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Friday 14 March 2025

Wakelet (free)
Wakelet : Save, organize and present multimedia content with your students, teachers and learning communities.
The Wakelet platform and all of it's features are completely free to use
At Wakelet, we're working to change the way people find, organize and share information. In a world of algorithmically-driven content, Wakelet puts people first, helping them organize and find the most relevant, authoritative and compelling content from across the web.
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Lark combines a multitude of essential collaboration tools in a single interconnected platform, including Chat, Calendar, Creation and Cloud storage. These functions are always in sync, and are easy access from one to the next.
It can be difficult keeping your company's solutions up to date in a rapidly-evolving workplace. Fortunately, Lark is built for modern enterprises. There's no longer any need to juggle between applications to get work done, just plug in and Lark facilitates the rest!
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Google Jamboard
Google Jamboard - Visualize your ideas in a new and collaborative way
Unleash your team’s creativity with Jamboard. Sketch your ideas whiteboard-style while benefiting from the access and connectivity of an interactive canvas. Drop images, add notes, and pull assets directly from the web while collaborating with team members from anywhere.
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Voxer makes it simple for friends, family and colleagues to talk from anywhere in the world, whenever it’s convenient.
Communicate in the fastest, and most efficient manner there is - instant voice.
You can hear messages as people speak, or listen later if you are unavailable.
Alongside voice, send text, photos and share your location.
Broadcast messages to up to 500 individuals or team contacts.
Use your iPhone, Android, Windows Phone 8 or desktop to communicate.
Pick a chat to listen and respond to live voice without being in the app.
Hook up your wired or Bluetooth headsets to respond back hands-free.
Turn on loud, repetitive alerts for messages when you’re in noisy environments.
When you are at your desk, listen and respond to your contacts from a desktop.
Talk across countries, wireless carriers, or data networks at no additional charge.
Data is sent through encrypted connections and stored in a secure cloud.
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Meetup is the world's largest network of local groups. Meetup makes it easy for anyone to organize a local group or find one of the thousands already meeting up face-to-face. More than 9,000 groups get together in local communities each day, each one with the goal of improving themselves or their communities.
Meetup's mission is to revitalize local community and help people around the world self-organize.
Meetup believes that people can change their personal world, or the whole world, by organizing themselves into groups that are powerful enough to make a difference.
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Lucidpress in the classroom
Use Lucidpress in the classroom to create engaging class materials, supplements, handouts, and more. Enable students to easily collaborate on group projects.
Lucidpress has become an integral part of the classroom in hundreds of schools around the world. Because our Educational accounts can scale to all sizes, it can work for a class of 5 students or an entire school district of 10,000.
With decreasing state education budgets, many schools are looking for cost-effective alternatives to expensive desktop software like InDesign. We are pleased to offer Lucidpress free of charge to public K-12 educators and students. These educational accounts are the equivalent of our Team accounts and come equipped with all the premium features.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Strategies for Student Collaboration [videos]
Strategies for Student Collaboration [videos]
Short videos for you, each designed to offer a strategy you can use immediately to bolster your repertoire of collaborative design.
Don't forget that you can find more in-depth examinations of peer-to-peer learning for every grade in our 'Teaching Channel' video library.
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Teachers create grids of short discussion-style questions that students respond to through recorded videos. Flipgrid boosts community and social presence in face-to-face, hybrid, and online classrooms.
Give your students a voice.
You can create up to four* grids with a Flipgrid account. Grids can be classes, sections, groups of students, research groups, faculty groups, or any collection of users interested in a common strand of questions. Each grid can hold an unlimited number of questions, and each question can hold an unlimited number of responses.
Questions are short, text-based prompts (think Twitter™) that can include basic formatting (e.g., bold, italic) and links to websites or documents.
Unlimited questions per grid. Unlimited response videos per question.
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Shamblesguru 'Teamwork' Youtube Play List
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Teaching Teamwork Through Video Game Development
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Online Collaboration [UNESCO]
Online Collaboration [UNESCO]
This section provides links to articles about online collaboration. Strategies for organizing online collaboration are outlined, along with relevant pedagogies and useful tools. Links to collaboration projects are provided, along with information on intellectual property rights and the cultural implications of changes in educational systems.
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Click the button and start sharing your screen in under 5 seconds.
View from the browser of any PC, tablet, or smartphone. No software download or installation required.
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ScreenConnect is a self-hosted remote support software that can also be used for screen sharing, for a remote desktop, and more.
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Teamwork/Cooperative Learning Rubrics
Teamwork/Cooperative Learning Rubrics
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Free Tools and Resources from Intel
Free Tools and Resources from Intel
Intel offers free, easily integrated tools and teaching resources to support collaborative student-centered learning.
Our online thinking tools provide active learning places where students can engage in robust discussions, analyze complex information, pursue investigations, and solve problems. You’ll also find teaching resources such as exemplary lesson plans, assessment strategies, and technology-enriched project ideas for all K–12 subjects.
Developed by educators, these free tools and resources support 21st century learning, with project-based approaches in the classroom.
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Distributed Idea Generation Outperforms Team Brainstorming
Distributed Idea Generation Outperforms Team Brainstorming
"This has significant managerial implications: if the interactive build-up [of team brainstorming] is not leading to better ideas, an organization might be better off relying on asynchronous idea generation by individuals using, for example, web-based idea management systems."
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Chat Clients : List on Shambles
