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Sunday 16 March 2025
  Science on Mobile

Science Island - Educational Virtual World iOS App
Science Island - Educational Virtual World iOS App
Explore an imaginary volcanic island in the tropics and discover its scientific secrets.
Content created by a licensed experienced science teacher using the Unity 3d game engine.
This app runs best on an ipad. It will run on the ipod touch 5 and iphone 5.
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40 Most Awesome iPad Apps for Science Students
40 Most Awesome iPad Apps for Science Students
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Science in the iPad classroom
Science in the iPad classroom
In a blog post on Science topics Lisa Johnson from Techchef4U covers a lesson idea for Climate Change and also lists some great lesson ideas from Lisa Carnazzo on a range of topics including: The Water Cycle, Seasons, Weather etc.
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Elemental : Chemistry App (free)
Elemental : Chemistry App (free)
Elemental is the Dotmatics chemistry sketch utility provided at no charge within many Dotmatics products.
We are happy to provide this as a FREE app on the iTunes store.
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20 iPad Apps for Science Teachers
ISTA Conference - 20 iPad Apps for Science Teachers
Irish Science Teachers Association (ISTA) Conference
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Angry Birds | Video Analysis | Tracking Tool |
Angry Birds | Video Analysis | Tracking Tool |
Just read this post on using angry birds in the lab to answer these questions (I’m currently teaching momentum with my HL Physics class this week) ...
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8 Fantastic Physics Puzzlers for iPhone
8 Fantastic Physics Puzzlers for iPhone
Games that challenge players with the laws of physics are all the rage on mobile platforms. Physics puzzlers combine two elements: gameplay mechanics and level design, both immensely satisfying on a basic level.
These games are hardly the be-all-end-all of the physics puzzler genre, however. Here are eight more excellent choices that force players to solve various physics challenges – amidst plenty of flying objects, of course.
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40 Best Science iPad Apps for Students
Back to School: 40 Best Science iPad Apps for Students
Thanks to a group of students from Best College online, Fun Educational apps is happy to share their findings on some of “40 Most Awesome iPad Apps for Science Students."
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iPod Touch in Science and Math
Tips and Resources for Using the iPod Touch in Science and Math
There are many electronic tools for teaching and learning math and science in schools; however, the iPod Touch offers the opportunity for “Learning-in-Hand.”
These management and technical issues include how to name the iPods, recharging , syncing, accessories, play-lists, transferring apps, iTunes account, and many more.
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Why Use an iPod Touch in Science Classrooms?
Why Use an iPod Touch in Science and Math Classrooms?
One advantage of these digital devices is portability. This advantage supports the basic tenant of mobile learning. Students explore, investigate, problem solve, and complete assignments from anywhere within or outside the classroom.
A second advantage for using an iPod Touch in science or math classrooms is the motivation students experience when using these devices to learn. This is primarily due to the personalized nature of the device through independent learning, self-expression, and creativity.
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