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Thursday 27 March 2025
  Activist Toolkit

Kit is a community of creators sharing the products they swear by.
Kit is where you create shoppable collections of your favorite products—grouped into kits—so your followers can buy the tools you can’t live without.
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Justice Citizens
Justice Citizens
Justice Citizens is a participatory action research project being run by Keith Heggart, a doctoral student at UTS. It is based on critical pedagogy.
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Meetup is the world's largest network of local groups. Meetup makes it easy for anyone to organize a local group or find one of the thousands already meeting up face-to-face. More than 9,000 groups get together in local communities each day, each one with the goal of improving themselves or their communities.
Meetup's mission is to revitalize local community and help people around the world self-organize.
Meetup believes that people can change their personal world, or the whole world, by organizing themselves into groups that are powerful enough to make a difference.
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CREDO is a social change organization that supports activism and funds progressive nonprofits—efforts made possible by the revenues from our mobile phone company, CREDO Mobile.
Over the course of our history, CREDO has raised $76 million for Democracy Now!, Brennan Center for Justice, Doctors Without Borders, ACLU, EFF, Planned Parenthood, 350.org and hundreds of other nonprofit groups.
Our activism arm, CREDO Action, channels the power of its 3.5 million members to fight for progressive change. We’ve generated over 16 million letters and phone calls to decision-makers in Washington DC, in state and local governments, and in corporate headquarters across the country. Our members have submitted their signatures over 62 million times on CREDO petitions and in public comments to government agencies.
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Change.org is an open space for the site, anyone can start a campaign of their own. To create positive change in society.
We have more than 40 million users in 196 countries worldwide. We are a web to the campaign, the largest in the world.
Since my mother was campaigning for an end to Thailand to film atrocities on a tour bus. To the U.S. Pacific Demanded the bank to cancel the debit card fees.
People around the world are using our tools and succeeded in changing the world around them. In the subject they are interested in. From small issues to national issues.
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SumOfUs is a movement of consumers, workers and shareholders speaking with one voice to counterbalance the growing power of large corporations.
Join us on our journey as we seek to make the world a better place for ourselves, our children and all who share our planet.
SumOfUs.org is a new world-wide movement for a better global economy.
SumOfUs allows you to start an online campaign and set up petitions.
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YouTube Nonprofit Program
YouTube Nonprofit Program
Tell your organization's story through videos on YouTube

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Smore : flyers and newsletters
Smore : flyers and newsletters [option for educators]
Special, affordable pricing for educators, with all the features you need.
Want to promote something online but don't know how? Smore makes it easy.
It's also fun, for a change.
Smore has tools that make promoting your content easy and effective.
Use analytics to see what's working and what isn't.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Avaaz ... online activist network.
Avaaz ... the globe's largest and most powerful online activist network.
Avaaz—meaning "voice" in several European, Middle Eastern and Asian languages—launched in 2007 with a simple democratic mission: organize citizens of all nations to close the gap between the world we have and the world most people everywhere want.
Avaaz empowers millions of people from all walks of life to take action on pressing global, regional and national issues, from corruption and poverty to conflict and climate change. Our model of internet organising allows thousands of individual efforts, however small, to be rapidly combined into a powerful collective force.
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Fund Raising and Charity Links on Shambles
Fund Raising and Charity Links on Shambles
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ONE is a grassroots advocacy and campaigning organization that fights extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa, by raising public awareness and pressuring political leaders to support smart and effective policies and programs that are saving lives, helping to put kids in school and improving futures. Cofounded by Bono and other campaigners, ONE is nonpartisan and works closely with African activists and policy makers.
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Alaveteli is free Social Email software
Alaveteli is free Social Email software
It’s a simple concept: citizens use Alaveteli to request information, and the replies are recorded for all to see on the website.
The project’s initial focus is on making Freedom of Information requests, although it can easily be altered for other purposes.
Funded by the Open Society Institute and the Hivos Foundation, in its first year the project aims to support the launch of dozens of FOI websites around the world. We’ve already helped sites launch in Kosovo, Brazil, and the EU.
