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Friday 14 March 2025
  Scientific Enquiry

The 2014 EDGE Question : Edge Is a Conversation
The 2014 EDGE Question ... Edge Is a Conversation
The 2014 Question is :
Edge is different from the Algonquin Roundtable or Bloomsbury Group, but it offers the same quality of intellectual adventure. Closer resemblances are the early seventeenth-century Invisible College, a precursor to the Royal Society.
Its members consisted of scientists such as Robert Boyle, John Wallis, and Robert Hooke. The Society's common theme was to acquire knowledge through experimental investigation. Another inspiration is The Lunar Society of Birmingham, an informal club of the leading cultural figures of the new industrial age — James Watt, Erasmus Darwin, Josiah Wedgwood, Joseph Priestley, and Benjamin Franklin.
The online salon at Edge.org is a living document of millions of words charting the Edge conversation over the past fifteen years wherever it has gone.
It is available, gratis, to the general public.
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Practice Investigation with Virtual Labs
Practice Investigation with Virtual Labs
This section provides a practice opportunity using two virtual labs. Virtual labs are relatively efficient, contained environments. They are designed to give students practice with designing and conducting virtual investigations in preparation for designing and conducting their own hands-on investigations. If you are using these in a classroom, virtual labs take between 2 and 4 class sessions to complete.
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CAST Science Writer, the tool that supports students in writing lab and class reports.
This tool is geared toward middle school and high school students.
All parts of a science or lab report are broken into small steps so the author can concentrate on one part of the report at a time.
Science Writer helps you through the process of draft, revise, and edit when writing a science report.
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Science Mysteries (online)
Mysteries are a natural way to combine logical thinking and problem-solving with engaging stories, suspense, excitement and fun.
Mysteries written with a focus on science content and methods are an ideal way to immerse students in the learning process.
he stories are unique in the way they integrate science into the suspenseful storyline, use characters to break up exposition, and employ a second-person narrative to bring the school-age reader directly into the action.
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Science Lab Generator
Science Lab Generator
Scientific inquiry promotes problem solving and encourages higher levels of thinking. The following generator will help provide a template for setting up an inquiry based lesson.
Fill in the sections below with required information for each step. Be specific and clear. You may want to use a bulleted format in some sections or use a format that will be easy for students to read and comprehend what is expected. Be sure to save your work in a file that you create.
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Science Investigation Sheets
Science Investigation Sheets | Scientific Investigation | Writing Up Experiments | Targets in Scientific Enquiry | Scientific Enquiry (Shopping Bags) | AT1Investigation Sheet |
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