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Friday 14 March 2025
  Solar System (7L)

The Distance to Mars
The Distance to Mars ... graphically .. interactive
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The Scale of the Universe
The Scale of the Universe
Interactive recommended
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Eyes On the Solar System
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Solar System Builder
Solar System Builder
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3D Solar System Simulator
3D Solar System Simulator
Immersive Learning Simulation Software. Students are able to explore our solar system in real-time 3D. Examining the sun, planets, asteroids, Kuiper belt, and Oort cloud.
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Solar System Prezi-tations
Solar System Prezi-tations
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'The Universe: An Introduction' Lesson Plan
"The Universe: An Introduction" Lesson Plan
Plus some interactive exercised related to scale.
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Comparison of Heavenly Bodies (Youtube Playlist)
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The Earth as a Peppercorn
The Earth as a Peppercorn
This is a classic exercise for visualizing just how BIG our Solar System really is.
Both the relative size and spacing of the planets are demonstrated in this outdoor exercise, using a mere peppercorn to represent the size of the Earth.
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Visuals for studying the Solar System
Visuals for studying the Solar System : Comparative planetary and stellar sizes
planet size
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Science Crossword Puzzles
Science Crossword Puzzles
1 - Atoms and Matter | 2 - Matter Changing States | 3 - Energy Sources | 4 - Energy and Heat Transfer | 5 - The Solar System | 6 - Constellations | 7 - Life Science | 8 - Cell Structures | 9 - The Body | 10 - Simple Machines | 11 - Scientific Instruments | 12 - The Metric System |
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Solar System Online Simulator at NASA
Solar System Online Simulator at NASA
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Astronomy Area on Shambles
Astronomy Area on Shambles
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SPACE Area on Shambles
SPACE Area on Shambles
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Come To My Planet : webquest
Come To My Planet
It is the year 2098. You are a member of a fact finding team with the Intergalactical Travel Agency. This agency is interested in providing information and presentations about various vacation packages to the planets in our solar system.
Your fact finding team is responsible for developing a presentation and brochure to promote your planet as the "Number One Travel Destination In The Universe".
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KS3 Science Database : 7L The solar system and beyond
KS3 Science Database : 7L The solar system and beyond
Resources at the North Chadderton School website
Includes a teachers guide
7I Energy resources | 7J Electrical circuits | 7K Forces and their effects | 7L The solar system and beyond | 8I Heating and cooling | 8J Magnets and electromagnets | 8K Light | 8L Sound and hearing | 9I Energy and electricity | 9J Gravity and space | 9K Speeding up | 9L Pressure and moments |
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