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Change.org ...The world's petition platform.
Change.org ...The world's petition platform.
Start a petition to change anything
Ask friends and supporters to sign and spread the word
Win your campaign like thousands of others
Empowering people everywhere to create the change they want to see.
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Amnesty International Activist Toolkits
Amnesty International Activist Toolkits
Use our activist toolkits to create your own workshops and campaigning activities
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The Creative Activist Toolkit
The Creative Activist Toolkit
View more presentations from Charles Tsai
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Reporters Without Borders (RSF - Reporters sans frontieres)
Reporters Without Borders (RSF - Reporters sans frontieres)
Every day, reporters face threats of censorship, danger or death in carrying out their jobs of informing others. Reporters Without Borders (RSF - Reporters sans frontieres) is there to investigate their cases, expose the limits on press freedom and support journalists who are being persecuted.
Reporters Without Borders is the largest press freedom organization in the world, with over 120 correspondents across the globe. Founded in 1985, RSF has been working to protect and defend journalists for nearly 30 years.
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Salsa : Helping nonprofits & political campaigns organize & energize people everywhere by providing the online fundraising, supporter management, communications and advocacy solutions you need.
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Citizen Journalism Area on shambles.NET
Citizen Journalism Area on shambles.NET
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Popvox: Tracking Legislation Impacting [USA] Parents
Popvox : Tracking Legislation Impacting [USA] Parents
Read Review
If you're looking for a way to keep up with what's happening on the U.S. legislative front, consider checking out POPVOX.com, a non-partisan platform that enables individuals to communicate with Congress.
On POPVOX, you can "vote" on whether you support or oppose the bill, then see whether your legislators are in alignment with your opinion. You can also easily share this information with your constituency, and tell Congress what you think about these bills.
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6 Must-Have Tools for Non-Profits
6 Must-Have Tools for Non-Profits
These six tools might not save the world on their own, but they can empower and facilitate users to achieve their own goals faster, better and more cheaply than ever before.
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Meetin.gs is an internet service that makes it ridiculously easy to organize meetings – it is fast, integrated, and simple to use.
Our main customers are busy business people, who do two things for a living: they go to meetings and they send emails. Meetin.gs enables them to organize meetings effortlessly with people from different organizations and use email in more effective ways.
If you are one of them, upgrade your Meetin.gs today. The sign-up process is effortless and takes less than 60 seconds – alternatively, just send an empty email to signup@meetin.gs.
The basic service is free for all users. The Meetin.gs PRO is a paid service available for professional use.

Meetin.gs - A ridiculously easy way to organize meetings from Teemu Arina on Vimeo.

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Tactical Tech
Established in 2003, Tactical Tech is an international NGO working at the point where rights advocacy meets information management and technology.
Our mission is to advance the skills, tools and techniques of rights advocates, empowering them to utilise information and communications as a critical asset in helping marginalised communities understand and effect progressive social, environmental and political change.
We are a diverse team of information specialists, technologists, designers, human rights advocates and environmental justice activists, united by a passion for social change and the potential of technology and effective information processes to contribute to it.
We believe the effective use of information and digital technologies can create more effective campaigns. Advocates need the right tools to gather and analyse information and the means
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World Statistics
World Statistics
Browse our list of subjects, use our maps and animations for your own projects, comment on a map, or suggest your own map.
Our data providers are the most authoritative sources in their fields. The data source is credited in the details section to the right of the map.
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Google Transparency Report
Google Transparency Report
Transparency is a core value at Google. As a company we feel it is our responsibility to ensure that we maximize transparency around the flow of information related to our tools and services. We believe that more information means more choice, more freedom and ultimately more power for the individual.
We’ve created an interactive map of Government Requests that shows the number of government inquiries for information about users and requests for Google to take down or censor content. We hope this step toward greater transparency will help in ongoing discussions about the appropriate scope and authority of government requests.
