The Museum of School Art (Student Artwork)
The Museum of School Art, Tokyo; aims to promote children's culture in the world and to deepen interchange of people through school arts.

My Place Asia Australia
My Place Asia Australia
My Place Asia Australia website is for teachers and students across the middle years of schooling. The site has been designed to incorporate key curriculum guidelines outlined in the Studies of Asia Statement for Australian Schools and provide ideas for teachers in the Visual Arts and Society and Environment learning areas.
The Art Gallery displays over 100 artworks and stories about special places in the lives of young people from schools across Australia, China, Korea and India.

Website (Social Network) for devoted artists who upload their work for the world to comment and see.

Art Exhibition Centre in Second Life
Mindscape Project - Art Exhibition Centre in Second Life
From January to May '08 ten college students from Trento (Italy) imagined and created an art exhibition centre (inspired by a Depero's painting) in the virtual world of Second Life.
This video shows the tour of the finished work, guided by the students.

Global Childrens Art Gallery : Online
Global Childrens Art Gallery : Online
Submit your own artwork for display.

Art & Design at KS3, KS4, GCSE & AS/A2 level by Julia Stubbs
Artwork by students at KS3 to KS4 (age 11-14), GCSE (15), AS (16) and A2 level (17). There is also some primary school work.
