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How Do We Get More Students Interested in Science
How Do We Get More Students Interested in Math, Science & Tech Careers?
Why do students choose to pursue math or science? The answer appears to vary by gender. Forty-nine percent of female STEM students say it was to make a difference, and 61% of male students said that games or toys in their childhoods sparked their interest. For 68% of the female respondents, a teacher or class got them interested in science, math, engineering or technology.
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Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
The objective of this guide is to provide teachers with specific recommendations that can be carried out in the classroom without requiring systemic change. Other school personnel having direct contact with students, such as coaches, counselors, and principals, will also find the guide useful.
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The Crisis in Science Education
The Crisis in Science Education
In the early 1980's a number of reports on the status of science and mathematics education were published, making evident declining science and mathematics achievement, dropping enrollment, and a shortage of qualified teachers.
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Science Standards USA
Science Standards USA
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McREL Subject Standards and Benchmarks (USA)
McREL Subject Standards and Benchmarks (USA) - Science
At McREL, we believe that meeting the needs of America's educators and their students is paramount.
McREL is a nationally recognized, private, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving education for all through applied research, product development, and service.
Our National Dialogue for Standards-based Education is an example of how McREL brings together educators, parents, students, and community members in unique ways to share success stories, research, and beliefs about education policy and practice.
standards | curriculum | targets | assessment | quality | subject | benchmarks |
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USA Individual States Standards for Science
USA Individual States Standards for Science
State educational standards coupled to lesson plans and resources
standards | curriculum | targets | assessment | quality |
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