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Thursday 13 March 2025
  CPD for Science Teachers

Amgen Teach
Amgen Teach is the online portal for teachers and students who strive to improve science education in Europe
The repository contains helpful materials for teachers to use in their lessons and vary in topic - from biotechnology to chemistry and physics, the resources have been showcased in previous Amgen Teach trainings around Europe in the ten different countries of our training providers partnering with the programme and are uploaded by them. They are free to use for all registered users.
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I 'Flipping' Love Science on Flipboard
View my Flipboard Magazine.
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Twitter #hashtag chat: #ChemChat Chemistry Teachers
Meetings scheduled : Wednesdays 8:30 PM EDT
Please double check times yourself on their webpage if possible.
It is advisable to also check your local time conversion (if needed) at the World Clock
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Twitter #hashtag chat: #ASEChat UK Science Teachers
Meetings scheduled : Every Monday at 20:00 UK [UK Time]
Please double check times yourself on their webpage if possible.
It is advisable to also check your local time conversion (if needed) at the World Clock
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Twitter #hashtag chat: #OzSciChat Australia Science Teachers
Meetings scheduled : Every Thursday at 20:30 AEST [Australia Time]
Please double check times yourself on their webpage if possible.
It is advisable to also check your local time conversion (if needed) at the World Clock
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Twitter #hashtag chat: #SciChat Science Educators
Meetings scheduled : Every Friday @ 2pm ET
#SciChat is a one hour Twitter chat plus webinar.
Please double check times yourself on their webpage if possible.
It is advisable to also check your local time conversion (if needed) at the World Clock
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Vital Portal : Science
Vital Portal : Science
Vital is delivered by The (UK) Open University and part-funded by the Department for Education.
It aims to support practitioners in sharing their expertise and thus enhance the quality of teaching and learning.
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UK National Science & Engineering Week March 2013
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The Geek Manifesto: Why science matters
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Science on Google+: A Public Database
Science on Google+: A Public Database ... including cpd activities and networks.
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Michael Nielsen - Open Science
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Khan Academy and the Effectiveness of Science Videos
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Science Teachers in Google+ Circles
Science Teachers in Google+ Circles
An excellent case study to show how you could set up a spreadsheet online to collect names of people with a specific interest (in this case science teachers) and then let people download the spreadsheet as a CSV file and import into your Google+ circles.
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DEN SCIcon 2011 (Science)
DEN SCIcon is an online (Science) conference (with a twist) focused on providing participants with some of the most effective strategies for transforming their science classes through the meaningful and effective integration of digital media content.
Webinar archives at http://bit.ly/hBNjNI
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Video Lectures (Science)
Video Lectures ... over 5,000 Science lectures videoed
The main purpose of the project Videolectures.Net is to provide free and open access of a high quality video lectures presented by distinguished scholars and scientists at the most important and prominent events like conferences, summer schools, workshops and science promotional events from many fields of Science.
The portal is aimed at promoting science, exchanging ideas and fostering knowledge sharing by providing high quality didactic contents not only to a scientific community but also to a general public.
All lectures, accompanying documents, information and links are systematically selected and classified through the editorial process taking into account also users' comments.
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Academic Earth: video lectures
Academic Earth, 1,000s of video lectures from the world's top scholars.
We are building a user-friendly educational ecosystem that will give internet users around the world the ability to easily find, interact with, and learn from full video courses and lectures from the world’s leading scholars.
Our goal is to bring the best content together in one place and create an environment in which that content is remarkably easy to use and in which user contributions make existing content increasingly valuable.
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The (UK) Open Universitys OpenLearn
The (UK) Open University's OpenLearn Welcome to The Open University's OpenLearn website - free and open educational resources for learners and educators around the world.
You are in the LearningSpace where Open University learning materials are freely available for you to study in your own time, away from any formal teaching environment.
Visit the LabSpace to share and reuse educational resources. Download some learning materials, adapt to your needs: translate, shorten, extend, add examples... and then of course, place it back for others to benefit!
| Arts and History | Business and Management | Education | Health and Lifestyle | IT and Computing | Mathematics and Statistics | Modern Languages | Science and Nature | Society | Study Skills | Technology |
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NSTA :CPD for Science Teachers
NSTA :CPD for Science Teachers
NSTA is your professional development gateway providing science educators with a selection of online and face-to-face learning opportunities year round. Highly regarded provider affiliates conduct the professional development
NSTA : National Science Teachers Association
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Science and Global Education Trends [ScoopIT Curation]
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YouTube : Science Channel
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CPD for Science Teachers
This pages lists some of the Continuing Professional Development Opportunities for Science Teachers.
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The Education Project Asia
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