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Rubrics for Teachers : Science
Rubrics for Teachers : Science

Automatically Graded Randomized Chemistry Problems
Automatically Graded Randomized Chemistry Problems
We've recently been developing a number of automatically graded randomized problems. They include random variables for each problem, and support feedback for common student errors (for example, an automatic prompt when answers are off by orders of magnitude, suggesting that students check to see if they've converted mL to L for calculations).
Unknown Acid Problem | Limiting Reagents Problem | Determining Stoichiometric Coefficients |

Targets in Scientific Enquiry
Targets in Scientific Enquiry

USA Science Educational Standards
USA Science Educational Standards | National Science Education Standards | Developing Education Standards - View by State or subject | Education World State Standards - View by State and subject |

PALS: Performance Assessment Links in Science
PALS: Performance Assessment Links in Science
PALS is an on-line, standards-based, continually updated resource bank of science performance assessment tasks indexed via the National Science Education Standards (NSES) and various other standards frameworks. Take the guided tour to become familiar with PALS.
The tasks, collected from numerous sources, include student directions and response forms, administration procedures, scoring rubrics, examples of student work, and technical quality data calculated from field testing. On-line rater training packets have also been created for some tasks.

Testbase (UK)
Testbase 2002 - all the key stage 1, 2 and 3 national test questions, mark schemes and reports indexed and ready to use on two CDs.
The primary CD contains key stages 1 and 2 English, mathematics and science.
The secondary CD contains English, mathematics and science at key stages 2 and 3.
