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Collect pictures, screenshots, and app information from multiple mobile devices. View and organize your collection in a browser.
Without FETCHme, the only way for you to capture information from multiple devices is to physically look at each and every device, and then manually record the information that is important to you. Or, to request that device users capture and email photos, screenshots, or device information to you. These methods are slow, unreliable, clumsy, and disorganized.
With FETCHme, device users can share anything with just a few clicks. Any picture, any information from any app and nearly any device. Everything gets uploaded to the cloud where you can view it at any time through a web browser. Senders can even add notes and annotations to screenshots and pictures. FETCHme works great for home, school, and work.

Individual learning plans (ILPs) should be living documents, not papers filed away in binders and drawers.
Goalbook is the only ILP platform that enables everyone on the student's team to collaborate and celebrate student progress.

Sharing Digital Media with/between Students

Classlink LaunchPad
LaunchPad is your personalized cloud desktop giving access to school from anywhere. Accessible from any device, LaunchPad is ideal for BYO initiatives.
Available in web-browsers and/or Apps for iOS and Android devices.
LaunchPad’s multiple views include a surprisingly simple virtual desktop and an empowering instructional desktop.
Including the virtualisation of Apps such as MS Word.
You may be able to try out Classlink by going to http://try.classlink.com and using the invite code is "backtoschool" ... if this offer has timeout then ust email them to request a trial access ... they have shown to be very helpful.
Integrating iPads, mobile devices and Google into your learning environment from ClassLink on Vimeo.

Collect Student iPad Creations with Edmodo
Collect Student iPad Creations with Edmodo
This video outlines how the Edmodo app can be used to collect student created IMAGES and VIDEOS from a classroom set of iPads.

NearPod ... for iPads [LMS]
Design enriched multimedia presentations and course materials with the Nearpod Content Tool – simply upload a pdf and add interactive features such as quizzes, polls, videos, drawing activities and more.
Bring the classroom to life with interactive mobile presentations that teachers create and
customize themselves.
Multimedia content harnesses students’ attention, keeping them focused and minimizing off-task behavior.
Teachers can see all student activity in real-time via the Nearpod Teacher, identifying problem areas that need further exploration. Check attendance and identify students who log out from Nearpod.
Obtain detailed real-time and post-session reports showing individual and class results.
And it’s free, download the Apps from the iTunes Store
Nearpod Student App Nearpod Teacher App

Teacher's Assistant Lite: Track Student Behavior
Teacher's Assistant Lite: Track Student Behavior
The lite version allows you to use the app with 5 students with up to 3 actions per student. Try before you buy!
Featured in USA TODAY as one of the "best teacher apps"! http://bit.ly/vhV2j2 Featured on TeacherCast.net, Classroom 2.0 LIVE! (http://live.classroom20.com), also on iTunes U
Teachers are saying:
"My paperwork has been cut down by more than half. - Yvonne in California."
The features of Teacher Assistant allow me to quickly document both concerns and accolades for students. I can immediately contact parents via email with the quick push of a button" - Michael in Georgia
Teacher's Assistant Lite allows teachers to keep track of student actions, behavior, infractions, and achievements in the classroom. Communicate quickly and easily with parents and your administration by documenting student classroom habits and behaviors and sending reports via email or making a call right from your iPhone. Designed by a teacher, and used by thousands of teachers across the world. Includes PIN code security.

Stick Pick
Stick Pick
Pick a student at random just by giving your device a shake or tapping the screen -- but that’s just the beginning.
Stick Pick suggests question starters for learners at different levels and also records how well students respond during classroom discussions.
If a student is consistently scoring near the top or bottom, simply change the level so students aren't bored or frustrated. Depending on students' levels of English proficiency, they might be asked simple yes-or-no questions or to elaborate in longer sentences.
Stick Pick is the first app of its kind to uniquely link question stems to the cognitive or linguistic needs of each individual learner. Teachers can have multiple soup cans (classes) filled with sticks (students). During setup, teachers choose a category of question stems they wish to focus on for each learner. Questions can be based on Bloom's Taxonomy, English as a second language skills, and degree of difficulty can be chosen for each learner.
Stick Pick is a handy tool for any teacher device and can guide classroom discussion and formative assessment in really helpful ways. Teachers can mark sticks so they aren't constantly calling on the same students or asking students the same questions over and over again.
Students in small groups can use Stick Pick too. During small group work, students can take turns asking one another questions based on Bloom's Taxonomy, making group work more productive and on-task.

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