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Friday 14 March 2025
  Study Skills [Apps]

CK-12 : Free Educational iPad App studyNow
CK-12 : Free Educational iPad App studyNow
The app helps students find and learn K-12 content in an easy and intuitive manner. Students can now learn at their own pace and in their own way (Video, Interactive Objects, Read, etc.).Teachers can use this app to help keep their kids engaged in the classroom and find supplemental material for their class.
The new experience re-imagines CK-12's huge library of Free K-12 Science and Math content (free digital textbooks and concepts) for the iPad, taking full advantage of multi-touch and the new retina display.
This app can help students in multiple ways: from researching relevant content for homework to learning concepts in different ways (according to their learning preference) to preparing for quizzes/exams by practicing questions. Parents/Teachers can use this app to help facilitate and enhance student engagement in class.
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24 Digital Tools
24 Digital Tools That Represent New Ways To Study
The words “final exam” and “fun” rarely find themselves in close proximity, but with the advent of new game-based learning sites, that may be changing. There are numerous ways that you can now combine studying for your exams or just practicing skills for a course with having fun playing games and hanging out online. Really!
Here are just a few of the great sites that are embracing game-based learning. Give them a try — they might just make you actually want to stay in to study for a change.
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Apps for Project-Based Learning
Apps for Project-Based Learning
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Let CourseNotes be your guide! CourseNotes lets you take notes during your classes and keep them organized by subject and class meeting. Review your notes later and search through multiple class meetings and notes all at once. You can also keep a ToDo list by marking notes as ToDo items, or track them as assignments by providing a due date.
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iStudiez Pro
iStudiez Pro
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Flash My Brain Flashcards
Flash My Brain Flashcards
Flash My Brain offers a natural interface for studying, creating, and sharing text and photo flash cards.
Customizable shuffling and Leitner memorization lets you study with your own learning style.
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Main Study Skills Area on Shambles at ...
This is the link to the main Study Skills Arae on Shambles at ...
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Evernote Peek [App]
Evernote Peek is a simple, fun and surprisingly addictive way to study your notes using the iPad 2 smart cover. Today, we’re excited to release our first update to Peek, and it makes the app even more enjoyable.
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