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Friday 14 March 2025
  Chat & Message Boards

30+ Education Twitter #hashtag Chats with Posts
30+ Education Twitter #hashtag Chats with Posts More than 30 Education Twitter #hashtag Chats...
... with live, most recent Posts
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Google : computer to computer voice and video chat
Google : computer to computer voice and video chat
Since sometimes reading "lol" doesn't deliver the same punch as actually hearing your friend laugh at your jokes, you can now use voice and video capabilities in your Google Chat properties (i.e Gmail, Google+, orkut). From within these services, you can have an actual conversation with someone (seriously, out loud), or even chat face to face over video.
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Zippy Chat quickly creates permanent chat rooms, allowing you to get down to chatting immediately. It's instant messaging made easy. Just create a chat room, send your chat room's unique url to your friends and begin chatting!
Zippy Chat's chat rooms are permanent and private, and stay on the server even when they're not in use. You can post your chat room's url on the internet, and the chat room will still be working a month later.
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Using Google Talk
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Joint : Group Chat for Twitter.
Joint: Group Chat for Twitter.
Joint lets you group chat around any hashtag.
1. Follow: Effortlessly follow any Twitter hashtag.
2. Chat: Easily invite and chat with the hashtag group.
3. Create: Instantly create new hashtag groups.
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Chat Relay in Second Life
Chat Relay in Second Life (Virtual World)
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Tinychat delivers dead simple video conferences without the extraneous ad-ons and inconvenience, making video conferencing an accessible, uncomplicated experience.
It works on Windows, Mac and Linux; with Firefox, IE, Safari, and Chrome; and there is a version available for iPhones.
You can have up to twelve people in a room with HQ video, protected by passwords and moderators, share your desktop with them, and your conferences can be recorded and embedded on your website.
But the best news is this -- we can provide all of these awesome features in a package that is attractive, streamlined, and easy to understand. Tinychat is the ultimate meeting solution for those who want to meet without stress and hassle. Please contact us with any and all questions.
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Why Chatzy is a good alternative to traditional chat sites as well as ICQ, Yahoo, MSN and AOL Messenger.
Chatzy has no registration steps - your friends can join instantly
Chatzy is free and has no popup ads
Chatzy does not require any installation on your computer (= no spyware)
Chatzy works on any PC, with any language and through corporate firewalls
Chatzy is simple and easy to use
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toksta brings IM and chat (text, voice, video) to social networks and websites. 100% free, hosting included + worldwide revenue share.
Review from Mashable
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LeFora: free forum hosting
LeFora: free forum hosting
We've taken our development experiences and put them together to create what we believe is how discussions should happen on the web. Our forums are social, engaging, easy to use, free, and most importantly - fun.
We dread things like clicking through multiple pages, not being able to filter out annoying posters, dealing with spam, the necessity to create an account just to make a quick comment, staring at butt-ugly templates, never getting notified of responses to our questions, not being able to embed YouTube videos...
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Gabbly is a chat service that allows you to chat around any webpage.
It is free to use on your personal page or commercial webpage.
web 2.0
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Zoho Chat
Zoho Chat
100% web based - no download, no installation | Instant messaging & group chatting | Your invitees need not be Zoho Chat users to join a scheduled conversation | Archive conversations for future reference | Share archived conversations with others | web 2.0 | free |
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Kidlink : Over 100 public and private virtual conferencing communities in 19 languages. Private "chat" network for participants only. The knowledge network is supported by 500 volunteers in over 50 countries.
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Free Message Boards for Your Site
Free Message Boards for Your Site
In this section, TheFreeSite.com takes a look at free services that let you easily set up a message board on your Web site. Message boards are a great way to get feedback, as well as encourage interactivity with your visitors. Most of the services we list let you easily set up a message board by simply filling out a series of forms. With most of these services, you can even customize the appearance and features of your message board.
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Need a quick way to chat with your friends? Here's a top-notch free service that lets you easily create your own chat room, in which you can invite people via E-mail to chat. No installation or registration is required and the service doesn't pester you with banner ads or popups.
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Amazing Forums (free)
Amazing Forums (free)
Free forum, forum, free message boards, script, software, bulletin boards
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Bravenet - Webtools for your webpage or website
Bravenet - Webtools
Add the following items to your webpage or website .....
| Hit Counters | Guestbook | Message Forum | Email Forms | Mini Poll | Java Chat | Guestmap | Password Gate | Mailing List | Free-For-All Links | Tell-A-Friend |
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webkeeper: Chris Smith csmith@csmith.info Shambles RSS Feed :
( 18 entries) | Click here to report broken links or problems |
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Second Life ... 3D online virtual world

International Schools Island in Second Life

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ShamblesPAD (built on Etherpad) .. Collaborate on documents in really real-time

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The Education Project Asia
Support Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) if you feel suitable ...  many thanks if you do  .... Chris

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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

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