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Friday 14 March 2025

Chrome Web Store
Chrome Web Store
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Top 10 Tips And Tricks For Google Chromebooks
Top 10 Tips And Tricks For Google Chromebooks
Google Chromebooks are becoming increasingly popular. The market intelligence firm ABI Research have predicted an annual growth rate of 28 percent through to 2019, meaning an expected 11 million units per year will be shipped by the turn of the decade.
If you are one of the latest converts to Chromebooks and are looking for some of the best tips and tricks to get you started, then read on for some great hints…
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Could Google Chromebooks be the perfect PC?
Could Google Chromebooks be the perfect PC?
For those of you that don’t know much about the Chromebooks, the easiest way to explain them is that they are laptops that run the Chrome web browser. There are no extras like Microsoft Office or anything of that sort.
You do everything through Chrome, which for some can be a turn off. To be perfectly honest, a Chromebook can do just about everything you need it to do when it comes to education.
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Looking For A New Laptop? Get A Chromebook
Looking For A New Laptop? Get A Chromebook Instead!
Google’s Chromebooks are surprisingly good laptops. They’re cheap — only $249 for what’s probably the best one at the moment — lightweight, portable, and quick-to-boot. They may not be the ideal computer for a PC gamer or heavy-duty desktop software user, but they can be great portable web browsers to drag to class.
Chromebooks have become surprisingly capable, but they can’t do everything. They can’t play the latest PC games or run the desktop version of Photoshop. You can’t install iTunes and maintain a 500GB collection of local music files. But you’d be surprised at all the things a Chromebook can do. A Chromebook can accomplish most of the things most people do on laptops.
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Innovative Chromebook Teachers
Innovative Chromebook Teachers
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Chrome in Education
Chrome in Education
Google Apps | Chrome Web Apps | Chrome Extensions | Chrome App Comparison | Chromebook Resources
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Getting Started With Your Chromebook – A Free eBook
Getting Started With Your Chromebook – A Free Ebook
Sure. But can’t you cut it down to “open lid”? :p
That was the response from Philip Sum on Google Plus when I asked my friends if they can review a small ebook I was writing for Chromebook users.
Yes, setting up Chromebook is as easy as opening the the lid and logging in.
So, why a guide to get started with Chromebook? ...
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Microsoft needs to start worrying about Chromebooks
Microsoft needs to start worrying about Chromebooks
Here are four good reasons why Microsoft needs to worry about the rise of the Linux-powered, Chrome OS-enabled Chromebooks: Acer, HP, Lenovo, and Samsung.
Some people think Chromebooks are going to "have just enough momentum to be a pain in Microsoft's rear end.". I think they need to look closer.
Chromebooks are the first major cloud-based end-user device. When you buy a Chromebook, you don't get just a standalone device with Chrome OS. You get cloud storage, the Google Docs office suite, Gmail, and on and on. In short, for one low price a Chromebook gives you everything you need from a basic computer.
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Maybe Those Chromebooks Weren’t Such A Crazy Idea
Maybe Those Chromebooks Weren’t Such A Crazy Idea After All
When Google launched its Linux-based Chrome OS in early 2010 and its Chromebook pilot program later that year, most pundits didn’t quite agree with our own MG Siegler’s premise that Google had dropped a “nuclear bomb on Microsoft.” A few years later, it sure doesn’t look like Microsoft has much to fear from Chrome OS.
But despite its slow start, it looks as if the Chrome OS momentum is slowly picking up.
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Chromebook Tutorials for Teachers
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Google Chromebook Webinars
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Shamblesguru's 'Chromebooks' video playlist on YouTube
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The Google Chrome Web Store
The Chrome Web Store offers thousands of free apps, themes, and extensions to help you make the most of your Chromebook.
Watch movies, play games or get work done (if you really have to).
The Chrome Web Store is an online marketplace where you can find a wide range of extensions, themes, and apps designed for the Google Chrome browser. By displaying each item on its own details page where you can read reviews and leave ratings, the store makes it easier for you to explore and try out apps.
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Go Offline With Your Chromebook
Getting Ready To Go Offline With Your Chromebook – A Guide
Chromebooks are built to live on the Cloud. The experience is at its best when you are connected to the interwebs. Many say that it is at its worst when you are offline.
I disagree.
Of course, Chromebooks are not at their best when offline, but you can still do a lot of stuff when you are offline. But the problem is, you need to get ready for that before going offline. This post will you get started with that.
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Chromebooks in Education [ScoopIT Curation]
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Chromebook Topics Curated in ScoopIT
Chromebook Topics Curated in ScoopIT
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Google Chrome Team : BLOG
Google Chromebooks BLOG
The latest news from the Google Chrome Team who have responsibilities for ...
the Chrome Browser, Chrome OS, the Chrome web store and Chromebooks
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Chromebooks Overview
Chromebooks Overview
Boots in seconds. Nothing complicated to learn. Comes with your favorite Google apps. Built for everyday use and perfect for sharing with others. Starting at $199.
No annoying updates. Nothing complicated to learn. Boots in seconds. Comes with your favorite Google apps. The Chromebook makes a great additional computer for getting things done, for sharing around the home, for everyone.
Chromebooks are a new type of computer designed to help you get things done faster and easier. They run Chrome OS, an operating system that has multiple layers of security, cloud storage, and the most popular Google products built-in.
Easily switch between users in seconds. Everyone has their own files, apps and settings. You never have to worry about anything getting messed up by someone else. When it’s your turn again, pick up where you left off. Everything will be right where you left it.
With automatic updates, Chromebooks download security and software upgrades so you don’t have to. No more hours wasted installing patches.
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