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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  Finance/Bus.Ed.& ICT

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Two Online Finance Managers Compared
Mint vs. Rudder: Two Online Finance Managers Compared
"If you’ve been looking for a simple way to track your spending, make a budget, or follow your investments – without splashing out any dough – then online finance managers might be just up your alley.
Let’s take a look at Mint and Rudder, two very similar money management sites that give you the tools to manage your hard-earned cash. "
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Winkbill.com - Simple yet Powerful Invoicing Application
Winkbill is a web based invoicing service designed to provide effort-less and hassle-free billing solution.
The application can be used for any product or service. You can easily create, send, and track all your invoices online.
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200+ Tools for Surviving the Economic Crisis
200+ Tools for Surviving the Economic Crisis
With Wall Street’s recent decline and the economy in such an uncertain place, many people are fearful of losing their jobs and lifelong investments. There are countless simple online services and tools dedicated to helping you take control of these elements.
We’ve put together a list of over 200 to help you do everything from manage your personal and professional finances to find a job in your given field, get discounts at local and online stores, and much more.
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StockTwits or How to Recognize a Real Need
StockTwits or How to Recognize a Real Need
StockTwits is an application built on top of Twitter. It focuses on stock trading, letting users discuss their latest stock trades in an interface similar to that of Twitter, but with some additional features like graphs and the ability to filter messages by stock.
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25+ Tools For Accounting and Budgeting
25+ Tools For Accounting and Budgeting
There are a growing number of online services dedicated to helping users manage their finances. There are many benefits to using these accounting applications, they can simplify the process as well as help you find ways to save money. Here are 25+ tools for accounting and budgeting both personal and business finances.
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Google Finance Blog
Google Finance Blog
We're excited to welcome you to the official Google Finance blog. This is how we want to communicate with the community of people who need financial information at their fingertips. We'll write about new features, share observations about new tools in the financial industry and get your feedback about new releases.
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NetworthIQ - A social personal finance tool.
NetworthIQ - A social personal finance tool.
Take an inventory of your assets and debts to determine your net worth, then track it month-to-month using your free account.
Create an optional public profile so that others can see how you're doing and link to it from your website or blog!
See how your net worth compares to others in your age range, income level, occupation, education level, state or tag.
NetworthIQ is a social personal finance manager designed to make monitoring your net worth easy and, dare we say it, maybe even fun. Heck, it? even FREE!
web 2.0
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Recap is a web-based application that helps you manage clients and employees, keep track of projects and requests, organize and send invoices... and that's about it! web 2.0
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iOWEYOU is an innovative expenses sharing system, originally designed for use in a shared student house.
Expenses logging : Log anything you share, from bills to beer. When you pay someone back, log that too.
Instant reports : Whenever you need it, you can call up exactly how much you owe, or how much you're owed.
Access anywhere : Log in from any computer, where ever you are. No need to use the same computer with all your housemates. It works in any currency too!
Completely free! : iOWEYOU is totally free for groups of up to five people.
web 2.0
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StockDigg is a financial website that provides investors access to major financial news as well as user-submitted stories (e.g. stock picks and analysis) and individual stock rankings by investors.
With StockDigg, users rank stocks and submit stories, which are reviewed (i.e. ranked and tagged) by other investors. Only the most timely, relevant, and valuable stories go to the front page.
Everytime you tagg, submit, or comment on a story, it is bookmarked and saved in your personal profile for easy future access.
StockDigg is NOT associated with Digg.com, although there is similarity between the two in terms of giving users the power to submit, browse, and vote stories.
web 2.0
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Blinksale is perfect for anyone who needs to invoice customers and clients for services or products sold.
Blinksale is an excellent choice for attorneys, accountants, IT professionals, software developers, journalists, contractors, engineers, architects, videographers, and more. Basically, if you need to send invoices, Blinksale can work for you.
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