Chat Clients and Message Boards : List on Shambles
Many free and most work in browsers.
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Mindmapping Tools
Mindmapping Tools list on Shambles
Many offer realtime collaborative experiences in a browser.
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Robin Goods Collaborative Map
Robin Good's Collaborative Concept Map of Web 2.0 Collaborative Tools .. displayed as a mindmap.
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SubEthaEdit is a powerful and lean text editor. And it's the only collaborative one that is a joy to use.
By combining the ease of Bonjour with the world's best text collaboration engine, it makes working together not only possible but even fun…
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Nota is casual collaboration.
Nota is casual collaboration.
Nota is a unique, cutting-edge collaborative web platform that allows users to create, share and collaborate on presentations and virtually any other form of online material.
Using Nota’s proprietary toolset, users can instantly integrate text, video, maps, clip art, photos from web album or on the local computer, or license-free images from Flickr, and material from an ever-expanding array of sources.
Users can then instantly embed their work in Facebook or blogs, and can share and collaborate with friends.
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GradeGuru : Collaborative Note Sharing for College Student
GradeGuru : Collaborative Note Sharing for College Students
"The core of GradeGuru is the ability to upload, share, read, and rate class notes. If you have a group of friends in organic chemistry, and you want to compare notes to make sure nothing is missed, GradeGuru is useful. But the website’s real strength is the ability to organize a library of class notes for future students."
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CoverItLive ... live streaming text ... live Blogging ... moderated conversations ... streaming broadcast tool ... Q & A live sessions online.
Whether it's Live Blogging, hosting a weekly Question & Answer session or simply reporting on Breaking News, all readers agree: Live is Better.
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BackChannel Tools : List on Shambles
Backchannel Tools ... list on Shambles.
Synchronous collaboration during meetings
Imagine you're giving a presentation where you can read the mind of every person in the room. If you can stay sane, you'll have an amazing ability to adjust to your audience's needs and emotions.
Using Twitter at social media conferences has become a great way to do just that. But Twitter isn't appropriate for every situation.
This is a list of alternatives
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Scribblar Collaborative Web-Based Platform
Scribblar Collaborative Web-Based Platform
Real-time multi-user whiteboard
Image upload and sharing
Userlist and text chat
Live audio communications
No downloads, no user limits
Create your own free scribblar room now and invite others to join you.
You will be up and running in less than 10 seconds - no registration required!
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Online IWBs : List on Shambles
Online IWBs Interactive White Boards : List on Shambles
many are free, allow synchronous collaboration and work in a browser.
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Google Sites : One-stop sharing for team information
Google Sites : One-stop sharing for team information
Google Sites, a new offering from Google Apps, makes creating a team site as easy as editing a document. Use Google Sites to centralize all types of information -- from videos to presentations -- and share your site with just a few people, your entire organization, or the world.
Building a site is as simple as editing a document, and you don't need anyone's help to get started.
Create a single place to bring together all the information your team needs to share, including docs, videos, photos, calendars and attachments.
Invite co-workers, classmates, or your entire organization to edit your site with you to keep it fresh and up-to-date. And let as many or few people view your site as you want.
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Ning Group : Creat Your own Social Network
Ning Group : Creat Your own Social Network
Got a group? Create a custom group website with profiles, photos, and events in seconds!
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Facebook is a social utility that connects you with the people around you.
Facebook is made up of lots of separate networks ?things like schools, companies, and regions.
You can use Facebook to:
* Share information with people in your networks.
* See what's going on with your friends.
* Look up people around you.
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MySpace : online community
MySpace is an online community
Create a private community on MySpace and you can share photos, journals and interests with your growing network of mutual friends!
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TWiki - A Web Based Collaboration Platform : wiki
TWiki - A Web Based Collaboration Platform : a wiki
Welcome to TWiki, a flexible, powerful, and easy to use Web-based collaboration platform. Use TWiki to run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base, or any other groupware tool, on an intranet or on the internet. Web content can be created collaboratively by using just a browser. Developers can create new web applications based on a Plugin API.
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Curriculum Collaboration Toolkit
Curriculum Collaboration Toolkit : Effective teaching with technology matches the teacher's goals and the learner's characteristics and needs, with tools that enhance understanding.
What factors affect collaboration? | How can I leverage tools for collaboration? | What types of tools and resources are available and how are they being used? | How can I structure collaborative dialogue? | How does information literacy fit into collaboration? |
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Tapped In :
Online activities take place within custom virtual buildings within the Tapped In environment. Each organization gets their own building, which typically has 3 floors
Features included:
- Customized virtual buildings with public, group, and personal rooms
- Tenant-branded membership and log-in pages
Group creation and management
- Guests and member access via standard Web browsers
- Text-based chat and private messaging
- Threaded discussion boards in every room
- Conversation transcripts automatically emailed
- Messages saved for someone who is not logged in
Information sharing and retrieval:
- File and URL storage in personal and group rooms
- Room "sticky notes" for posting welcome messages, agendas, etc.
- Tenant, group, and member directories
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Second Life ... 3D online virtual world

International Schools Island in Second Life

Shamblesguru on YouTube ... video online

ShamblesPAD (built on Etherpad) .. Collaborate on documents in really real-time

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The Education Project Asia
Support Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) if you feel suitable ...  many thanks if you do  .... Chris

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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

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