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Saturday 29 March 2025

Google Drawings
Google Drawings
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Shapegrams - Picture Puzzles (from Google)
Shapegrams - Picture Puzzles (from Google)
Shapegrams are pictures that are designed to be recreated using shapes, lines, and colors. Replicating the pictures helps develop and practice visual observation, spacial awareness, logical reasoning, and critical thinking.
Shapegrams are packaged inside Google Drawings documents. Google Drawings is free and the same drawing tools can be found in Google Slides. It’s easy for teachers to modify a Google Drawings document to meet their needs, and it’s simple for students to get their own copies.
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Canva : online design platform
Canva : online design platform
Right from the start, our vision at Canva has been to allow everyone to take their idea and turn it into a beautiful design.
The Canva journey began back in 2007, while Melanie Perkins was studying at the University of Western Australia. Melanie was teaching students how to use programs like InDesign and Photoshop — programs that people found hard to learn, and harder to use.
After tossing around the idea for Fusion Books with co-founder Cliff Obrecht, the pair decided to take out a loan and bring in a great tech team to build their online tool for creating school yearbooks. They didn’t really know what they were in for but thankfully they learned a lot in those early days; how to sell, how to recruit great people, and how to build a business.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Diagramly - Draw Diagrams Online
Diagramly - Draw Diagrams Online
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Myoats is a community where people create designs using an online drawing application. These designs can be rated, downloaded, and archived.
The Most Liked designs are rewarded by being featured on the home page.
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Drawing Online Utility (in Browser)
Drawing is a way of expressing ourselves and is always fun.
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Open art project
Drawsum does for art what wikipedia does for encyclopedias
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Draw on the Net
Draw on the Net
The easiest way to draw together with your friends on-line
Draw on top of any internet image or website
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Sumo Paint
Sumo Paint
Image editor and painting tools
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Shamblesguru 'Drawing' Video Picks on YouTube
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Slimber.com is an online drawing application. It allows users to draw online, replay and save their drawings.
Users can rate, comment and share drawings. The Most Rated drawings are rewarded by being featured on the home page.
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Drawing lessons
Drawing lessons (free online)
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Free drawing lessons
Free drawing lesson demo videos for everybody around the world to understand and learn a simple methods to draw and sketch using imaginary box.
I published this blog is just to share my knowledge on this technique.
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Bomomo ... just brilliant fun for students of all ages ... but in particular the younger ones.
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Art Studio Chalkboard
Art Studio Chalkboard
These pages are a resource for artists and art students that focus on the technical fundamentals of perspective, shading, color and painting.
They were compiled and designed by Ralph Larmann, art faculty member in the University of Evansville Art Department, and are intended for educational use only.
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Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw, or Xara X using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format.
Supported SVG features include shapes, paths, text, markers, clones, alpha blending, transforms, gradients, patterns, and grouping. Inkscape also supports Creative Commons meta-data, node editing, layers, complex path operations, bitmap tracing, text-on-path, flowed text, direct XML editing, and more. It imports formats such as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and others and exports PNG as well as multiple vector-based formats.
Inkscape's main goal is to create a powerful and convenient drawing tool fully compliant with XML, SVG, and CSS standards. We also aim to maintain a thriving user and developer community by using open, community-oriented development.
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The Art Machine
The Art Machine
Interactive art that you can make online ... brilliant fun
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Welcome to Mikons.com, a new form of self-expression that connects people through visual symbols (personal tags). Our mission is to give you a fun and easy way to create these symbols that tell your story, let you decide how you want to share them, and use them to connect with people anywhere in the world.
Use the Mikon Machine™, our cool vector drawing tool, to create the symbols that tell your story. You can design from scratch or remix other graphics to build your personal set of Mikons.
web 2.0
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Gliffy is easy, free, and fun!
Draw and Share diagrams on the web
web 2.0
Gliffy is a suite of online applications designed to replace expensive and difficult to maintain desktop software.
Since Gliffy applications work in any web browser, sharing your work is made simple.
Flow Charts | Workflow documents | Class Diagrams | Network Diagrams | Database schemas | Website layouts/wireframes | Floor plans | Seating charts... and more!
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Create Comic Strips Online
Create Comic Strips Online
There are a number of options to enable you to create comic strips online listed in the "Cartoons" section of Shambles.
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SwarmSketch: Collective sketching
SwarmSketch: Collective sketching of the collective consciousness
SwarmSketch is an ongoing online canvas that explores the possibilities of distributed design by the masses. Each week it randomly chooses a popular search term which becomes the sketch subject for the week. In this way, the collective is sketching what the collective thought was important each week.
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Drawing area/links in the Design & Tech Area on Shambles
There is another 'drawing' area on Shambles in the Design and Technology area ... try it.
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Figure Drawing LAB.
Figure Drawing LAB.
This site is devoted to better understanding of the elements that make up the human figure and how to better portray them. It is intended as a resource for artists and art students who work with the human form. This site focuses on accepted conventions of figure drawing that have been used to model the figure since antiquity.
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Shamblesguru 'Drawing' Video Collection
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The Education Project Asia
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The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

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