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Sunday 16 March 2025
  English on Mobile

IELTS tip-a-day #App #Apple #Android #Free
Use the IELTS Tips app to help you get the IELTS band score you need.
British Council IELTS experts, experienced IELTS teachers and successful IELTS candidates share their most useful advice every day for a month. Tips cover Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing and preparation.
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Heads Up!
Heads Up! is a neat guessing game that works with players of all ages.
They way it works is that one player holds the iPad on their head, the app then displays a word for the other players to act out. The player with the iPad then needs to guess the word. When they get it right they tilt the app forwards (or pass by tilting it backwards).
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Shamblesguru's 'Pages iPad App' video playlist on YouTube
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iPad Apps For Struggling Readers and Writers
50 Popular iPad Apps For Struggling Readers & Writers
Here, we highlight just a few of the amazing apps out there that can help students with a reading disability improve their skills not only in reading, writing, and spelling, but also get a boost in confidence and learn to see school as a fun, engaging activity, not a struggle.
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Free Apps For ESL Teachers
Free Apps For ESL Teachers
Here are a few free apps that ESL teachers can consider using in their classroom.
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BLOG : Mobile ESL
BLOG : Mobile ESL
Learning and teaching ESL using cellphones, tablets and other mobile devices.
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Ten iPad Writing Apps
Ten iPad Writing Apps
Some argue that to teach writing effectively you need to love it dearly. I don't know to what extent this holds true but I am sure that we do not teach only things we love, we teach what we have to teach.
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Promoting Literacy for Teens on Mobile Devices
Promoting Literacy for Teens on Mobile Devices
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Shamblesguru 'English on Mobile' Video Picks on Youtube
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6 Apps Every Aspiring Poet Should Have
6 Apps Every Aspiring Poet Should Have On Their Device [iOS]
There are apps for writing poems, finding words that rhyme, reading other’s poems for inspiration, finding writing prompts and even watching videos of people performing their poetry live. If there is something you want your iPhone to do that is related to poetry, an app can handle it.
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Learning to Write on the iPad
Learning to Write on the iPad
"Lots of people have been asking about using the iPad as a way of teaching young students to write. I personally would not advocate this as the primary way of teaching youngsters the intricacies of handwriting and letter recognition but as fun supplementary activity it might provide some motivation. Here are a couple of fun apps that reinforce some of the basic writing skills taught by parents and teachers. "
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Unlocking Literacy with the iPad
Unlocking Literacy with the iPad
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Dictionary.com - Dictionary & Thesaurus - Free App
Dictionary.com - Dictionary & Thesaurus - Free App for iPad iPhone
Top-rated app with trusted reference content from Dictionary.com & Thesaurus.com. WORKS OFFLINE - no Internet connection needed when searching words. ★ Time Magazine ‘Top 10 Back-To-School App’, Apple ‘Top 10 App’ High School Survival Guide, Winner: CNET Top 100 Mobile App Award
Plus ... the blue speaker button enables you to hear the correct pronunciation of the word ... and you can dictate (speak) your word into the search. So useful for speaking and listening as well as vocabulary.
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iPads can’t improve learning without ...
iPads can’t improve learning without good teaching Pt 2 – Writing
Writing and technology has been a controversial subject for many traditionalists in education. “Spell check stops children from learning to spell”.
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English Apps for Middle School
English Apps for Middle School
For any 1:1 iPad program to be really successful appropriate apps need to be sourced that will not only meet curriculum outcomes but also address the learning needs of your students. The following is a list of apps that have been researched and evaluated specifically for use in the Middle School English course.
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English iPad Apps
English iPad Apps
One of the hardest thing with using the iPad in the classroom is finding the time to go through all of the apps in the iTunes Store listed under the education banner. We have started to list some of the apps we've found under each of the Key Learning Areas.
Gregory Swanson NSW Australia
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Showdown: 5 iPad Reading Apps
Showdown: 5 iPad Reading Apps
Now that all the commercial e-book distributors have made their iPad apps available, it’s time for an overview of how each app performs, along with their pluses and minuses.
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Typ-O HD - writing is for everybody
Typ-O HD - writing is for everybody
Dyslexic, or just not that good at spelling (yet)? Typ-O is for you!
Typ-O uses a powerful word prediction engine and a sophisticated spelling error model to help you write, even if your spelling isn't perfect. The integrated synthetic voices let you inspect the word predictions before selecting them, and check your text before emailing or pasting it into other applications.
The iPad version adds spell checking, file management and a selection of four synthetic voices.
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Use Your iPad For Writing Projects
7 Apps That Will Help You Use Your iPad For Writing Projects
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Mobile Learning at the British Council
Mobile Learning at the British Council
You can now get LearnEnglish apps on your mobile! Download our Android and iPhone apps from the store to help you learn English. We have new Facebook apps too!
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