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Friday 14 March 2025
  Only Android

Android Pie 9.0 NEW Features (August 2018)
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Miracast: Everything to know about mirroring Android
Miracast: Everything to know about mirroring Android
Acting like a wireless HDMI cable, Miracast mirrors your Android device onto your TV screen in high definition and with audio. Once Miracast is enabled, everything -- from the general interface, to apps and videos -- is duplicated on the big screen without the burden of a cable connecting the two devices.
Its differentiating quality? It doesn't rely on your home's Wi-Fi network. But it's not magic -- let's lift the hood to see how Miracast works.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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The complete guide to using Android with a Mac
The complete guide to using Android with a Mac
For some reason it's a common belief that Android devices and Macs just don't get along.
This misconception may have been true back in Android's infancy, but nowadays there's a long list of methods, apps, and services that let you use your Android device with your Mac. It's impossible to cover every app and service available, but I'm going to share the best of the bunch.
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Android for Education : curated links at ScoopIT
Android for Education : curated links at ScoopIT
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Mirror Your Display : Android App
BBQScreen Mirrors Your Display On A Computer At 25FPS (Root Only)
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The Google Play store app
The Google Play store app comes pre-installed on supported Android devices running Android OS version 2.2 (Froyo) and above.
You can find and open the Google Play Store app from your device’s app launcher.
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Switching from iPhone to Android
A Doctors perspective of switching from iPhone to Android
I’m going to try and document my swap from the shiny things with apples on them to bigger shiny things with little robots on them. There’s a lot of stuff out there on people making the switch. Despite my best efforts to find it, there’s not a lot from a medical perspective.
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From iOS to Android, and Living to Tell the Tale
From iOS to Android, and Living to Tell the Tale
But the reason I switched to Android is that I genuinely believed that it was now at least on a par with Apple’s offering and was worth experiencing first hand. What’s more, it’s just the sort of thing you’d expect a diehard Apple fanboy to do!
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Android in Schools
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Android Classrooms
Android Classrooms
At Hope Technology School we have been able to implement the Motorola Xoom and the Samsung Galaxy tablets quite easily. We have found the youngest of our students seem to adapt the quickest, however we’ve run into a little trouble with kids inadvertently purchasing apps. Below are the solutions we’ve found so far… unfortunately, the problem is not yet solved.
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Android Apps and Blooms Revised Taxonomy
Android Apps and Blooms Taxonomy
Each of the images has clickable hotspots and includes suggestions for iPad, Google, Android, and Web 2.0 applications to support each of the levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.
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How To Install CyanogenMod On Your Android Device
How To Install CyanogenMod On Your Android Device
A lot of people can agree that the Android operating system is pretty awesome.
Not only is it great to use, but it’s also free as in open source, so that it can be modified by anyone.
This is why custom ROMs, like CyanogenMod, can exist.
But how the heck can you install those ROMs onto your device?
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We Need to Talk About Android
We Need to Talk About Android
What's wrong with Android?
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Android 4 Schools
Android 4 Schools
What this blog provides:
Reviews of apps (mostly free ones) that are appropriate for use in K-12 settings. And some suggestions about how those apps could be used by students, teachers, and school administrators.
Reviews of Android-powered tablets for use in K-12 schools.
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Mr Android 2011 : INFOGRAPHICS
Mr Android 2011 : INFOGRAPHICS
Click for image only
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Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich Tips and Tricks
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Guide To Ins And Outs Of Android OS
Guide To Ins And Outs Of Android OS
Learn everything you need to learn about Android, for free! “These Are The Droids You’re Looking For: An Android Guide” by Matt Smith, is the latest free manual from MakeUseOf.com. Outlining the ins and outs of Android, this guide covers everything from basic usage to rooting your phone, and is a must-have if you use Google’s smartphone OS.
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Classdroid – Teacher Android App
Classdroid – Teacher Android App
Classdroid is an Android App for teachers that allows teachers to quickly take a picture of a students work, grade it and upload it to a pupils or class learning portfolio.
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Complete Guide to Android ... on Twitter
Complete Guide to Android ... on Twitter
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Real Time Search for Android
Real Time Search for Android
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AppBrain ...
-Discover the best Android apps via search, rankings and categories
-Easily install and manage your apps directly from the web browser and on the phone with our free Android app
-Install apps with one click from the web with the Fast Web Installer app.
-Share the apps installed on your phone with your friends
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Android Apps
Appolicious is the place to discover and share the latest and best Android, iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad apps through social recommendations.
Find, share, and review apps in categories such as Games, Education, and Travel, or browse user-created lists of apps for anything from astronomy to football.
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Top 10 Student apps for Android
Top 10 Student apps for Android
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Shamblesguru 'Android' Video Picks on YouTube
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Videos About Android (a little techii)
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Introducing Android
Introducing Android
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