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New Citizenship Levels (June 2010) UK
New Citizenship Levels (June 2010) UK
Assessing progress and recognising achievementat the end of KS3, Citizenship - what's it all about?

Rubrics for Social Studies
Rubrics for Social Studies

Citizenship at key stages 1-4: Guidance on assessment
Citizenship at key stages 1-4: Guidance on assessment, recording and reporting
This guidance is designed to help schools work with pupils to develop appropriate and manageable ways of assessing progress and achievement in citizenship, however the schools have planned their provision.
This guidance is not intended to be prescriptive, but to reflect the flexible nature of the non-statutory framework for PSHE and citizenship at key stages 1 and 2 and the programmes of study for citizenship at key stages 3 and 4. It builds on the guidance in the citizenship schemes of work.
