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  Energy Resources (7I)

The Future of Nano-Electric Power Generation
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Our Energy
Compact description of various renewable and non-renewable energy sources and its influence on ecology.
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Science Crossword Puzzles
Science Crossword Puzzles
1 - Atoms and Matter | 2 - Matter Changing States | 3 - Energy Sources | 4 - Energy and Heat Transfer | 5 - The Solar System | 6 - Constellations | 7 - Life Science | 8 - Cell Structures | 9 - The Body | 10 - Simple Machines | 11 - Scientific Instruments | 12 - The Metric System |
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Energy Around Us
Energy Around Us
We're here to talk about the energy that interacts with the Earth. An old song says, "Love makes the world go 'round." They were wrong. Energy makes it all happen. Most of the Earth's energy comes from the Sun. The rest of it comes from deep inside the Earth. There's a huge ball of molten iron (Fe) in the center of the planet and it's very hot. The Sun is still much hotter than anything inside our planet is.
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Renewable Energy Sources Lesson Plan
Renewable Energy Sources Lesson Plan
Students will investigate a variety of renewable energy resources, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each.
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Main Energy Area on the Shambles website
Main Energy Area on the Shambles website
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KS3 Science Database : 7I Energy resources
KS3 Science Database : 7I Energy resources
Resources at the North Chadderton School website
Includes a teachers guide
7I Energy resources | 7J Electrical circuits | 7K Forces and their effects | 7L The solar system and beyond | 8I Heating and cooling | 8J Magnets and electromagnets | 8K Light | 8L Sound and hearing | 9I Energy and electricity | 9J Gravity and space | 9K Speeding up | 9L Pressure and moments |
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