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Friday 14 March 2025
  Science Toys

Bigshot : A Camera for Education
Bigshot : A Camera for Education
NOT a TOY but couldn't resist mentioning it here.
The enormous appeal of the camera can be used to turn it into a compelling tool for learning.
We believe that a camera designed for education must have three features.
First, it should be designed as a kit for assembly – putting the kit together should expose the user to a wide range of science concepts.
Second, it should include features that cannot be found in other cameras, allowing the user to explore new creative dimensions.
Finally, it should be low-cost, making it accessible to the less privileged.
Bigshot has been designed with these goals in mind. There is another important feature that sets Bigshot apart from virtually all educational kits – once you have built it, it is a fully functioning digital camera that you can use everyday!

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Gajitz : science gadgets
Gajitz : science, gadgets, technology, resources
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Toys and Science
Toys and Science
The present work is a simplified version of the itinerant exposition Toys and Science. This exposition was ideated a few years ago (the first edition dates back to 1992, and was held in Trento) by Professor Vittorio Zanetti, for the Physics Department of the Università degli Studi di Trento.
Since then, its success has been constantly growing, with so many demands from all over Italy that the current number of editions is near fifty.
The exposition is composed of amusing objects, mostly toys (property of the Physics Department), which are lent together with explaining files.
More than seventy different expositive units may be observed, each showing paradoxical and interesting aspects of physics. The units are arranged following the standard taxonomy for this science: mechanics, optics, astronomy, electro-magnetism, thermodynamics, chemistry, light, sound and so on.
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Copernicus Toys
Copernicus Toys
Affordable wholesale and retail science toys, activity kits, science-themed party favors, and fun, obscure, great toys.
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Educational Toys and Science Kits
Educational Toys and Science Kits
If you're looking for cool educational toys, science kits, teacher workshop materials, science toys, easy science fair projects or just an awesome gift, you've come to the right place. Steve Spangler Science offers hundreds of educational toys and science experiments that make learning fun!
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Science Snacks
These pages are full of Snacks...but they're not the kind you eat. They're the kind you can learn from and have fun with. Exploratorium Science Snacks are miniature versions of some of the most popular exhibits at the Exploratorium.
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Science Explorer
Science Explorer ... not really commercial toys ... but your own activities that can be done at home with everyday objects.
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Toy Challenge (USA)
Toy Challenge : Toys are a great way to learn about science, engineering, and the design process.
A national toy design challenge for 5th-8th graders | A chance for teams of imaginative kids to create a new toy or game |
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