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Community Organizing Toolkit
Community Organizing Toolkit
The Toolkit is a set of resources that supports face-to-face training for residents and community leaders. The computer-based component (the "Organizing Game") is used to introduce concepts, prompt discussion, and allow residents to practice skills in a safe, non-threatening environment. The initial focus of the Toolkit is teaching Doorknocking, an organizing technique that's particularly effective in moving issues within a local community.
Games for Change (G4C) is a non-profit which seeks to harness the extraordinary power of video games to address the most pressing issues of our day, including poverty, education, human rights, global conflict and climate change.
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5 Essential Tools for the Mobile Journalist
5 Essential Tools for the Mobile Journalist
In addition to the standard smartphone equipment, such as a camera and social networking applications, we’ve compiled a list of five additional tools that can help a single journalist rival a fully-functional news team.
With these tools, a mobile journalist can record data, edit clips, and broadcast polished stories as events unfold
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iPetitions ... Online petition
iPetitions ... Online petition
iPetitions takes the power of the internet to transform society and places it in the hands of ordinary people.
With iPetitions, you don't have to be a technical whiz or corporate behemoth to get your voice heard. We give you the tools and community to create your own sophisticated online campaign.
All you have to do is write a petition in support of your cause. We help you gather support from around the world.
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Write a press release
Specializes in press release writing and press release distribution services, distributing your press release online to subscribing journalists.
Unlike other press release services, we post all press releases to PR Newswire and to targeted media in your industry.
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Social Media for Real World Social Change
Social Media for Real World Social Change
The Real World Change 2.0 series with Leslie Poston is an ongoing look at how people are using social media tools and their personal and professional social media networks to bridge the chasm from the Internet and social media bubble to the real world to do a variety of things to effect true change.
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Change ... Aims to transform social activism by serving as the central platform that connects like-minded people, whatever their interests, and enables them to exchange information, share ideas, and collectively act to address the issues they care about.
Change.org is a social network for social activism, incorporating nonprofits, politicians, and people across the globe.
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J-Learning: How-To Site for Community Journalism
J-Learning: Your How-To Site for Community Journalism
The Institute for Interactive Journalism.
J-Learning is your how-to guide for hyper-local community media.
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America's Unions : Action Center
America's Unions : Action Center
Tell Your Senators to Stop Loopholes for Outsourcers
Join a Bring Jobs Home Event Near You
Never Forget Why the Affordable Care Act Is So Important
In Congress
How did your members of Congress vote on issues that are important to you? Enter your ZIP code and find out ....
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Peacefire (USA)
Peacefire.org was created in August 1996 to represent the interests of people under 18 in the debate over freedom of speech on the Internet.
Peacefire is a "people for young people's freedom of speech" organization, not a "young people for freedom of speech" organization. In other words, you can join at any age if you are against censorship for students and people under 18 in general. Peacefire used to be more of a "teens only" group, but we realized that there was no point in excluding what any potential members had to offer, simply based on their age.
In October 1998, we added pages to Peacefire.org about how to disable the different censorware programs.
Advice to get around your blocking software .....
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Singing Bear : Activist Art
Singing Bear : Activist Art
A community for all using the creative arts for social change .. includes a gallery.
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NetAction's Virtual Activist Training Reader
NetAction's Virtual Activist Training Reader
"Using the Internet For Outreach and Organizing"
Download the Virtual Activist Training Reader
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The Virtual Activist 2.0
The Virtual Activist 2.0
A Training Course developed by Audrie Krause, Michael Stein, Judi Clark, Theresa Chen, Jasmine Li, Josh Dimon, Jennifer Kanouse, and Jill Herschman
The Internet is a powerful tool that allows us to expand our networks by identifying and communicating with like-minded people anywhere in the world. It enables us to disseminate information widely, cheaply, and instantaneously.
Although you'll need some special skills to build and maintain a Web site, email is easily mastered even if you have little or no technical expertise. If you can read and write and your computer has a modem, you can be a Virtual Activist!
With its blinking graphics, streaming video, and interactive capabilities, the Web gets a lot more attention than plain old text-based email. But don't let email's simplicity fool you. For activists and nonprofit organizations engaged in advocacy, email is the tool of choice.
