts together.
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