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Thursday 13 March 2025
  Science Blogs

We Love Science! blog
Designed for primary (KS1/2, K-6) teachers, with topical information, for starting class discussions or as a resource to be used within science lessons. Non-commercial.
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Open Source Physics Simulations
Open Source Physics Simulations
A Singapore physics teacher's blog to reach out globally by using Easy Java Simulation (Ejs) applets and other technology innovations in education and learning. What is shared in this blog is created in my free time and each resource is usually created by other Physics educators & professors.
I usually refine and customise them to benefit the world under creative commons attribution.
Join the Ejs community and be a citizen of the world!
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Educational Technology Guy
Educational Technology Guy
I am a Physics teacher and educational technology specialist in Southwestern, CT. I also teach professional development sessions and present at conferences. I am also a Paramedic and EMS-Instructor. Before teaching, I was an Aerospace Engineer for 10 years.
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Public Library of Science Blogs
Public Library of Science Blogs
PLoS Blogs is a mixture of independent science and medicine bloggers (who could be either journalists passionate about science, or scientists passionate about writing), and the PLoS’s own editorial staff.
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Hottest science blogs
Wanted: The hottest science blogs on the world wide web
The Guardian science desk is hunting down the sharpest, funniest, most fascinating science blogs on the internet.
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Neutrino Hunting in Antarctica
A discussion of searches for extra-terrestrial neutrinos using experiments in Antarctica, with an emphasis on ARIANNA.
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Ms. Frizzle (Blog)
Ms. Frizzle (Blog)
The adventures of a science teacher in a small public middle school in the Bronx.
Apologies to Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen, creators of the Magic School Bus series and the original Ms. Frizzle.
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Simply Science (Blog)
Simply Science (Blog)
Simply Science is all about teaching science in the primary or elementary school.
This blog is a companion to my Simply Science website which contains most of the teaching content.
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Chaz's School Daze (Blog)
Chaz's School Daze (Blog) ... I am a science teacher in a large and traditional Queens high school.
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The Power of the Blog
Few scientists have caught on to the Internet's power of posting, commenting, and debating – where are the rest?
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Science Blogs
Science Blogs
ScienceBlogs is very much an experiment in science communication, and being first also means being first to encounter unforeseen obstacles. We are learning as we go (and as goes the blogosphere) and appreciate your understanding and patience.
Our mission is to build a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about science and its place in our culture, and give them a place to meet.
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