In this virtual classroom, NetAction will teach you how to use email and the Web as effective, inexpensive, and efficient tools for organizing, outreach, and advocacy.
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The Voter Guide Toolkit USA
The Voter Guide Toolkit USA has become an integral part of our elections coverage.
The platform is easy to mange, user friendly and provides an end product that meets our needs for both online and print platforms.
The Citizen Guide
The citizen guide is an accountability tool to help citizens keep track of the actions of their elected officials. Our affiliates will also send interactive questions and post articles, to make this a premier local politics tool.
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Say it on the radio
Say it on the radio
If you're part of an activist group, talk radio is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience. The opportunities afforded are unparalleled.
Did you know that there are 2,000 radio hosts in the United States? So, if each one hosts a weekly two-hour program, and has one guest for each hour, then 4,000 guest slots need to be filled weekly. Of course, while some hosts interview guests five days a week, others, such as Rush Limbaugh, prefer not to share their time.
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FRAW and the Free Range Network
FRAW and the Free Range Network
Well, it's not about eggs, and it doesn't usually involve feathers, but the results can often involve a lot of clucking!
The Free Range Activism Web Site (FRAW) has been the on-line arm of the Free Range Network since 1996 (when it originally started up as part of the GreenNet system). In the early days much of the content was scanned government reports.
Today, now that this task is being done by the government themselves, the role of the web site has changed significantly – most of the content is now documentation relating to the work carried out by those associated with the network.
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Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest (CLPI)
Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest (CLPI) (USA)
Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest (CLPI) (USA) promotes, supports and protects 501(c)(3) nonprofit advocacy and lobbying in order to strengthen participation in our democratic society and advance charitable missions.
CLPI works to remove barriers by expanding the advocacy capacity of nonprofit networks and seeking to increase awareness of the important role of nonprofit advocacy.
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The Citizen's Handbook
The Citizen's Handbook
Vancouver Canada
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A Guide for Recognising Political Control
A Guide for Recognising Political Control
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The Citizen's Handbook
The Citizen's Handbook
Guide to community organizing on the web.
We've separated out local information so it will be useful to people living in other places.
Community Organizing | Community Building Activities | Full Text Articles | The Citizen's Library | Short Case Studies |
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Activists Handbook
Activists Handbook
The articles in this handbook are republished from Activism 101 and the Freedom Writer. They tend to be amero-centric, and some of them talk specifically about countering the religious right in the US but even with these biases they are a pretty good practical introduction to being politically active.
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Using the Internet for Activism
Using the Internet for Activism: listservs and web pages
As for getting the word out in general, here are a few guidelines on how to use the net effectively...
Websites are not good for announcements of things because people don't keep going back to check the same website often. Email lists are good for announcements because a message sent to an email list will reach its subscribers pretty quickly. Email postings should be somewhat short and should point people to the website for more details.
Websites ARE good for putting long, in-depth stuff online that's not appropriate to bog down people's email with. They are also good for attracting new people to the issue (since they can search the web and find the site).
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Spitfire Strategies
Spitfire Strategies provides communications solutions to promote positive social change.
Our passion is to help those bringing positive change find an effective voice to communicate their vision.
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Campus Activism Network
Campus Activism Network
This interactive website has tools for progressive student and youth activists.
We built it, but you must provide the site's content. You can use it to start a campaign, share activism resources, publicize events, and build networks.
Or you can join an existing campaign, get resources, learn about upcoming activist events, and let people find you.
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Community Tool Box
Community Tool Box
Our goal is to support your work in promoting community health and development.
The Tool Box provides over 6,000 pages of practical skill-building information on over 250 different topics.
Topic sections include step-by-step instruction, examples, check-lists, and related resources.
Learn a Skill | Plan the Work | Solve a Problem | Explore Best Processes and Practices | Connect with Others |
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Activism Training Materials & Resources
Activism Training Materials & Resources
General Activism Resource Sites | Student / Campus Activism | Strategy Development | Holding the Government Accountable | Organizational Matters | Freedom of Speech | Professional Organizing Training Resources | Media, Communications and Lobbying | Research Tools | Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)(USA) |
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