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  Cloud Party

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Cloud Party is a social platform, not a business venue
Cloud Party is a social platform, not a business venue
Now, logging in with Facebook does make things a lot simpler, since you don’t have to create a new account, but it immediately limits the app to social settings only. After all, you don’t send business emails through Facebook , so why would you have a business meeting through Facebook ? Still, if you’re looking for a social hang out, then it’s great, because your friends already have accounts, you just have to invite them to use the app. Having a virtual world on Facebook seems like a logical continuation of the whole social media trend.
Cloud Party is not a high powered design tool for creating vast worlds for your fantasy game, or chic state-of-the-art meeting facilities. However, if you want a nice place to hang out with some friends, then Cloud Party is perfect.
The fact that it’s online and requires no download puts it way ahead of Second Life or OpenSim for casual hangouts, and the fact that it uses Facebook makes it very easy to introduce virtual worlds to people.
Comprehensive overview for beginners.
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An educator looks at Cloud Party
An educator looks at Cloud Party
Here are some reasons I think Cloud Party represents the next generation of virtual worlds ...
No client (all in a browser) : This is key to mass adoption. For educators, it means that a student only needs a Facebook account. That means about 100 percent uptake for my students.
| Real life ID | Easy UI that looks bound for mobile devices |
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