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Sunday 30 March 2025
  Drug Education

Drug Hotline for Teens
Drug Helpline's teen drug helpline is a resource for anyone who knows a teen struggling with substance use and related problems, and wants help navigating this difficult situation..
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The Recovery Village
Should I Worry About My Teen Doing Drugs?
A drug problem may be something your teen never has to go through, but history has proven that drugs can affect anyone at anytime. In fact, the teen drug use statistics are hard to ignore. Studies have shown that 40% of 12th graders, 30% of 10th graders and 13% of 8th graders have used a drug in the past year. This adds up to millions of young people. Even if your teen doesn’t use drugs, it’s likely they at least knows someone who does.
If you see signs that your child is abusing drugs or alcohol, you need to take action now. Too many times, we at The Recovery Village have spoken with brokenhearted parents who wished they had acted when they first noticed signs of potential substance abuse, before the problem spiraled into addiction. Avoid that outcome by taking steps today to stop this behavior in your teen now.
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Drug-Free Kids
Drug-Free Kids
We work to reduce substance abuse among adolescents by supporting families and engaging with teens.
Founded in 1986 as an anti-drug advertising campaign and formerly known as the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, we are a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing teen substance abuse and helping families impacted by addiction.
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Smoking, Media & Kids
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Tell Your Children 1936
Tell Your Children 1936
Cautionary tale features a fictionalized and highly exaggerated take on the use of marijuana.
A trio of drug dealers lead innocent teenagers to become addicted to "reefer" cigarettes by holding wild parties with jazz music.
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Stop Smoking: 9 Resources to Help You Quit
Stop Smoking: 9 Resources to Help You Quit
The third Thursday of every November has been designated the Great American Smokeout by the American Cancer Society since 1977. While it’s important to quit smoking the other 364 days a year, designating one day allows everyone to rally around and draw more attention to the cause.
From websites, to a mobile and even Twitter tool, here are nine resources to help you quit smoking.
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Joe Chemo
The Joe Chemo Web site is a tool for teachers, health educators, and parents to reduce teen smoking.
Meet Joe Chemo, a camel who wishes he'd never smoked cigarettes. Joe is having trouble feeling COOL these days, now that he's lost most of his hair. Worst of all, Joe just realized that he's been MaNiPuLaTeD all his life by tobacco companies.
Poor guy -- his tobacco IQ never was very high.
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The Internet Drug Index
The Internet Drug Index
Includes a quiz to test your knowledge.
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The anti-drug site
The anti-drug site
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Drug Policy Alliance
Drug Policy Alliance
The Safety First Project of the Drug Policy Alliance focuses on educating parents and teachers on harm reduction approaches to drug education. The comprehensive website, www.safety1st.org, allows parents to ask drug education experts pertinent questions about drugs and learn how to keep kids safer. Dr. Marsha Rosenbaum, director of the Safety First Project and drug education specialist, speaks to parents throughout the country on alternatives and new directions in drug education.
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Drug Education Council
Drug Education Council
We hope that you will learn more about ways to prevent drug abuse and become better informed about current local and national community awareness efforts. You can also locate many other resources for information, data, trends and statistics. Our site is for youth, parents, teachers and all others who care about young people and the problems caused by alcohol and other drug abuse.
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Drugs of Concern
Drugs of Concern
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The Reconstructors - Drug Education
The Reconstructors - Drug Education
This site is designed by the Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning at Rice University as an interactive adventure to further students' understanding about drug abuse.
The Reconstructors, an interactive learning adventure. As you travel through a futuristic world, you will help solve the medicinal mysteries of drugs that have both helpful and harmful effects.
The Reconstructors - is a problem-based adventure game engaging the player in the role of scientist, historian, geographer, and detective. There are several consecutive episodes, each with its own learning objectives. The knowledge gained from each episode will help you make better, more informed, health choices when it comes to avoiding drugs of abuse. Travel into the Future .... Solve Medicinal Mysteries from the Past
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